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Reviews for The Beautiful Ones

By : TaimaMarie
  • From oliversangel on November 29, 2008
    Oh. Goosebumps, and tears again. Damn you. LOL. Even though you said you teared up from my story, I owe you like 3 more tearing up sessions, and you will...there is angst to come...*evil laughter* anywho.....listening to that version of the song, and i understand. gonna cry dammit. LOL. Oooh, I can't remember which oasis song, but JD plays the slide guitar in one of them. the day they were recording it, noel gallagher (sp) was too drunk to do it, and so....since Johnny was there, he did it. in one take mind you. ^.^

    It was beyond heartbreaking that Criss thought Cass was a dream. God that part was what started my tears. LOL. It was such a lovely ending. I loved that he fixed her car for her. ^.^

    you should write another Criss fic. I don't know what i am going to do with my time if i don't have something of yours to look forward to reading...especially about the smexy Criss. LOL. Sometimes though, and I mean this in a loving way...LOL, he is a drama queen when he is doing his tricks. I mean, I know he is building suspense and whatnot....but still, sometimes...I laugh. LOL.

    Meh, people thought my hair looked fake too b/c they weren't used to it, and I am so damn pale. But once you get used to it, everyone will get over it. LOL. Red is good. I dyed my hair Toris Amos red in high school was awesome. Ooh, I forgot all about her...guess where I'm going? Back to youtube to give her a listen....she's great..but I digress.....I am going to miss this. I feel like this is goodbye. *sniff sniff*
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  • From oliversangel on November 28, 2008
    No, I can't really blame them. That movie did bring in close to a billion dollars...I think it was something like 998 million.....and it was a freaking fantastic movie. ^.^

    Ooh, I have really pale skin too. I'm english. irish and german, so my skin is almost like paper. LOL. I am always searching for the shade of red that looks good on me, and doesn't make me look like I am a little girl playing dress up. LOL. I also have dirty blonde hair naturally, and I dyed it black. It's very dramatic...LOL. At least I did my eyebrows too this time. LOL.

    Haha, that's funny. You sound like me. I was a pretty weird kid in high school, hell, I am still weird. LOL. Don't get into trouble!!!
    And of course I will read your original. I can't remember if I have read your HP stuff or not. Did you write one involving Snape, when he was a teacher and an OC? *thinks* I'll go check when I'm done with this. But yes, I would love to read it, and I am sure that it doesn't suck. You are a very talented writer. I love reading your stuff. All these updates have made me insanely happy. ^.^ Could I ask something of you? When you have time, would you mind reading my Johnny Depp fic? I'm quite proud of it, and I would love to know what you think. When you're not busy of course, and no rush. I am going to post a new chapter sometime tonight, so if you do read it, wait until tomorrow? *makes puppy dog eyes*

    Awww, one more chapter? Well this *is* almost 50 chapters long.....I can't believe Criss was crying. That was adorable, and it was a little funny that he called his mom, and was whining about it not being fair, I mean, I understand where he's coming from, but's funny to imagine Criss Angel doing that. I actually got teary eyed when I was reading the end of the chapter. And grrrr, they were so close. How much more torture? LOL. You're killing me Lestat. It was beyond adorable that she gave him Stanley though. Oh, poor thing, poor thing...LOL. Sorry. I've been watching Sweeny Todd non-stop for the past week or so, trying to get inspiration for my story, and Mrs. Lovett's song is stuck in my head, which fits nicely here...but I'm rambling. Sorry. Anywho....yes to the original, and can't wait for the next chapter. And ooh, almost forgot, I love Billy Joel too. ^.^ You should try some Vivaldi, 'The Four Seasons' 'Summer' and 'Winter' are my fav seasons, then Sarah Chang is good too. She's a violinist. Try, her version of 'Meditation' by Thais, and her version of Chopin, 'Nocturne'. I love classical music. It also helps with writers block too. ^.^ XXOO

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  • From oliversangel on November 28, 2008
    Holy shit woman!! I always listen to the music for your chapters if I've never heard it before, and 'The Airbourne Toxic Event' is my new favorite band. That song was beautiful, and I can see why you wrote the story from that. It's perfect. I am currently listening to 'Innocence', shit, thank you. *hugs* Ooh, was it in this story, or the Lenny/Bam one, where you mention Jason Mraz? I listened to him right away too, and that song, is I makes me smile, and feel all happy and summery. LOL. Back to A.T.E, I LOVE their mix of classical instruments. (I love classical music, and the violin. ^.^)

    Yes, it's funny when those HP freaks say that. LOL. I say freak, as though I'm not one of them. LOL. Can you tell I am sore at Warner Bros for pushing back the release of the new movie, to keep The Dark Knight in theatres longer to make money? Not like I can really blame them though. Joker. *sigh* Anyways......

