A Hollywood Summoning | By : TheChemist Category: Celebrities - Misc > General Views: 5546 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
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Summary: After Madelaine Petsch, Lili Reinhart, & Camila Mendes join their host Anna Kendrick up at the cottage, the real fun begins, all while the summoned incubus gathers in strength
“And finally, we’re all together at last,” Anna Kendrick shouted out as Madelaine and her boyfriend emerged from the trail.
“Anna!” Madelaine Petsch shrieked as she ran the last 10 feet to wrap her arms around their host.
“Yeah sorry about that. We just wanted to explore the place a little,” Tommy deftly explained.
“More like bone in the empty cabin,” Cami muttered under her breath.
“Regardless, we’re all here now and I think that calls for a toast,” Anna countered. “Jason, could you grab the drinks.”
A moment later, a man, presumably Jason, came walking into view from the far side of the dock. Madelaine hadn’t noticed until the shirtless man in swim trunks arrived that at the East end there was a little bar. Walking over to Anna, Jason was soon joined by the other Riverdale girls and their dates.
“These red shots are for us girls,” Anna announced. “Boys gets the Patron.”
“Lucky,” Camila fake whined as she took up her shot glass of the elixir Anna had brewed up for them.
“You have no idea,” Anna thought as everyone else proceeded to grab their glass.
“Let’s have a great fucking weekend with our amazing new co-star!” Camila shouted her toasted as everyone raised their shots in the air.
“Incredibly sexy co-star and host for this awesome weekend,” Madelaine added, drawing a wink from Anna in the process.
* * *
The incubus had been pulled from the abyss, that terrible place that mortals simply called hell. It was forceful, but its life was pain so what difference did it make. However, as it transcended time and space, something it hadn’t felt in too long a time started to take root; pleasure. And pleasure was the incubus’ business. However, while it was trapped in that horrid place, it was denied the very thing that it was made for.
It took the incubus time to get its bearings. He was definitely out of hell and on Earth. The sun was warm, the breeze cool. It was still extremely early in his summoning as his body was still incorporeal. In such a state, it would take very little effort to dispel him if there was anyone around with even a hint of magi ability. However, a quick scan of the persons in the vicinity made him breath a little easier.
“What do we have here?” the demon inquired.
His presence had been pulled to what these mortals described as a cabin nestled away in a forest at a lake. Bound to the summoning circle which encompassed the cottage, some of the surrounding trees and roughly 50 yards out into the water, it could have been smaller. Able to move freely inside his bounds, the incubus sought out the presence of the mortals. Down by the water on the dock were the 8 souls that drew his attention. 4 were males but, more importantly, the other 4 were females. Delectable women at that.
After being summoned from hell and freed to this world, the incubus was weak and needed fuel. That energy would come in the form of sexual expenditure, and luckily for him, he could sense traces of an elixir meant to enhance sexual feelings coursing through the females. At this tender stage in his conjuring, any female would have helped quench his hunger, but the gathered women on the dock, swaying to music, talking and laughing were more than he could have hoped for.
“And it looks like my first chance to sample one of the women is approaching,” the incubus commented.
The demon watched as the leggy blonde with a nice full ass and bouncy tits walked over to where an older male was dancing slow and seductively with a red-haired beauty with porcelain skin. The redhead possessed a slightly larger pair of boobs then her golden haired friend, and a quick walk around her backside revealed a surprisingly thick ass given her tiny stature. Sensing the emotion coming from the blonde, the incubus decided that this male she approached was about to be on the receiving end of a good time, thus the demon used his ability to enter into a human male. He could instantly take on the male’s emotional state and all his knowledge, either using him as a puppet or simply acting as a passenger and going for a ride. At this point, he would let the man known as Tommy be in control, but would be ready to slide into the driver’s seat when he needed…
* * *
“Hey Tommy, do you have a sec to talk?” Lili asked the man she typically had a lot of friction with.
“Lils…” Madelaine started to speak, trying to run some interference and stop what she had feared was coming for several months now.
“Madie, it’s okay,” the blonde replied, talking in the softest tone she could, conveying her emotional state. “I honestly need to apologize to him and clear the air.”
“Lili, you don’t,” Tommy replied, taken aback by the revelation.
“No, I really do. Can we go somewhere and talk?” Lili asked now that both the older man and Madelaine had calmed.
“Anna said the boat is ours so you could step onto there,” Madelaine offered, unable to hide the smile on her face that her boyfriend and best friend were finally gonna clear the air between them.
“Shall we?” Lili offered the older man.
“After you,” Tommy replied.
As the unlikely pair left Madelaine behind, she went back down to dock to party with Camila, Anna and their dates. Meanwhile, Lili made the short journey the other way until reaching the 21 foot boat that was used for pleasure rides and wakeboarding. While she led the way, Tommy’s eyes couldn’t stop roaming and appreciating her body. Instead of comparing her to Madelaine, Tommy just lusted after the blonde’s gorgeous features, especially her mile-long legs and vastly underrated ass. Somewhere between Madie’s bubbly booty and Cami’s solid phat ass was Lili’s, which was a great place on the spectrum to land.
“If you’re done staring a hole through my butt, could you give me a hand,” Lili commented.
Tommy looked up at her face and noted several things all at once. The first was he expected to see a burning flame of hate in her green eyes, instead he found what he could only describe as a playful expression on her face, including an arched eyebrow. He wouldn’t have believed it since until today Lili gave the impression that she hated him, yet her tone was friendly and maybe even hinted at something more.
