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Reviews for Something Unexpected

By : DomesticFootcha
  • From ANON - Cassie on August 09, 2005
    Loved your story I hope you write lots more! Your writting is awesome and your sex scenes are steamy! You've got great story plot. I'm keeping an eye out for more of your stories. I did have a question though were the kids at the end their adoptive childern or just kids playing at the park?
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  • From ANON - DanSan on July 17, 2005
    Nice fanfic... besides "Midnight Butterfly", this is the only fanfic with plot that is complete and I read 'till the end... ^__^ nice job!
    Now, I want to read more from you, and damn, that thing that Kyo thought about paradise looking like a hospital XDXDXD... I just laughed my ass off!!!
    Good job!
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  • From ANON - sara-chan on July 13, 2005
    wow ~claps~ i loved your fic! omg it made me giggle like a little schoolgirl then made me cry!!! omg its the best i have read so far!!! continue the good work im looking foward to a new one :D
    the pairing was really unexpected (its still hard to picture but your storie mad it all happen) :D

    can you please wright one with totchi and shin shin?!?!?! ~drools~ that would be awsome :D
    thanks again
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  • From ANON - DanSan on July 07, 2005
    3 am and here I am reading your fic, although, I am getting stoned and I will have to read the rest tomorrow... nice so far ^___^

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  • From ANON - yami990 on July 07, 2005
    oh very nice ending. please write more kyoxshinya in the future and post it please.
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  • From bunnynohoogle on July 07, 2005
    You're so wonderful Kyoko-chan! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy like! Sad it's the end though, but it was great while it lasted! Now if only I would end my story Unhappiness then all would be right in the world. I hope you start another fanfiction *hopefull grin* I will follow you! Hehehehe. FOOTCHA!
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  • From ANON - bunny_no_hoogle on July 07, 2005
    WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kyoko-chan lives and has kept our wonderful Koko and Shinshin together!!!!!!!! Yey!!!!!!! I cried on chapter 15! Kyon-kyon is so amazing, he can come back from the dead! Wai! *giggles and hopes off for her first cigarette, since she delayed it to read the new chapters*
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  • From ANON - Lacey on July 07, 2005
    Monosugoi! That was kick ass! I look forward to the next chapter! xD Keep up the awesome work!
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  • From ANON - yami990 on July 07, 2005
    oh make up sex very much yummy. here's some nice brownies for being sucha nice author.
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  • From ANON - yami990 on July 07, 2005
    oh uber-angst for all of 10-14 except for the end. please continue tis very good. here's some nice pudding pie as reward.
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  • From on July 06, 2005
    I can't believe I've never reviwed this. >< *feels stupid*
    This is EXCELLENT. I love it. I'm always totally pulled into it and waiiiting for the next chapters. Because you're one hell of a writer!
    [the last thing I have to say is that I hope someone KICKS Kaoru. Or worse. >< At least, in this.]
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  • From ANON - yami990 on July 05, 2005
    nice lemon it was enough to get me dripping. what is going to happen with kyo and shinya now i wonder. hope it doesn't wind up with shin-chan hurt or kyo -chan for that matter. this was really good so here's a piece of choclate pudding pie.
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  • From ANON - bunny_no_hoogle on July 05, 2005
    That bastard Kaoru!!!!!!! *gasps at saying such a thing* Poor Kyo! Poor Shin-shin! ARG!!! Ah, the ANGST (loves angst). I need to smoke a cigarette and listen to DEG on my iPOD so I can forgive Kao-kao. (Funny no matter the angst, Kyo-hun is the only one I don't get mad at for being a jerk. Though who could get mad at someone with a body and voice like that!). Hope you feel better soon Kyoko-chan!
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  • From ANON - bunny_no_hoogle on July 05, 2005
    WOOHOO KINKY!!!!!! That was awesome H___H My favorite line was definately "...the sex monster he called a lover." hehe!

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  • From ANON - yami990 on July 05, 2005
    more please. kyo's gonna have playtime with shinya with it being shinya's first time doing anything that's really kinky. i wonder is shinya going to find he likes it kinky or is kyo goiing to have to get used to only plain sex? here's some nice hot pudding for writing such a good story so far. i look forward to the next chapters of this story. we still need more kyoxshinya fics on this site.
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