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Reviews for Come Turning of the Tide

By : TaimaMarie
  • From FreeSpiritedOne on January 11, 2009
    O0h, cliff hanger....wasn't expecting it. I love it that there is another chapter already up! Cheers, Free
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  • From wicked2200 on January 11, 2009
    Aw crackerjacks are you kidding me?! It's just seems like everything is a freakin downward spiral for the poor man! Something happy needs to happen!! LOL No but seriously good story I'm hooked.
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  • From oliversangel on January 10, 2009
    I choked at the end of the chapter. Honestly. And it was especially unfortunate because I had just taken a drag from my cigarette. Of course, the insanely gorgeous Vanessa just *had* to choose *that* moment to walz in the door. And might I add, that she *is* freaking gorgeous? I looked at a picture of her, and nearly died. LOL. I am taller than her though. LOL. Of course Vanessa is going to assume the flowers and candy are for her, freak out about why Charity is there, the kids will become ecstatic, Johnny will be conflicted and confused. *sigh* Lily-Rose is quite perceptive. That's what it takes to make us happy. And, little Jack is as well.

    I am EVER so glad that you love that movie. Those guys....they rock my face off. LOL. I am *high pitched voice* STOKED, to learn they are making another movie. *does happy dance* "Duh-dun-nah-duh-dun-nah-duh-dun-nah" *Zombie groan* LOL. Simon Pegg is bloody fantastic.

    I can't wait for the next update, I am hanging by an eyelash here.....*skips off to check CA
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  • From FreeSpiritedOne on January 09, 2009
    Just felt the need to tell you I'm reading and I like it. Sorry for the total lack of eloquence. I'm ruined tonight. Anyway, keep up the good work.

    Cheers, Free
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  • From oliversangel on January 09, 2009
    Oh, poor poor Lily-Rose. She is close to figuring out the truth. And that dream. Oh the poor darling. Thankfully they weren't discovered. And yes, slow in the morning is funny. When Jason tries to wake me up, I say some funny shit.

    "Wake up."
    "Wake up baby."
    "No. I don't wanna be a fireman. I'm a princess."
    "Well, OK then princess, wake up. I'm hungry."
    *Slowly gets out of bed rubbing eyes, then gets up to leave the room*
    "Where are you going?"
    "To make your breakfast bitch."

    LOL. Charity wanting to make dinner at 9 thirty in the morning was awesome, as was Johnny following her around like a puppy in the kitchen. I love how she was so disconcerted by his presence. I sure as hell wouldn't be able to form a coherent thought. LOL.