“Cute boat,” Lili commented as she had a look around the small pleasure cruising vessel.
Before Tommy could reply, he opened then closed his mouth. Inside his head, his will and command center of his brain was taken over by the incubus. Not fully controlled, after all, the incubus was still only freshly summoned and therefore lacked a lot of his powers. However, able to manipulate and steer this weak willed mortal was well within his sphere of influence. Tommy would be known the wiser, thinking that it was him the whole time, but the incubus would be driving from here out.
"I'm pleased we have some privacy to...speak," Tommy said in a more formal speech than Lili could remember him ever using. "And might I add that you look beautiful as always."
“Oh, wow, thank you,” the blonde blushed, turning back to face the man.
Now in control of the young man, the incubus used his eyes to roam from the pretty blonde’s face and scan down her body. Her face was feminine with memorable green eyes and long golden hair, but her body could only be described as scrumptious. Lili’s bikini top was quite tight, making her decent sized tits squish together to make them appear larger and even more breathtaking than normal. The bottoms were also a size too small with the back barely covering most of her luscious ass, almost appearing as though she was wearing a thong.
“Best not to sport an erection just by looking the young woman over,” the incubus thought as he returned his gaze back to her eyes before speaking aloud. “I hope that was not too forward of me.”
“No, no,” Lili replied, blushing. “Not at all. It was very sweet.”
“Come, have a seat, my dear,” Tommy offered, gesturing to the leather-covered seat that stretched across the back of the boat.
“I, um, just wanted to apologize for how I treated you the last, well, ever,” Lili remembered what she wanted to talk about before being complimented and losing her train of thought.
“Think nothing of it. You were being fiercely loyal and protective of a friend. You had no way of knowing that our dear Madelaine was as willing and insatiable of a lover as she is. You thought I was pressuring her into these frequent and intense love making session when in reality, Madelaine was either the aggressor or hyper willing.” the incubus as Tommy explained.
“Yeah,” Lili agreed. “I completely misread the situation and took it out on you as a result. I hope you can forgive me.”
Tommy smirked before staring her in her big green eyes. “Well...I can think of a few ways you can earn my forgiveness.”
“Oh?” Lili found herself asking with a playful tone and quirk of the eyebrow.
The incubus smiled predatorily, pleased that the elixir the women drank was made so expertly. With his demonic abilities, even as weak as they were from his centuries of being in Hell, the incubus could still sense what was occuring in the beautiful female. Her arousal was emitting from her in waves, not to mention the physical signs were all there as well. Her body temperature was definitely heightened, her skin more flush and she licked her lips with regularity. And then, of course, their was the smell of her horniness, making the incubus want to tear off those pathetic excuse for bikini bottoms and taste her essence right then and there. However, in these modern times, some seduction was needed first, and the way this blonde creature named Lili was behaving, it would take little time or effort.
“Did I ever tell you that Madelaine and I were in an open relationship?” Tommy spoke.
“No. I don’t believe you did,” Lili said, still feeling as though held in his trance.
“We both believe monogamy is not for the youth. We are growing, expanding, and thus, need to be open and receptive to new experiences. Wouldn’t you agree,” Tommy explained, reaching out and taking Lil’s chin so he could hold her gaze more intensely.
“Most definitely,” the horny blonde agreed readily, especially after feeling his other hand come to rest on her bare upper thigh.
As soon as she felt his hand rest on her inner thigh, Lili knew exactly what the man nearly 10 years her senior had his mind set on. Looking into Tommy’s eyes, she saw him lean into her and pucker his lips. Her mind felt muddled because normally the thought of cheating disgusted her. However, something inside her was screaming that this felt right. However, with his lips only an inch away from her own and closing that distance quickly, Lili decided that there would be no harm in some light kissing, or even full out make out session if it got that far.
Lili took some initiative and was the one who leant forward so she was viewed as a consenting partner in the kiss. Their lips contacted each other and right from the start she was surprised by the hunger that he displayed. It was as though Tommy hadn’t kissed someone in eons the way he pressed his lips hard against hers, instead of being someone who quite literally had ass fucked his girlfriend less than an hour ago. She didn't know which one of them it was who parted their mouth first, but the other wasn't far behind. With their mouths open, they both slide their tongues out to meet the others and took turns entering each other's oral cavities.
“Honestly, I’ve secretly wanted to kiss you ever since Madie first brought you around,” Lili confessed as the man’s mouth moved down and sucked on her neck.
“And I’ve wanted to more than kiss ever since meeting you,” Tommy replied, kissing back up from her collarbone.
The pair leaned back towards each other and found their lips pressed against one another. Lili was enjoying the feeling of sharing a passionate moment with someone she found so sexually appealing, and probably because he had that bad boy mystique to him. Though not someone she would actually want to date or even trust, hooking up with a bad boy always was a big sexual fantasy for Lili. And now, thanks to the little concocted brew their host Anna Kendrick had shared with them, she was about to live out that sexual fantasy. As if right on cue, as she was using her tongue to playful explore the inside of his mouth, she was slightly startled to feel Tommy’s fingertips start to move along the inside of her upper thigh, closer to between her legs.
"You should stop him, Lili. You're a good girl, in a committed relationship with a great guy," the small angel on her left shoulder told her.
"Please, don't listen to that prude. This is no strings attached sex with the perfect amount of a bad boy. Besides, you can make it up to Kane with a threesome with one of our hella hot friends," the bigger, louder devil on her other shoulder said.
