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Reviews for Candle Waxxx

By : Yhu
  • From MorgainMcMillan on March 20, 2008

    God what a great Story, I had realy pictured the Scenes as I did read this two Chapters. I would love to be in the Place of those two Slaves and cant wait for the Shawn Michaels Chapter.
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  • From ANON - chibikitten on October 15, 2005
    O_O!!! My god. Art, a wonderful peace of art. and hot too. Loved it from top to bottom, I had never even pictured Bret as the one on bottom(lack of imagination), an even less with the Undertaker..... but I am dying to know what the Undertaker wants to do with Hunter(other than the obvious), please don't leave it like that, update the Hunter-Taker things..... pretty please???
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  • From Siarra on October 05, 2005
    Wow. That was downright deliciously written kink. Once again you prove yourself as a very talented and versatile writer. The beginning of the fic was awesome and carried out the feel of a very good horror movie. The other stuff on the other hand was incredibly well written, a task much more difficult than it looks. The ambience was beautifully built and your characters were excellent,especially Taker who is so little featured in fics it's almost sad. He played the part of the dark yet passionate master perfectly... This is a wonderfully captivating story.
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