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Reviews for The Babysitter

By : redqueeninwonderland
  • From ANON - Anon on September 16, 2005
    haha that was good. am i loyal reader.. wonder... but yeah i like foreplay its cute make it last... no sex right away make him want it as much as her or visvera.
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  • From ANON - Druscilla Ryan on September 16, 2005
    Oh my God. I had no idea YOU were the author. Bonus points. Okay, I liked this chapter. I love Kurt. Like that little voice of reason that says everything you don't want to hear and everything you're thinking. Oh, lovely. And I love Billie's character. He's such a dirty boy/man. Wow. So glad for the update and I hope you do again soon. This is just a lovely piece and I love reading it.

    P.S. The 'wtf' thing was great. At first I thought you were going crazy on me and typing your story in net slang, but that was great.
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  • From ANON - G3ekStinkBreath on September 16, 2005
    Another supurb chapter. I really look forward to reading the updates, perhaps the highlight of my day.
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  • From druscillaryan on September 15, 2005
    I love the dialogue...I just had to say that...These lines are my favorite.

    This is so wrong!

    Dude, this is so cool!

    Typical male, huh? Love love love love it!!!
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  • From ANON - cRiSpY cReAm on September 14, 2005
    o0o that to me was dun dun duuun he told her to lock it! good idea! cant wait for another update...later
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  • From ANON - G3ekStinkBreath on September 14, 2005
    You're killing me with everyday that this isn't updated! Marvelous. I want more, but do take all the time you need.
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  • From ANON - gfh on September 14, 2005
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  • From ANON - ThisIsGreenDay on September 14, 2005
    OMFG. Sooooo awesome. I'm in love with this story. I want to marry it and have its babies. O_O
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  • From sarahjane on September 13, 2005

    I can't add anything to what's already been written. They're all absolutely right. It's a fantastic piece of writing.
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  • From ANON - Sarah on September 13, 2005
    God this is so good. I've been following it for awhile. Sorry I'm just now getting to the review box. It's very involved and more than just shameless smut (which I DO love) but this is just...fantastic. You write human emotion and how we react to it very well. Keep up the good work! I'll keep reading. :D
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 11, 2005
    do it do it... and i bet you wont post for along time now. hmm will he or wont he? wont he.
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  • From ANON - G3ekStinkBreath on September 10, 2005
    Honest to God, you're killing me here. I have to actually wait for another chapter? Can't I just snap my fingers, and POOF, it'll be here? Damn, I guess not. But putting all of that aside, this is the best piece of Green Day fanfiction I've read. Everything is very clear to picture and it all runs smoothly, and more importantly it's not at all cheesy (like most of the other stuff I've read here). Great job! You're doing fucking awesome and I can't bear another day without the next chapter. :D (So please post it A.S.A.P)
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  • From ANON - ThisIsGreenDay on September 10, 2005
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 10, 2005
    haha so she is in love maybe? no.. just kidding. post soon! screw your other work.
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  • From ANON - Deefor on September 09, 2005
    I love the way you're developing this story. More, please!
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