"That horny slut has a point. Spread them legs and let him fuck us with that monster he must be packing in his shorts," the angel agreed.
Just as his hand was nearing her crotch, Lili listened to the two figments of her imagination and parted her gorgeous long legs. Taking that as clear as a sign as possible, the incubus inhabiting Tommy brought his fingers on top of her bikini-clad pussy and started to rub the sensitive area through the material. Even with that minimal contact, it was causing the Riverdale actress to arch her back and moan into his mouth while they continued to kiss.
Using his one free hand, Tommy reached around her back until he found the string of her bikini top. Grasping it, he gave it a good tug and felt the end become loose. Having successfully untied her top, the horny man pulled the orange colored swimsuit off of her chest to free her large, natural tits. Tossing the top away, he began to grope her pillowy boobs while continuing to stoke her wet pussy through her bikini bottoms.
"Why don't you let me show you how sorry I am for being rude to you earlier," Lili said with unmistakable lust in her eye.
“Best idea I’ve heard in a long time,” Tommy smiled wickedly.
Lili’s hands instantly shot to his groin and frantically worked to undo Madelaine’s boyfriend’s shorts and slide them down just enough so that his semi-hard cock popped into view. While still being groped by the incubus-controlled Tommy, she gripped his member lightly in her small hand and stroked it in order to bring it to it's full length. Not quite believing what she was feeling, Lili broke away from kissing the tattooed man and took a look at his more than impressive groin.
"Damn! That’s a good looking cock,” Lili couldn’t help but exclaim.
Taking a good long work at what Tommy had to work with, he easily had the largest dick she had ever seen, both in terms of length and girth. By her estimations, the man was over 8 inches long, and had to be over 3 inches around. Clutching it again with her hand, she wasn't surprised to see that her fingers couldn't wrap around the whole thing. How Madelaine, who couldn’t be more than 100 pounds soaking wet could routine, and by all accounts, savagely take this dick was a mystery to the horny blonde.
"All for your pleasure," Tommy told her.
“Oh, I think I’ll be able to get a lot of pleasure from this beauty.” Lili practically drooled.
Licking her lips, Lili was equal parts excited and frightened about his huge size. For the past several years, her and Kane, who was also no slouch in the size department, fucked very regularly. However, she was a late bloomer sexually speaking but she had enough determination and experience with her boyfriend to help her accommodate Tommy’s mammoth size. However, something told her that after having sex with Madelaine’s boyfriend, she may not ever have a tight pussy again.
After another kiss, Lili pushed herself away from Tommy and down the bench a little bit, out of reach of the man. Giving him a sexy look, the beautiful Riverdale actress leaned towards the tattooed man and brought her face towards his groin. Opening her mouth, Lili wrapped her full lips around his bulbous head and sucked on his tip. Instantly she heard him emit a grunt then felt his hand grip the back of her head. She didn’t need the lust elixir flowing through her veins to make her thoroughly enjoy the feel of making a man squirm just by using her mouth.
"That feels so good," Tommy growled, only now becoming aware that Lili must be tasting Madelaine’s asshole, who had had fucked less than an hour ago and never cleaned up after.
If Lili had any problems with the taste of his girlfriend’s ass then Tommy wouldn't have the faintest idea given the way the blonde was devouring his cock. In fact, the way she hungrily sucked on his manhood gave the cheating man the distinct impression that she enjoyed sucking on hour-old butthole flavor of the curvy redhead.
“How does Madie asshole taste?” Tommy couldn’t help but inquire. When he saw a slightly perplexed look cross the blonde’s face, he added. “You didn’t know I sodomized your good friend roughly 30 minutes ago? So, I ask again, how do you like Madelaine’s ass juice flavor?”
“I’ve never gone another girl’s ass to my mouth before,” Lili commented, thinking about how she did think he dick tasted. “Or even sucked a cock right from my own butt either.”
After thinking it over for another moment in her mind, Lili decided that she did think his dick tasted fairly good. In fact, maybe even better than Kane’s, which considering it was tinged heavily in Madelaine’s ass juice must mean she enjoyed the taste of a girl’s booty. To answer the waiting man, Lili stuck out her tongue and proceeded to lick the tattooed man’s manhood from base to tip, being sure to put on a little show sucking on his tip with an audible moan escaping her lips. Making sure he understood her answer, Lili repeated the long, slow lick of his cock on both side in addition to the underbelly.
“Mmmm. Yummy,” Lili replied with a wink before going and delivering a final lick to the top side of his cock. “Your girlfriend has a real tasty booty.”
“Feel free to sample from the source at any time. I can guarantee she’d be willing to lay with you,” Tommy encouraged.
Lili felt her pussy dampen at the thought of worming her tongue into Madelaine Petsch’s adorable asshole. However, as her hand reached back to rub her snatch, she had to focus back on the task at hand. Even though she was coming close to unhinging her jaw, Lili was in the process of trying to take more of his shaft into her mouth, but was having trouble with that. Her lips were pushed wide to make a perfect O and had successfully taken only the next few inches of his massive cock into her. Pulling completely off of him, the blonde actress lowered her head so that she could lick his shaft all the way from the base right up to his more sensitive tip again since it seemed he got off on that when she did so earlier.
Lili couldn’t help but notice that as she attempted to blow the well-endowed man, that Tommy was more a little rougher than the other boys she had been with. This was especially true for Kane, who definitely let Lili pick the speed or style of fucking that they used. Little did Lili know that it was actually a combination of Tommy being a more physical lover but also the incubus’ desires and sexual needs bleeding into their tryst. Lili wasn’t opposed to the harder style, after all he wasn’t facially abusing her or anything, but he was using his hand on her head to bring her mouth back around his dick. Tommy applied more pressure to press her down on his cock. Even though he was trying to physically dominate her, Lili was actually enjoying the feeling it gave her and was becoming hornier due to it.
