From American Idol To Bliss | By : BlissGirl4Life Category: Reality TV > American Idol/Pop Idol Views: 1764 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not know the people I am writing about in this fanfiction. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
From American Idol To Bliss
The Hollywood Round
I couldn’t believe it when I made it to the Hollywood round of American Idol. It had been my dream for as long as I can remember to be a singer, and now I was getting this chance to prove myself, and to get all the recognition I need to make it big. I new I was going to have to sing the best I’ve ever sung. It was pure luck that I was even selected to sing for Paula, Randy, and Simon. Once I got the okay from the judges, and was sent to Hollywood, I just knew that I could get them to send me through to the finals. I never would have guessed I’d fall in love with someone from Hollywood—especially not a man. I mean, I’ve thought guys were good looking before, but I’ve always had girlfriends. I had one girlfriend in particular, Kimberly Johnson. She is the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet—not to mention the coolest. She has neck-length black hair, green eyes, and a perfect body that would put Britney Spears’ to shame. Her skin is a flawless milky-white, and she is an inch taller than me. I love women who are taller than me. She kind of reminds me of Gina Glocksen, who also got a ticket to Hollywood. I guess I was crazy to let her go, but I wanted a fresh start when trying out for American Idol, so we broke up and agreed to just be friends. I guess it wasn’t just American Idol. We did seem to be drifting apart prior to American Idol. I guess maybe that was why it was so easy to let her go. But anyway, I’m getting off the point. Let’s go back to the Hollywood round.
I had performed by myself, and got good reviews. I was glad I wasn’t sent packing. However, I still had my group to perform in. I was paired with Chris Sligh, Rudy Cardenas, and Tom Wells. We all sang our best, and I included my beat boxing since I love to beat box. We all passed except for Tom. I was so siked! However, my mind was a little distracted as the next group went on, and I saw Chris Richardson. I had watched him perform solo earlier, and thought he was not only good-looking, but a fantastic singer as well. He kind of looked like Justin Timberlake; only he was a whole lot hotter. He had a really great voice. It was a little nasally sounding, but I liked it. I thought it was cute. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched him perform, now. I had been doing some last minute practicing with my group backstage, so I hadn’t had the chance to talk to Chris earlier after his solo performance. He was just as good in his group as he was by himself, I was now seeing, or rather hearing.
Chris’ group finished, and to no surprise, Chris passed through to the next round. I couldn’t help but be happy that we would both be going onto the next round.
I walked over to Chris to congratulate him. I just had to introduce myself, and get to know him better. Something in me was just urging me to, and I am a man that never ignores his gut. So, I strolled right on over and extended my hand to him. “Hello. I’m Blake Lewis. You did really great up there. You kind of have that Justin Timberlake thing going on.” I winked at him.
Chris grinned, and I couldn’t help but notice what a sweet smile he had.
“Hey,” he said. He extended his hand to me, and we shook. “You did pretty good yourself. You kind of have that rocker version of Nick Carter going on.” He winked as well.
I laughed. “I never got that one before! So you look like and *Nsyncer, and I look like a Backstreet Boy.”
Chris laughed too. “But I like your look a lot better than Nick’s.”
I could actually feel myself blushing. “And I love your look a lot better than Justin’s.”
We continued grinning at each other.
Just then, it was announced that we were allowed to take a break for lunch. There was a big room with caterers that we were all supposed to go to.
I got an idea. I turned to Chris. “Would you like to have lunch with me?”
Chris smiled again. “That sounds great. Let’s go.” He winked at me, and I couldn’t help but smile back at him.
We hugged each other, and patted each other’s back, despite the fact that we had just met. It was weird, but it already felt like he and I had been friends for years.
As we headed to the room to eat, I couldn’t help but smile. I had made a new friend, whom I hoped to be seeing a lot more of in the very near future.