    Yes, I bought a cigarette case, and there were these great shops I used to go antiquing (sp) at. I found a beautiful purse for 20 bucks that was probably from the same time period. ^.^ And no, dressing up isn't sad. I still do. ^.^ And I'm 25. I LOVE wearing scarves in my hair. ^.^

    Now, you *are* smart enough. Don't get discouraged, you can do it. Just keep on trucking. I have the same faith in you, that you have in me. ^.^

    Now, story. Cass's dress sounds amazing, very glamorous. I love the whole 'cape' thing. I just knew shw was going to look fantastic, and that it would affect Criss. But shit and shinola, he really is a stubborn fucker isn't he? I mean shit....he broke her heart, and all she wanted to do was dance. But I think he knew if they danced, it would have been all over, and he isn't quite done pouting I guess. LOL. Oh are a naughty naughty man for wanting to hurt poor Cass on purpose. If you don't do something nice soon Mr., and I do mean soon, you are going to be in big trouble. *gives Criss stern look* LOL. OK then....I could feel the ache, in the chapter, in the song, and in my poor heart. :( Great chapter. I hope you are enjoying your break.
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  • From oliversangel on November 24, 2008
    You know, I heard something like that too. Hopefully Johnny and Criss wouldn't be too sore at us. ;) LOL. Over in the Harry Potter section there is also talk that JK Rowling has a an account on here, and secretly publishes. I think that's hilarious. She made it abundantly clear she is finished with HP and all that goes with it. But it does make me giggle to imagine that she pops in and reads some of the HP fics. She would probably faint dead away to read some of the depraved things that the writers make her characters do. LOL.

    Yes, I too adore Old Hollywood, the glamour of it all, red lipstick, dresses and heels and gloves everyday, even to just check the mail, big sunglasse and scarves..... I love old fashioned things. ^.^ (I bet your friend meant the former not the latter. ^.^) I have seen all of Audrey Hepburn's movies, I reccomend all of them, My second favorite of hers is My Fair Lady, God I love that movie. As for Marilyn, I love Seven Year Itch, Some Like it Hot...pretty much all of them. Did you know that she was a size 16 (or 12) I believe, and I calculated how the sizes have changed over the years, and today, that 16 would be either a 6 or an 8. I can't remember which. But imagine how skinny everyone must have been back then. Sheesh.

    I would like to go for the PA or NP, but my age, and my kids, I just can't spend 6 years. Maybe I can do nursing, and possibly take night courses or something towards it? I dunno. I am so mad at myself for not going to school, and wasting so much time.

    All your updates are making me happier than a pig in shit. LOL. Is it holidays for you yet? At least Thanksgiving right? I'm proud of Cass for holding it together and performing. I, like her am unable to eat when I am upset, or when someone is mad at me. Still a battle of wills. Who will break first? Well since there is a ball coming up, maybe Cass will look so devastatingly gorgeous that Criss will apologize for not hearing her out. And Cass will apologive for not trusting that he would still love her, and know the truth. XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on November 23, 2008
    *sigh* Yes, you've made me feel better. I applaud your choice, for both a PA, and for your specialty. I myself was going to go to a nursing school, and every nurse I talked to but one told me to go. The one said to be a NP or a PA. The stress isn't worth the money of being a nurse. So I think in a year or so, thats where I'll head, maybe to midwifery though. ^.^

    We really do mean them no harm, and we do it only because we love them. I really do hope though, that they or any of their friends or relatives get curious, and take a peek on here. They would be scandalized at some of the things that some authors (NOT you or me) make them do. ^.^

    That said, Oh Criss is a stubborn one. I knew it. And poor Cass, I feel like she is the little kittie at the end of Breakfast at Tiffanys. Alone, (even though Dimitra is there for her) and feeling almost definately unloved. What is it about men that don't let their one tracked minds allow explanation? They just hear or see something, and it pounds a tattoo into their brain allowing nothing else in. So...I wonder who will cave first?

    You are welcome for all the compliments and reviews. I have no problem giving credit where it is due. And I am so happy you are going to finish the sequel yay!!! I think I am at the point again, where they are returning from London. I had to read it again. I have such a fondness for Lenny. ^.^ I hope your studies are going well!! XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on November 21, 2008
    I had a sneaking suspsicion that she would end up at Dimitra's house. Criss is a very stubborn man, but a mother always has a way of guilting you into doing what's right. I feel much better knowing that Cass is at Dimitra's house. She will be taken care of there. But I also know that Criss will end up there because even though he is upset, he will turn to his mother for comfort. I wonder what his reaction will be when he finds his Cass there. I just hope that Dimitra won't be too hard on poor Criss. I don't think you are dorky or crazy for writing a chapter in celebration of doing well in school. I am very proud of you.