“Gllkkk….glllkkk...ggwwwkkk,” Lili hummed and slobbered as her head bobbed along his length, bookending longer periods where she forced her head down and tried to take as much of his thick rod into her mouth as possible.
Still not able to get as much of his meaty shaft between her lips that she was used to, Lili bobbed her head along the 4 inches she could get inside. In order to pay attention to the rest of his shaft, the eager blonde stroked him off with her hand while she sucked on him. Tommy still had his hand on the top of her head, always willing to give her extra force as she lowered her golden head to get more of his rod into her mouth. His other hand was being used to reach down and squeeze her fairly large tits, but now he was moving it down her back and to her ass. Giving each of her cheeks a hearty clench before pulling back his arm and giving her a firm slap, then another and another. As Lili groaned from the firm spanking she was receiving, she had to open her mouth even wider to do so and that's when the incubus possessing Tommy pushed down harder on the back of her head and pushed half his length inside her mouth.
"Cuggghhh...argghh," Lili coughed as she spewed spit all over his member.
Now clutching both sides of her head with both of his hands, the horny man guided her up and down his spit-covered dick. Lili was caught completely by surprise with his sudden switch to barbarian but she found she was into being somewhat powerless against his more formidable strength. Over and over she was plunged down on his monstrous shaft as his thickness repeatedly slamming against the back of her throat. It had been a few minutes of this rough treatment when she actually realized that Tommy was no longer forcing her down on his rod, in fact she had been giving him an aggressive blowjob all on her own accord.
“You learn quickly,” Tommy complimented, showing her his sweet side by gently stroking her pretty face, but also his rougher side by using his other side to spank her meaty ass once more.
“Mmhmm,” Lili replied, sucking in some of the thicker spit strings that dangled between his veiny cock and her lips. “What can I say, I’m super inspired.”
"Take off your panties," Tommy ordered, though the demon possessing him had half a mind just to rip the delicate fabric off her curvy bottom.
Listening to him as though Tommy was her master, Lili propped herself up and pulled the bikini bottoms down her athletic legs and off her body. She could feel his gaze on her, examining every inch of her naked body and she suddenly realized what it was like to be Madelaine and why the redhead would bend to his every desire.
Lili’s nipples were small and pink, but due to his groping, had caused them and the rest of her tits to turn a more reddish color rather than the creamy white of the rest of her skin. She could tell that the man liked the fact she had a completely shaven pussy, though part of his expression looked a little surprised, as though he was surprised to find her not sporting a big bush or something. Seeing that the demon-possessed man was enjoying looking her over, Lili decided to show off the rest of her body as she turned on the spot and showcased her underrated peach of an ass. Her cheeks, which Tommy had slapped repeatedly, had turned a bright red color as a result. Bending over at the hips, she grabbed each of her cheeks and separated them so that Tommy had a good look of everything she had to offer, namely her pink pussy, glistening already, and her puckered little asshole.
"So beautiful," she heard him say.
Lili heard him clatter to the floor of the boat and as she looked back to see what had happened she felt his tongue take a long swipe over her entire slit. However, the bigger surprise was when she felt his tongue continue past her pussy opening, lick over the small patch of skin beyond it and glide over her rosebud. It wasn’t the pleasure of having both her pussy and ass eaten out that was surprising, after all Kane was a long-time member of the booty eating club, but the fact that Tommy had the gull to toss her salad on their first hook up. Then again, no less than 10 minutes he had boasted about how Lili was enjoying tasting his dick which was fresh from fucking another girl’s asshole so Tommy was clearly a different breed. Snapped out of that line of thought, Lili felt him repeat the same action again, only this time lingering on her asshole for longer than before.
"Such a naughty boy," Lili gushed as she extended her arms to help steady herself.
"You are a true specimen. Deliciously sweet snatch and a perfect asshole. The complete package," Tommy voiced. "Now I’m going to devour your pussy, but as I do so, I want you to finger your delicatible booty. You understand?"
Not quite sure what had come over her, Lili listened obediently to him, looking back over her shoulder and gave him a nod. Stull using one hand to hold the railing of the boat to steady herself, the Riverdale actress used the other to reach behind her. As Tommy’s demon-guided tongue was rummaging through her folds and dipping inside her pussy, Lili followed her ass crack down to the object of her date's affection. Knowing he was watching while he continued to eat her snatch, the blonde used her middle finger to rub over the crinkled sphincter before squeezing the digit inside.
“Mmmm...ahhh….ohhh," Lili moaned as the feeling of Tommy’s tongue and her own finger gave her great pleasure.
Though anal didn’t originally come easy to her, Lili was a determined girl in all manners of her life. Whether with being the best visual effects makeup artist, actress or ultimate fuck toy, Lili strove to be better than her rivals. Through practice and copious experience with Kane mostly, Lili learnt not only wasn't she adverse to something entering her backdoor, she somewhat liked it. With the knowledge that it wouldn't hurt her or cause any discomfort, the blonde actress wasted no time in repeatedly plunging her finger into her own butthole before adding in a second finger, much to Tommy and the incubus’ pleasure. Startled when he swatted her hand from fingering her asshole, she knew why he had done so immediately. Moving up from her sweet tasting pussy, Tommy was now cramming his tongue deep within her loosened up anus.