I listened to one of the best looking guys I have ever seen as he told me his story of auditioning for American Idol. He said his name was Blake Lewis. I kind of liked him. He looked like a rock version on Nick Carter. Actually, I liked him a lot. He seemed really nice. True, I had barely talked to him, but some people you just get a vibe from. Some people you don’t need to talk to much to know that you like them. I’m Chris Richardson by the way. I was so happy to get sent through to Randy, Paula and Simon. I heard how tough the choosing process could be. Most people who audition for American Idol don’t even make it to the judges. I knew when I made it to them that it was God’s destiny for me to have my big break. Sure enough, here I was at Hollywood round having heard the judges say that I passed once again. I hoped so badly to make it to the finals. I’d hate to have gotten this far only to be sent home. Also, weird as it may seem since I only just met him, I was hoping to stay to get to know Blake a little better. There was just something about him that I really liked. He was cute, with his blonde hair and brown eyes. He had a few tattoos, but not so many that it was nasty looking. His smile was adorable. I knew it sounded gay to think that of another man, but I was just noticing the obvious. I’m sure anyone who saw Blake would agree with me.
I had a girlfriend named Gale Hampton. She is beautiful. She is five-two with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her skin is constantly tanned and flawless, and she is still my best friend. However, we both wanted different things in life, so when I decided to try out for American Idol, we decided to just be friends. Even though she and I want to do different things in life, we both agreed to always be friends, and to always support each other. She told me she had great faith that I could win American Idol. That is one of the things I love best about her—she has an optimistic spirit. She always believes in me.
But anyway, let’s get back to lunch. There I was, fresh out of a relationship, single, and admiring a man. It was a little ironic, but to me, it didn’t feel weird or wrong. It just felt natural. Blake not only was good looking and charming, but also he could sing! I loved his beat boxing. He was absolutely incredible.
During the duration of lunch, we talked about our lives before auditioning, and we talked about our interests, and what we would like to do if American Idol didn’t pan out for us.
“I’d like to record a demo. I’ve written some original songs already. I play guitar, so it makes it easy to write,” he said.
“Really? I peg you as more of a drummer or keyboard player,” I told him.
“I’d love to learn to play both. I actually am my own drums. I love to beat box,” he said with a wink.
I grinned. “Yeah, I noticed you did that onstage. You’re really good!”
Blake grinned too, and began to sing a song I never heard of before. He beat boxed to it, and it was even better than anything he had done onstage! It seemed that I was more impressed by Blake with every minute that passed.
When Blake finished his song, I clapped. “That was really good! Who sings that? I never heard it before.”
“I sing it. You never heard it before because it’s one of my originals.” Again, Blake winked.
“Wow. That’s amazing. I can definitely see you cutting an album even without American Idol,” I said sincerely.
Blake nodded politely. “Thank you. Do you write any original music?”
“I’ve written some stuff, but I’m kind of shy about it,” I said. The truth was, I had no trouble singing for others, but when it came to singing for someone as talented as Blake, I was a little self-conscious.
“Ah, come on! I sang you one of mine.” Blake smiled, and I just couldn’t say no to him.
I sighed. “All right. But I’m just going to sing one verse and a chorus.”
Blake nodded again. “I’m all ears.”
I sang my song then, only glancing at Blake occasionally. I tried not to look at anyone as I sang, and I didn’t sing as loudly as I could have. However, when I finished, Blake was clapping and whistling.
“That was great! You have nothing to be shy about—trust me. I think one of these days we need to write some music together.” He winked at me.
I grinned. “I’d like that. I play guitar too, so we’ll need a keyboardist and a drummer. Well, you can do the drums with your mouth,” I joked.
He laughed. “Do you beat box at all?”
“Not really. I’m not that great at it,” I said, blushing a bit. It still baffled me that I could get so shy over another guy.
“Let’s hear it,” Blake said.
I blushed even more. “To what?” I asked with a laugh.
Blake shrugged. “Beat box to what you usually beat box to. You said you’ve tried it before.”