    I want to ask you a question, I hope you don't mind me using the review space to do it. As a person (you) who has written many celebrity fics, (and I have read all of them, I am actually re-reading your Lenny/Bam fic, and are you planning on finishing the sequel?) do you ever feel strange writing them? I am currently writing a Johnny Depp fic, my muse bugged the at shit out of me until I sarted writing it, really I couldn't sleep until I did, do you ever feel strange? Like you are invading their privacy? Don't take that the wrong way please, I just feel very conflicted about it, it is actually my best work, and I have gotten a wonderful response from my readers, but often I feel like I am no better than the papparazzi, who invade their privacy. I mean no harm, and while regular in fan fic, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, what could we call this? I love writing it and reading it, and I supose as long as we don't make them do crazy things, and do it in a respectful manner it's alright...but still, I can't help but feel a bit icky. As unlikely as it would be that he would ever read my story, I would die of shame, and feel no better than the stalkerazzi. I guess what I am looking for is affirmation, that I am not a bad person for doing this. I have put a lot of thought into my story, and have done a lot of research to make it as realistic as possible, as you do as well, but... don't know, I kind of feel icky. Should I feel icky? I am actually considering publishing it one day, of course I would have to make Johnny a made up celebrity, but...I dunno really what I'm asking. Again, I apologize for using your review space for this, I just wanted to know your honest opinion. You can delete this if you want. And keep on trucking in school. I guess all the pain meds I'm on are making me feel all emotional. I ama tradgedy magnet. LOL. I look forward to the next chapter!! I will keep obsessively checking for updates as always. Ooh, one more question, what are you going to school for?
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  • From oliversangel on November 04, 2008
    *groans* I knew it was coming, it had to, but *groans* poor Cass, poor Criss. And they just made whoopy too. I wonder who will make the first move? Will Criss's mother encourage him? Will Cassansdra become pregnant, since I don't remember reading about any sort of birth-control? Gaaahhh!! Well, can't wait for the next chapter, and I almost forgot, no, you aren't crazy about the whole 'blue light' thing. I see it too. ^.^ Hope things are well with you!! XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on October 27, 2008
    Just checking to see how things are going in LestatWhore-land. I hope all is well with you, and school isn't going too horribly. ^.^ *twitches* I need my Criss Angel fix. *twitches and scratches* I'm going through withdrawls man!! LOL. XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on October 04, 2008
    Uh, oh, the shit is going to hit the fan now!! I love that he growled at Cass in her sleep to be still. That was adorable. And it's so sweet how they are all snuggly, sleeping together. It may take you awhile to update because of school and all, but when you do, it's an update orgy!!! LOL. I can't wait to read more!! XXOO
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  • From LostxInxLoneliness on October 03, 2008
    Hi TaiTai! I made an account and now I can review your stuff! YAY!! lol. I really like this one ALOT. I can't wait to read more, I'm addicted to it.

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  • From oliversangel on October 02, 2008
    I hope all is well with college, and you aren't going too crazy. You know, out of curiosity, I googled Criss, to see how old he is...the man is going to be fourty-fucking-one this december. I can't believe it. He doesn't look fourty. Shit, what kind of products does he use? I want some. ^.^ XXOO
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  • From ANON - Rini on September 15, 2008
    Hey doll. Sorry i havent gotten the chance to review in a little bit. Love the story though. Its great. But, i still love you more.
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  • From oliversangel on September 15, 2008
    Hurray!! I am on the edge of my seat here!! I can't wait for the next installment. I am sorry you are having a rough time with school!!
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  • From oliversangel on September 07, 2008
    Dammit, people on this site are stingy with reviews. You'd think that if you had, say, 200 or so hits, at least ONE of the people who read it would say a little something. I always make sure to leave fresh baked, chocolate chocolate chip review goodness, for all the stories i love. I have been perusing your vast list of work, and leaving reviews all wilynily like bunny poo. (there's an image for you) anyways, i was checking for an update, and i swear i did a double take when i saw 18 chapters. of course now i am in the same position that i was in 20 minutes ago, but oh well, it was worth the wait. I love all your storie, and i am sad, b/c it seems like you abandoned your Logan/Melody fic. I really like that story, I think i even declared my love for you in that review, or something equally creepy, and stalker-esque. LOL. well, study your booty off young woman!!! do good!!!! if i had known how important education was, i wouldn't be a stay at home mom, i would be making like 60 grand a year by now as a nurse. but then i wouldn't be a mom.....catch 22 i guess. anywho, loved the new chappie. You write Criss in sUch an adorable way. And i love how frail and fragile Cassandra seems. ^.^ your stories are like crack man. ^.^
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  • From oliversangel on August 31, 2008
    *squee of happiness* I love your story. I was very pleased to find out that you updated recently. Hurray!! So many stories I find on here, people seem to have abandoned, or when I get intestered in a story, I find out the last update was in 2007. I can't wait to read more. I have one read one other Criss Angel fic, but I like this one very much. I love your style of writing. (I am in the process of reading your vast list of work.) I love poor Cassandra, and the way you write Criss. Thats the way I imagine he would be. I have a feeling that at least some ammount of confession is coming up, and I can't wait. My only complaint is that your chapters are short. But you are in college, so that's ok. ^.^ We can't all be stay at home moms. Well, I hope your studying goes well, and that you update soon!!! XXOO
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