"Can't wait any longer," Tommy said as he pulled his tongue from within her rectum and stood up. "Need to take you right now."
Lili had no objection to his request. While the tattooed man got to his feet and took down his swim trunks, the Riverdale star stepped back to the cushioned bench and rested her knees on it. Tommy was behind her in the blink of an eye, placing his hand between her shoulder blades to ease her forward so her pillowy tits were resting on the back of the boat, causing her ass to stick up in the air. Gripping the base of his cock, he rubbed the head of his cock through her folds, spreading his pre-cum before pushing her tip in her pussy.
"Ugghhh...you're huge," Lili groaned again as her pussy instantly stretched to the furthest it had ever been.
As she started to accommodate his girth, Tommy pushed more of his cock into her with short, slow thrusts. His journey into her opening was aided by the fact she had coughed up so much spit onto his rod during her wet blowjob she had given him, plus how moist her pussy was already. The incubus could imagine that this mortal had a tough time penetrating women for the first time, even if they were sexually experienced, thus much looser, but with all the natural lubrication, he was able to bury his entire cock into her hole in near record time for him.
"Oh Hells, it’s been much too long,” the incubus grunted, savoring the feel of pressing his entire cock inside the curvy blonde.
"Fuck me, Tommy," the equally horny Lili said with a carnal need.
The incubus, working with Tommy, had no issues giving the Riverdale actress exactly what she had asked for. Pulling back his hips, he watched as his penis slowly exited her love canal until only his tip was left inside her. Taking a moment to pause so he could prepare himself for the exquisite feeling, the demon-man duo plowed forward until his hips smacked into her ass cheeks, causing them to ripple. He loved the feeling of her wet, velvety folds gliding along his length, but he preferred the sharp moan of pleasure that was screamed by his lover.
Tommy repeated the same action over and over again, picking up the pace with each thrust. The incubus was basking in the feel of fucking again, and he couldn’t have hoped for a more willing partner. In fact, he was rather surprised with how well she was taking his pummeling style of sex. The girl was clearly determined, the lust elixir not hurting either, however he was pleased since she could take his pounding, screaming in pleasure all the while. But Lili wasn't only just enjoying the hard sex, she was thriving due to it. They had only been going at it for the better part of 10 minutes, but she was already on the verge of an intense orgasm.
"Oh Tommy! I'm so, so close to cumming," she screamed, not caring at all if any of her friends on the dock heard.
"How about if I give you this pleasurable treat, you give me an extra thrill as well,” Tommy asked without breaking stride, pushing the 21 year old closer and closer to orgasm.
“Awhhh! Make me cum...ohhh...then do whatever you want,” Lili answered, moaning all the while.
“Acceptable terms,” the incubus agreed.
Using his innate knowledge of sex, it took mere seconds to push Lili over the edge. Slowing his thrusts, Tommy instead drove deep, slow and hard into her pussy. With his bulbous tip grinding against her G spot with the perfect force, the moment his fingers so much as brushed her clitoris, Lili exploded.
“OH GOD! YES!” Lili howled as her orgasm gripped her with the intensity that reaching climax from an incubus or succubus could only produce.
After her incredible orgasm, it took all of her willpower not to drift off into a deep sleep. Lili was just thankful that she was set up bent over the boat and not having to support her own body weight, as she was quite exhausted. However, Lili was stirred back to life when she felt the man with the massive cock unsheathe himself from her gushing pussy. However, it was the next action that woke her fully with her large green eyes shooting open as the horny man-demon touched the tip of his extremely fat flesh pole against her previously licked backdoor.
“Just stay calm, my lovely,” the demon-occupied man stated.
“You sure you’ll fit,” Lili asked, unable to keep the worry from her voice though she did stop wiggling her bubbly ass.
“No offense, but if it fit with some ease into Madie’s tighter ass, you’ll be able to take it as well,” Tommy commented, all the while pushing and testing her anal sphincter.
“Some offense taken,” Lili retorted, but with Anna’s elixir effecting her, she didn’t actual care.
Lili couldn't believe that she was letting a man with a massive dick, who she had hated up until an hour ago, talk her into anal sex with such little effort. It helped that the elixir was in full effect, and that her chip she wore on her shoulder was screaming at her that if Madelaine fucking Petsch could take this bull-sized cock anally, than so could she! It was her current mindset that made her ignore the steadily increasing pressure against her anal ring until after another few seconds passed and the head of Tommy’s massive cock successfully breached her asshole.
"Awh! Shit," Lili swore before biting her lip.
"This may sting a bit," Tommy warned, though his hips continued to make slow but regular strokes into her backdoor.
"A bit? I'm getting sodomized by a baseball bat and he says it may hurt a bit," she thought.
Between the elixir, her own personal experience with anal sex and the motivating chip on her shoulder, Lili was handling the ass fucking better than any of Tommy’s previous conquests. With each thrust into her, Lili could feel Tommy attempt more of his shaft into her round booty. Though slowly, Lili could feel her ass eat more of his dick. In fact, the busty blonde began using her arms to push against the back of the bench that she was currently folded over. She was happy that she had cum minutes prior or else the situation would have been absolutely unbearable. However, with his cock glistening in her juices, she had already gotten half of his giant cock into her booty and it was getting easier and less painful by the second.
"See, it fits perfectly," Tommy told her as he fucked her in the sun.
“Mmhmm,” Lili agreed before adding. “Keep going. Fuck my ass!”