I sighed. He had me there. I took a deep breath and let it out, and then began to beat box. I only did so for thirty seconds at best. When I finished, the smile was still on his face, and he clapped.
“Are you smiling and clapping because I was good, or because I’m done?” I joked.
“You were good, man! Grant it you could use a little work, but it’s nothing I can’t teach you.” He winked at me yet again, and I pushed aside the thought in my head that there were many things I’d like him to teach me besides beat boxing.
Instead, I said. “I’d like that.”
We grinned at each other.
Soon, it was time for lunch. We hugged each other again, and patted the other’s back as we wished each other luck.
We headed back to the hotel, and were separated into three different rooms. None of us knew which room was going to be rejected, and which room was going to be accepted.
I was so nervous. I didn’t want to have gotten this far only to be sent home. I wanted to make it to the finals so that I had a shot at furthering my music career. For some reason that was the second reason in my head. Wanting to be with Blake if he passed through was the first.
When the judges came to my groups’ room, I was so nervous. My group had just heard the responses of the two other rooms. One room cheered, and the other room… Let’s just say we all heard some crying.
I couldn’t help but wish that Chris were with me in my room. That way if the room made it, we’d both make it. If the group didn’t make it, then we both wouldn’t make it, and could go off and make music together anyway. I knew it was kind of selfish. If I didn’t win, I didn’t want to ruin Chris’ chances of winning. Yet, at the same time, I’d be disappointed that he would be busy with the show, and chances are, he and I might never see each other again. One thing was for sure, if I made it, I would be sure to get his number and address and keep in contact with him. I just hoped by the time my time with the show was over, Chris would still be around to want to work with me.
“All right, Dawgs and Dawgetts. You all did great,” Randy began.
“But was it great enough to pass through to the next round?” Simon asked.
We were all silent in anticipation of the answer to that question.
“I don’t know why you all look so nervous. You’re through to the next round,” Paula said.
The whole room cheered, and the judges all smiled.
“Congratulations, guys! You deserve it!” Paula said.
I was so happy! I high-fived the others in the room. I had made it. I just hoped that Chris was in the cheering room, and not the room with cries of distress.
I was so excited when my group was announced safe! I was worried at first, for all three judges looked solemn when they came into my group’s room. Then Randy began to speak, and I don’t know about the rest of my group, but it made my stomach sink.
“I’m sorry to have to tell you this,” he began. I was already mentally preparing to go home. “But you’re going to have to spend just a little bit more time with us.”
My whole group gasped.
Paula smiled. “You’re through to the next round!”
“For now,” Simon added.
My group let out cheers of happiness, and we high-fived each other; all celebrating our momentary win. When we left the room, I looked for Blake right away. If I saw him, that would mean he was safe. If I didn’t, that would mean he was still in his room with the other rejected contestants.
“Oh please let him be here,” I said under my breath. I knew it was a little corny, but I didn’t care. I wanted him there. It somehow wouldn’t be the same without him there.
Our eyes met at the same time, and we both grinned. We ran to each other and hugged, not caring one bit if people stared.
“Congratulations,” he said to me with his amazing smile, once we finished hugging.
I smiled back. “Congratulations. I know we still have to be chosen for the top twenty-four, but I have no doubt you’ll pass through. You’re too good not to.”
He gently nudged my shoulder with his fist. “Right back at ya. They’d have to be crazy not to pass you through.”
We continued grinning at each other, oblivious to all the celebrating around us. Only when it was announced that we had a break until they were ready to call us up did we snap out of our “trance”.
Blake and I both grinned at each other, and said in unison, “Dinner?”
We laughed.
“Sure. Let’s go.” I winked at Blake, and he smiled, and followed me. I couldn’t remember I time that I felt happier.
As Chris and I had our dinner and talked, I began to like him more and more. It’s weird. As much as I wanted to win American Idol, if Chris wasn’t there with me, I don’t know if I even wanted to be on the show. I guess I did. After all, I didn’t want to have come this far only to be let down. No one ever gets a record deal on the show unless they make the top twelve. Even then some don’t get record deals. They need more camera time than that. It was just that Chris was so funny and talented. I couldn’t imagine hanging out with anyone else.