    And YES!!! ZOMBIE PLAN!!!! Where do we start? Oh, but have you seen Sean of the Dead? It's ever so funny. As is, Hot Fuzz. I love those two guys. They are hilarious. Simon Pegg, and Nicholas something. As always, can't wait to read more. XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on January 09, 2009
    *presses one of Naomi's hankerchiefs to bloody nose* Dear sweet Jesus woman. I'm a bit speechless at the moment. I would smoke a cigarette, but I just finished one. *sigh* Well, Johnny and his 'shenanigens' (fuck how do you spell that word?) was adorable. Naughty man, asking her to stay the night, and giving her wine. I loved their bantering about the cardboard box. Ah yes...the zombies. Quite frightening really. I'm with you, Charity, and Lenny on that. I have a bumper sticker on myspace, and I'll have to send it to you...It says, "You're a good friend, but if zombies chase us, I'm so tripping you." LOL. I would never trip you though. I would help you escape in a Mcguyver type way. Make a flame thrower with my perfume, and a lighter or something. LOL. So sweet they fell asleep together on the couch. I wonder what's going to happen in the morning. Is Lily-Rose going to find them and freak the fuck out? Oh dear. I hope Charity wakes up first before they are found. *looks worried.* Well darling, as always, I cannot wait to read more, and I will happily skip off to check the CA story. Oh, I see what you mean about being afraid of bringing your typewriter to school, but I too, love the noise they make. The hum...the satistfying loud, 'clack clack' when you type. My dad used to have one. I wonder if he still does, and if he'd give it to me. ^.^ Cause that would be just super. I would be a real writer then. ^.^ XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on January 07, 2009
    Oi, I meant to tell you but I forgot...with the baby running around and being a hellion and all......^.^ Johnny's agent's name is Tracy Jacobs. And no, I didn't do stalker research to find it out, I read it another story on here. ^.^ XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on January 06, 2009
    *laments* Oh how I miss playing in coffee houses. It be ages again before I get good enough to play in them again. *sigh* That was lovely. So Johnny liked her playing did he? ^.^ And poor Lily-Rose wondering if he and Charity were going to fight. Poor dear. And what a monster your father was for saying that to you. Shame on him. He can be the first person's whose junk we punch. ^.^ See, I have this...I don't know, belief I guess, that anybody can be a father. It just takes a bit of DNA. But it takes a real man to be a dad. And I am so glad the my fiance has taken up the mantle for the role for my daughter. But no more sad talk. What's going to happen on the ride home, hmmm? Apologies all around, a kiss? *grin* I can certainly echo Johnny's sentaments (sp) for wanting to be around adults. I myself, am ready for some adult time. The last time I got alone time away from my kids..I informed Jason that if I didn't get away, I was going to blow up the house. So, I drove to Barnes and Noble for 2 hours. It was lovely, walking around, smelling the books, and leather journals, drinking coffee, and reading bits and pieces of poetry, and such. It was great. A friend of mine joked with me, about the smell of books, and how it should be made into a cologne, so he could attract MILFY housewives. LOL. I am in sore need of another trip. But I would be inclined to take my laptop with me so I could do some writing in peace, and I would look like one of those assholes who write in public, to brag to everyone that they are a writer. LOL. Oh, a whole day. :( *sigh* I shall miss you. You know, I have little to look forward to, and your stories give me something to look forward to. ^.^ I shall just have to look forward to your return. Ooh, did you find Breakfast At Tiffany's? I hope you did, and you watched it. It's just lovely. I just love that movie. She's so beautiful. ^.^ Well, as always, I look forward to more, and I am off to check for a few more updates, and then more writing, or maybe guitar practice. ^.^ XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on January 05, 2009
    You and I are both lucky I wasn't drinking or eating anything when Johnny started singing and dancing to Shakira. It would have been bad all around. LOL. And the hairbrush was a nice touch when they caught him singing and dancing. LOL. It is a great feeling, isn't it, being loved by a child. Their love is so pure, so unconditional. Jack climbing into her lap was very sweet. Completely understandable for both parties to be upset. That would be a very hard thing to do, to tell them that their mother or father isn't coming back anymore. The child wonders if it was their fault. They blame themselves. It's such a heartbreaking thing when parents get divorced. My father left my mom before I was even born. She worked her ass off to support us, until she met my dad when I was six. They got married when I was nine, and he adopted me. But not every story has a happy ending like that. I do know now, that despite the lies my father's sisters told me, he is an asshole. I met him for the first time when I was 18, saw him maybe 2 or 3 more times after that, and not a peep since. He never even tried to visit me before my mom met my dad. Made me feel pretty shitty. Well, don't know where all that came from. Sorry. And dear God YES!!! Give me some eye bleach woman!! Those pictures haunt my dreams. :( You really are going to give me a nosebleed with all these updates. Dare I go check the CA one? I am eager to read about the inevitable beating themselves up for their disagreement. I know Johnny will feel bad, and will feel like a horrible parent, and Charity will feel bad too. But how will they ever comfort one another and apologize? *pervy grin* As always, I can't wait to read more. XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on January 05, 2009
    Oh. I always feel so bad for poor Johnny. He tries so hard. And he frets and worries about Charity, and the children. *giggles* I can totally see the whole breakfast disaster, the mess, and how it got made. Poor buddy. And Jack opening the door peanut butter covered in spiderman underpants was beyond adorable. I am glad that Lily-Rose is starting to warm up to Charity. The whole patent leather shoes/matching purse thing was cute too. I can picture her in a cute little dress, a fancy little pink coat, and the shiny black mary janes, and purse. So cute. When is Charity at least going to discover that Vanessa isn't coming? You know, I wasn't planning on making her bitchy, but well, see, my hubby's ex wife's name is Vanessa, and I can't stand that bitch. OMG. She has made me SO miserable. Constantly calling him...sending him lewd text messages, and...*shudders* pictures. (I wanted to stab my eyes with an ice pick.) And you know how when you know someone you don't like, and that name is forever ruined for you? Yeah. Sorry that was kinda random. LOL. I can't wait to read all your little phrases and sayings. My brother in law gave me one, but it's on the perverted side, as he is a huge perv.....LOL...Applebag. LOL. So that, with your two, is going to be what I randomly say to people. LOL. Hmmm. I wonder when somebody learns that somebody has feelings for the other person. Poor Charity is all lonely, in her appartment, with her guitar wanting to be held. Obviously Johnny wants to hold her, if he's pretending his pillow is her, which was so sweet by the way. Well, this is long enough, anf my son is boucning off the friggin' walls. Naked. What did he do with his diaper? LOL. Oh, and yes, Lila. I met her when I was 20, and a waitress at chili's. She has a fondness for tangeray(sp) and all things dirty. She is my smut muse I guess. LOL. Can't wait to read more. Love ya!! XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on January 03, 2009
    ham beast and marrying little debbie, are my new favorite phrases now. LOL. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE his concern for Charity and her room mate. That is so sweet, and so Johnny. His internal battle, was hilarious. Dying from his own stupidity...brilliant. LOL. Poor thing. I want to give him a ding dong, and a hug. or maybe HE would give ME the ding dong.....sorry. really I am. that was uncalled for. my pervy alter ego Lila, offering her two cents there. LOL. Ooh, Lily-Rose is quite perceptive. A valid concern for any child in her situation. Awww, Charity plays the guitar too? I wonder if Johnny will ask her to play for him, or will he play for her? *swoon* Sour cream and onion chips are delicious, as our Ramen. I joke that my youngest is made of Ramen, cause that's all I ate practically. LOL. Still's YUMMY. Typewriter ribbons....I honestly have no idea where one would buy them. Well, I can't wait for more, as always, and more of the rest of your stories too. ^.^ XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on December 26, 2008
    Hurray!! A new chappie!! I missed you. I wondered where you wandered off to. I was just getting ready to email you. I'm glad you had a good Christmas. A type writer? I'm so jealous. I would adore a type writer. I would settle for some paper, I write on paper, when I make notes and outline my stories. ^.^ I'm glad you're having a good break. I have discovered that Zoloft is evil. I started taking it, and aside from making me feel...blank...I guess, it has completely taken away any and all desire to write. I just now connected the dots. Not writers block, I didn't want to write. It is an awful feeling. Because that's what I am. So I stopped, been off it for about 2 weeks now, and I am starting to want to write again. My crazy ass muse wants me to write a POTC story. And I think that I have found my novel. It will be a historical pirate romance novel, what's not to love about that right? ^.^ Of course I would have to make the pirate completely different from Jack...don't want creepy Michael Eisner to sue me and all that jazz...LOL. My muse was threatening to hold my Johnny story hostage until I started on the POTC one. I'm pretty excited about it. And I am almost done with my next chapter of the Johnny story too. Ooh, I got a guitar for Christmas. It has been over a year since I played it, so I have to get back my callouses. Not fun. My finger tips are almost bleeding. But I will not let that stop me. I will play in coffee houses again. ^.^