Lili had been so concentrated on being surprised by the lack of pain that she hadn't realized her ass cheeks were now touching his mane of pubic hair. Having all of his cock inside of her rectum gave her a sense of perverse pride, especially when she imagined it had taken her friend Madelaine countless anal sessions before she was able to perform the same incredible feat.
Pulling out of her anus ever so slightly, Tommy reverted to just doing small thrusts into her. After a few minutes of this, he had managed to pull his entire 10 inch cock out of Lili’s ass without the blonde feeling any discomfort. Continuing to push her limits, the demon combined with Tommy shoved half of his length into her and waited for her reaction. When it caused Lili to give her loudest moan yet, Tommy smiled and knew that she was his to use as he wanted. He reared back his hips so that he could thrust forward and cram his entire length into her bowels in one shot.
"Shit! That's practically in my stomach," Lili remarked, equal parts amazement and pleasure surprisingly.
Letting her mouth hang up, Lili let herself moan, grunt and scream as she saw fit, regardless that her friends and boyfriend were partying close by. The feeling of Tommy’s girthy cock gliding through her tight anus gave her such carnal pleasure that she was prime to cream herself at any moment. She closed her eyes and kept allowing the enjoyment to flow through her as the tattooed stood behind her and continuously slammed his monstrous dick into her.
Lili couldn’t believe how much she loved the fact that she was his little sex doll that he could use as he pleased and she was more than happy to play the submissive role. She also understood why Madelaine could allow Tommy to carry out practically any sexual demand he asked of her, especially when he possessed a cock like this and more importantly, knew how to use it.
"Will need to cum very soon," Tommy warned his latest conquest.
Though normally the incubus would fuck for hours at a time, he was still only freshly summoned and far from his peak. However, the more sex these gorgeous mortals consumed in, the greater his powers grew. Thus, rather than try to prolong any one sexual conquest, the incubus would indulge in fuck after fuck until his body was whole and he could touch this world on his own once more.
“Mmm...awhhh...cum wherever,” Lili encouraged, knowing full well from Madie where her boyfriend enjoyed shooting his load.
Lili had to admit that she was disappointed, after all, she had been getting fucked by a sex demon with countless centuries of experience at pleasuring women. Lili felt the older man give her a few last hard thrusts, in which it felt like he was trying to drive straight through the curvy female, before he pulled out of her rectum completely. His next actions happened so fast that Lili, who was even expecting something of the sort, had no idea how she went from bent over the back of the boat to lying on her back on the floor with Tommy straddling her pillowy chest.
“Come on Tommy! Give me that cum! All over my face,” Lili found herself begging.
"Urgghhh," he grunted as he stroked his cock.
Hearing the groan leave his lips and the look on his face gave Lili all the warning she needed to be ready for him to plaster her adorable face with his sticky cum. Flexing her neck forward to present a better target for him, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide. She didn't have to wait long for him to erupt, with some strands depositing into her eager mouth but most of his load splattered across her face. Once she was sure he was done cumming, she opened her eyes and swallowed down the semen that had landed on her tongue. Tommy used the tip of his cock to scoop the cum that had pasted her face down into her mouth so she could devour that salty portion as well.
"You were fantastic, Lili," an exhausted Tommy told Lili.
"And you have a truly great cock," Lili laughed, using her fingers to push the remaining cum into her mouth and swallow it down.
“I feel like we’ve been gone long enough from the party. Shall we head back,” Tommy proposed.
The incubus didn’t stay inside the male long enough to hear the pretty blonde’s answer. Instead, the pair had served their purpose for him and the demon felt his powers grow a little stronger. He still had a ways to go, however, the way these mortals were feeling, it was only a matter of time. In fact, heading in the opposite direction from him was coming waves of energy that could only mean one thing. Thus, the incorporeal demon headed in the direction of the two females…
* * *
“Where’d those two take off to?” Camila asked as she danced in a group with Anna Kendrick and their guys.
“Lili wanted to go make peace with Tommy boy,” Kane answered, returning with Madelaine as Lili and the aforementioned Tommy sought privacy on the boat.
“It’ll be good for them to bang out an understanding,” the red-haired Madelaine added.
“Ha ha...bang,” Anna giggled, which in turn drew a few chuckles from the rest of the gang.
“Pervert,” joked Chuck, Camila’s boyfriend.
“No offense big guy, but your calling the pot black,” Kane voiced as he took another shot. “After all, ever since Madie and I got back you’ve been either staring at Red’s or Anna’s tits, or at your own girl’s ass.”
“Not cool to out me, bro,” Chuck replied, though the wide smile on his face illustrated that he took no offense.
“To be fair, we do have great tits,” Madelaine piped up, and in a bold display, used one hand to grope her own chest as well as Anna’s.
“I’ll drink to that,” Jason cheered as everyone had a good laugh.
And with that, the drinks were flowing, the dancing was grinding and the music was boisterous. In fact, it was due to the loud music that Lili’s cries of pleasure were drowned out, despite the fact that she and Tommy were both cheating on their significant others who were less than 30 feet away. The 6 remaining party goers were starting to break apart, interestingly with Madelaine and Kane participating in their own type of drinking game while Anna and Camila remained on the dance floor together.
“I know mine and Madie’s boobs got all the attention not long ago, but your ass is truly next level,” Anna told the Brazilian actress.
“Oh God, I can die happy now,” Camila blushed. “Sex pot Anna Kendrick gave my booty a compliment.”
“That’s not the only thing I wanna give to your booty,” Anna replied with a quirk of her eyebrow.