“You know what we should do?” Chris asked between bites of his chicken sandwich.
“What?” I asked with a slight smile.
“We should make up a handshake that only you and I know.”
I thought about it. I liked the idea of having something that was just between Chris and I. I nodded. “All right. It can be kind of like a secret handshake.”
“Well, it won’t be a secret once people see it often enough, but it can be one that you and I give only to each other.”
I nodded again, liking this more and more. “All right. How should it start?”
“Give me your hand. I’ve been thinking about this,” Chris said. He put his half-eaten sandwich down, and reached a hand out to me.
I put down my own half-eaten sandwich down, and gave him my hand. I blushed as I felt my hand tingling. This felt so gay, and yet, not wrong.
Chris rubbed his fingers over my palm, causing me to shiver. “We need something more than that though. That is what I got so far.”
I thought about it for a moment. “Try it again. I’ll rub my fingers against your hand at the same time,” I said.
Chris nodded, and we shook, rubbing our fingers down each other’s palm at the same time.
“It still needs something at the end,” I said.
Chris nodded.
We both thought about it for a moment, and then we both smiled, and went to say something at the same time. Instead, we gave each other a palm, and did our handshake; only this time we followed it up by wiggling our fingers against the other’s.
We both grinned, and high-fived. “That’s it!” We said in unison.
“It’s funny how we thought of that at the same time,” Chris commented.
“Almost like it’s meant to be,” I agreed.
“It is meant to be,” Chris said.
We smiled at each other, and went back to eating. I hoped he couldn’t see me blush.
As Blake and I headed back to the main room to meet up with the others, I couldn’t help but wonder if Blake noticed me blushing at the table. I had noticed him blushing, which only made me blush more. I don’t know what it was about Blake, but I sensed that he and I had a strong connection. I had never felt anything even close to such a connection with someone I had just met, but there was something special about Blake. I knew that even if one of us made it through to the top twenty-four, but the other one didn’t, Heaven forbid, he and I would remain close friends for a very long time. I hoped that Blake felt the same way about me.
“All right. All of you take a seat. We’re going to call your names one at a time. There will be twelve girls chosen, and twelve boys chosen. When your name is called, take the elevator up and go into the room that you’ll see straight ahead,” Ryan Seacrest said to us.
Blake and I took a seat next to each other.
“Are you nervous?” I asked him.
Blake nodded, and looked at me. “Are you?”
I nodded. “Very.”
Blake put an arm around me, and gently pat my back. “You can do this. I know you can. You’ll make it through.”
I gave him a side hug in return. “Thank you. I have faith that you’ll make it through too.”
We smiled at each other once more, and then waited nervously in silence for our names to be called.
“Blake Lewis.”
I stood up. My legs were shaking. I don’t know what my problem was. I never get that nervous. I guess it was normal for me to be a little nervous, but this was ridiculous.
I suddenly felt a hand over my shoulder. I turned around to see Chris standing there, giving me that adorable smile.
“Good luck, man.” He pat my shoulder, and then extended a hand to me.
I grinned, and extended mine to him. We did our handshake perfectly.
He smiled, and hugged me. “You can do it,” he whispered in my ear.
I nodded, and gently pat his back before getting in the elevator to await my fate.
The whole way up I was so nervous. I literally paced the elevator floor.
When the doors opened, I saw the room that I was supposed to go into. I walked down the length of the room as the judges watched me. I was never more self-aware than I was at that very moment. All that could be heard in the room was the sound of my shoes as I walked across the glossy floor.
“Take a seat, Blake,” Paula began.
I did just that.
“We see that you have a lot of potential. You’re a good singer, Dawg,” Randy stated.
“But you’re going to have to show us more than just your beat boxing. I don’t know if you’re quite as good of a singers as you are at beat boxing, and this competition is for singing,” Simon stated.