    I loved Charity threatening Johnny with the leash. That was awesome. Who wouldn't love Johnny on a leash? *evil grin* I'm glad she made him buy healthy food. Salad. LOL. I've noticed the commercials for the cereal. Toast, juice, a piece of fruit...the cereal is not part of the breakfast..if that makes sense. I always get indignant about the ads. Those cereals are garbage. Pencil shavings. LOL. The nutritional partof the box...0% of the daily that's something to be proud of. I can't wait to read the next chapter. I'm sure all my readers hate me. *hides under bed* I hope you don't hate me. XXOO
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  • From Bullitt on December 14, 2008
    i am new to your story but I read all 8 chapters tonight with fervor! very nice ma'am!! by the way, congrats on surviving your first semester of college! haha I'm on my 4th semester and I'm still learning the ropes a bit. I got my own apartment now and suddenly theres noone to tell me to do my homework. I have to make myself do it. so its almost like my first semester as well.

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  • From oliversangel on December 12, 2008
    Glad you liked the cookies. ^.^

    Dude, you totally need to add the WAFF code to your story. I totally get one every time I read a new chapter. *giggles* Johnny was spying, and so was Charity.....misunderstanding ensues.....I wonder what Charity is going to think when she finds out that he's actually single? Hmmm. I can't wait to read about the grocery shopping trip. Poptarts and Mac and Cheese and Kool-Aid are definately things that a male would buy for his kids to eat. And peanut butter, but no bread or jelly. LOL. XXOO
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  • From oliversangel on December 11, 2008
    Awww, poor Lily-Rose. *gives Lily-Rose a hug* But....was the apology genuine, or was it an act? Hmmm. Well, congratulations on surviving your first semester of college!! *gives Lestat a warm batch of freshly baked chocolate, chocolate chunk cookies, a copy of Breakfast at Tiffany's, and the perfect shade of red lipstick* ^.^ Now for winter break!! Hurray!! I can't wait for more of the Like a Moth to a Flame sequel, and of course more of this story. ^.^ XXOO But yay for the first semester, it sounds a little weird to be saying this I think, but I am proud of you!!
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