“Oh?” Camila asked.
Normally, the girl best known for playing Veronica on Riverdale was a little sheepish when it came to talk of butt stuff. Despite the popularity of anal amonst men, especially in Hollywood, Camila was still a butt virgin. Sure, she’d let a guy or girl have a little nibble of her great big ass, but she just wasn’t into ass play. Even allowing rimjobs was something that she did for them only as she never really got any pleasure from it. And when it came to sex, Camila’s opinion was that as long as it felt good, she’d do a lot of it. Thus why no boyfriend put up much of a stink about her not taking it up the dirt road since her sexual appetite was simply ravinish.
“I’m assuming you’ve heard a rumor or two about me around Hollywood?” Anna asked as she pulled Camila away from the others under the guise of mixing another drink.
“Maybe a few things,” Camila replied.
“Not sure what you’ve heard but they are all true,” Anna replied before adding. “Especially any rumors about me and my fondness for eating ass.”
“I may have, yes,” the Latino girl replied, nodding her head and feeling her pussy start to dampen under the strain of the sexually oriented questions.
“Good. I think you and I were destined to hook up this weekend,” Anna said, stepping closer and letting her hand start to rub Camila’s side. “I’m the unstoppable ass eating force, giving out orgasms like candy on Halloween. And you’re the immovable object, the girl with the big beautiful booty and yet unable to derive pleasure from it.”
“Well when you put it in those terms, it does seem like one has to give,” Camila almost cooed from Anna’s words and light touching, which had extended down to her mighty fine ass.
“So why don’t you see who is the bigger force of nature,” Anna asked, licking her lips while reaching for Camila’s hand.
“Um, well, okay,” the Riverdale actress gave in rather easily.
“Good girl,” Anna cooed into her ear before giving the olive-skinned girl’s ear lobe a seductive suckle. “This way baby.”
The incubus could sense the hormones coming from the two girls in waves, so instantly sought them out. Both being females, the male demon couldn’t inhabit either of them, but that wouldn’t stop him from being able to watch the show the two girls would surely put on. Fresh from helping bring Lili to orgasm after a good ass fucking, the incubus followed the pair of gorgeous women as they lift the dock and ascended the pathway back to the cabin.
As the two women in swimsuits pulled off the main path and towards the covered day bed to the back of the cottage, the incubus compared the two. While both gorgeous creatures, they were so remarkably different. For one, the one that summoned him in the first place was a good 10 years older than the one they called Camila. However, that did nothing to detract from Anna Kendrick’s sexual appeal. After all, while she may have been 35 years old, the auburn haired actress had a petite, tight body without an ounce of fat, a cute yet sexy face, tight peach of an ass and perfect round, pillowy tits that were made to look even larger given her tiny stature.
The other one, the dark-haired Camila, was equally attractive in her own right. Her darker, olive-skinned complexion highlighted all of her other physical perfection. Her face was the classic beauty and her brown eyes burned with a carnal passion already. Her tits were perfect for her size, a medium firm pair with adorable cute nipples. Her legs were thick and athletic but it was her ass, being wide, fat and firm, that was the true show stopper.
“Here we are,” Anna said, pulling Camila up onto the outdoor day bed with her.
“Comfortable,” Camila was only able to say before Anna’s lips were pressed against her’s.
Camila didn’t get a chance to get a feel for the large outdoor daybed or even to look around and enjoy the view from the highest point on the property. Instead, she got to enjoy Anna Kendrick pressing her lips to her own, which was swiftly followed by the slender actress sticking her tongue into Camila’s mouth. Though she wasn’t a alesbian or ever done more than kiss another girl, Camila Mendes couldn’t deny the overwhelming sexual feelings she felt towards the petite movie star kissing her.
“God’ you’re so fucking hot,” Anna moaned.
As Anna complimented the 24 year old, her lips slid off Camila’s mouth and down to her neck. Instantly she drew a moan from the Riverdale star, and the resulting back arching from Camila worked perfectly for Anna, as it made it all the easier to reach around the younger woman and undo her bikini top. With the string undone, Anna pulled the top off Camila’s body, and in the next motion Anna was leaning lower so she could capture one of the olive-skinned actress’ exposed nipples in her mouth and sucked.
“Ahh! Yes, Anna.” Camila roared, pressing Anna’s head tighter against her chest.
Anna continued to sloppily suck on her new lover’s nipple for several seconds before attacking the erect pink disk with swirls of her tongue. Once Camila’s surprisingly strong grip started to leesen on her head, Anna moved over to her free tit and repeated the same treatment with that nipple as well. Lip smacking, tongue swirling and hard suction meant Camila tried popping her head off with her intense grip, but Anna weathered the storm and eventually got her mouth back against the other girl’s lips.
As the incubus watched as the two beautiful women passionately made out with each other, he didn’t know if the sudden intense tryst was down to the magical elixir they consumed, their own natural feelings for each other or something else. However, not knowing their backstory didn’t detract from enjoying their performance. As the pair kissed, their hands gravitated to the others key feature with Camila having undone the slender girl’s bikini top so she could fondle the pillowy mounds beneath. All the while, Anna had two full handfuls of Camila’s mighty behind, squeezing the firm flesh between her fingers while her own large breasts were groped and nipples slightly pulled on.
“Need to taste you,” Anna half begged, half-demanded.