I nodded. “I know, and I can sing if you’ll just give me another chance to do so,” I promised. I did not want to be let go because I beat boxed too much. I could sing. I just needed another chance to prove it.
“Well I for one love your beat boxing, and you can sing just as good,” Paula told me.
“Just remember to sing more in the coming weeks,” Randy said.
I sat up straighter, and grinned. “Does this mean…?”
Simon nodded. “You’re through to the next round. Don’t make us regret it.”
I couldn’t believe it. I was through to the next round!
“Oh, yes!” I said, standing up, and clapping my hands together. “Thank you! Thank you so much. I’m not going to let you down. I promise!”
“I’m sure you won’t,” Paula said, grinning widely.
I grinned too, and shook all three judges’ hands. I then left the room, cheering happily. I got into the elevator, still feeling sky-high.
As soon as the elevator doors opened, I cheered, and everyone else in the room cheered too, congratulating me.
Chris ran over to me, and we hugged each other tightly. “Congratulations, man. I knew you could do it.”
“Thanks. I’m so happy!” I said.
“We continued to hug for a moment, and then we broke the hug, and talked with other contestants that had made it through. I was so happy! I had made it through. Now all I needed was for Chris to make it through, and I could die a happy man.
“I was so happy that Blake had made it. You have no idea. I just hoped that I made it through, for if I didn’t, it meant as long as thirteen weeks without being able to hang with Blake. After that, for all I know he’d get close to someone else, and forget all about me. I knew Blake wasn’t like that, but I still couldn’t help but worry.
When my name got called, I actually felt sick to my stomach.
Blake hugged me tightly. “Good luck. I know you’re through to the next round.”
“Thanks, I said, giving him one last squeeze and our handshake before walking what felt like the walk of death to my execution. I usually wasn’t that pessimistic, but I just had a bad feeling deep in my gut that I hadn’t passed through to the next round.
As I stood in the elevator that was taking me up to the judges’ room, I repeated a chant over and over to myself. “I must not throw up, I must not throw up.” Seriously, my stomach felt as if it were about to give me back my dinner, and possibly my lunch as well.
The doors opened, and there was the room where I would either come out a winner, or a big fat loser.
I took a deep breath, and walked over to the chair they had waiting for me. I sat down on it, and stared up at the judges as I awaited my fate.
Paula was the first to speak. She smiled sweetly. “Hello, Chris. How are you today?”
I smiled. “Hello. That really depends on what you’re about to say.”
She grinned.
“Yo, Dawg, I really like your voice. It’s definitely very unique sounding,” Randy said.
“I wouldn’t say that, but it’s rather good,” Simon said.
“And I can tell you’re very nervous, so I am just going to cut to the chase and tell you that you are through to the next round!” Paula said.
“Congratulations, Dawg! You’re in the top twenty four,” Randy added.
I felt as if a big weight had been taken out of my stomach within just a matter of seconds. I stood up. “Thank you! Thank you so much!” I didn’t know what else to say.
Paula was grinning room ear to ear as I kissed her cheek. “You’re very welcome, Chris. You’ve earned your place!”
“Congrats, Dawg. Keep up the good vocals, man,” Randy said as I shook his hand.
“Congrats,” Simon said with a slight nod as I then shook his hand.
I nodded. “Thank you! Thank you all!” I said, waving to the judges, and then taking the elevator ride back down to the main room. I could hardly wait to tell Blake! We had both made it, and as far as I was concerned, things couldn’t get any better.
As the doors opened, Blake was the first person I saw. He was staring at me, as if trying to find the answer by the look on my face.
I grinned and nodded, and Blake let out a whoop of happiness, all the while jumping into the air.
I laughed, and Blake and I ran to each other and hugged.
“Congratulations, man! I knew you could do it. Now we can be together!” Blake said as he hugged me.
I smiled brightly, and continued to hug Blake. I was wrong. Things had just gotten better.
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