When Camila heard the words, Anna’s hands slide off her great ass and up to the waistband of her black swimsuit. As the Pitch Perfect star pulled the bottoms over her big booty and down her powerful thighs, Camila went from rest on her knees and flopped onto her booty. With this seated position, Anna was able to completely withdraw Camila’s last remaining article of clothing, rendering her nude. It also allowed for the petite movie star to use Camila’s slightly off-balanced positioning to roll the Riverdale star over so she came to rest on the day bed on hands and knees.
“Stronger than you look,” Camila commented from her new position.
“Yup. A total powerhouse,” Anna joked.
Continuing to feel playful, Anna went from rubbing Camila’s big ass to rearing both arms back before crashing the palms against the olive-skinned girl’s booty. Instantly the sound of a hard spanking was heard amongst the trees, as was Camila’s scream, more from surprise than any actual pain. Despite her last comment, Anna was far from strong given her tiny stature and weighing barely 100 pounds. But the surprise of the sex fiend spanking her was what made Camila howl.
“Sorry,” Anna apologized before adding. “It’s kind of your fault though. You have an ass meant to be spanked.”
“Anything else my ass is to blame for,” Camila asked with a look over her shoulder with a quirked eyebrow.
Sliding her own ass backwards so her head was now level with Camila’s backside, Anna answered. “Well, it does look good enough to eat.”
As Anna had proudly boasted earlier down at the dock, the Pitch Perfect star was widely regarded around town for a number of things, all sexual in nature. She was a little crazy sexually, liking things kinky and being extremely open-minded. More specifically though, when it came to the lesbain side of things, Anna was known for not only being a proud card-carrying member of Team Booty Muncher, but also being somewhat of a savant at rimming. It all came from her love of all things anal, with Anna loving the look of the crinkled little starfish, touching the sensitive button and feeling it pulse against her fingers, the way it tasted and the way it felt against her wet muscle, which she did right then.
“Oh…wow,” Camila moaned, feeling the wet appendage against her asshole.
Though the two girls had talked exclusively about Camila’s booty getting a good old rimming only minutes prior, it still surprised the Riverdale actress that Anna went straight for her asshole. In Anna’s opinion, everyone was likely into having their asshole tossed, especially when done well and Anna knew for a fact she did it extremely well. She hadn’t planned on going right of it tonight, instead was going to tease the olive-skinned girl with some licking up and down the crack and into her snatch, but before she knew it her tongue was licking Camila’s now exposed asshole, the crinkled starfish too tempting to not do something about. As soon as her tongue pressed against the tight hole, it winked in response so Anna followed up her initial lick with several more, getting more of her taste on her buds.
“So initial thoughts to having a competent backdoor rimming,” Anna asked between swipes of her tongue against the younger woman’s asshole.
"Oh...sweet Lord, that's good," Camila moaned in response to each of her tongue's lashings. “Keep going,” Camila all but begged, her mouth opened in a constant O.
Either it was because Camila wanted to test the lady waters, or she found Anna Kendrick too tempting of an opportunity to turn down or if it was Kristen’s magic elixir, all Anna knew was that she wasn’t going to waste the chance of rimming the straight girl. Lick after lick was performed by Anna over Camila’s impossibly tight asshole. Sometimes the Pitch Perfect star went fast, starting at the lowest point of her crinkled rosebud and swiping to the top, a journey lasting no more than an inch. Other times Anna went for long, slow licks that incorporated Camila’s pussy and ended halfway up her ass crack. Anna also changed her tactic after that, using her dainty hands to pull apart Camila’s mountainous ass so that a small gape was produced in her poop chute. Narrowing her tongue to a point, the movie star pushed her tongue as far as it would go inside Camila.
“Oh yes, Anna! Eat my asshole,” Cami screamed, reaching a hand back to hold the other woman’s head from ever leaving her booty.
Anna felt like she was on cloud nine since her oral skills were having such a positive effect on a girl notorious for not liking any butt stuff. And yet here Camila was, one hand holding herself upright while the other reached back to prevent Anna from leaving the valley created by her massive ass cheeks as she absolutely loved having her asshole eaten out. Even with some discomfort of having her nose pressed hard against Camila’s tailbone, Anna was still dripping wet from hearing the Brazilian moan louder the deeper or harder Anna’s tongue wiggled while buried in her backdoor.
However, after another few minutes of having her tongue buried in Camila’s backdoor, the need for air became pressing for the Pitch Perfect star. Anna was finally forced to surface from between the mighty tushy, and allowed both of them to catch their breath. Anna couldn’t help but give the other woman’s large cheeks a playful bite while Anna used her soft fingertips to rub circles around the slippery anal ring, causing Camila to moan and squirm to a slightly different tune.
“I think you’ll be a little anal slut in no time, baby,” Anna cooed before dipping her tongue into Camila’s snatch and tasting her sweet juices from the source.
“Oh God,” was all Camila could answer, lost in pleasure as she was.
Safe in the knowledge that Camila was now into having her booty pleasured, Anna now had a new mission in mind. As much as the Pitch Perfect star loved eating ass, which was a lot, she also loved to fuck another girl’s backdoor as well. Since the surface and entrance of Camila’s asshole was so well lubricated with her spit, Anna made sure to be even safer by licking her middle finger well before dipping her slender digit into the Brazilian’s backdoor.
"Oh wow," Camila moaned, eyes shooting wide as her pooper was breached.
It wasn't the first finger that had ever made it's way into Camila Mendes’ ass but this time it actually felt pleasurable. While it wasn’t the same as having her snatch finger-blasted, it still felt quite good, just different good. It also helped tremendously that Anna knew exactly what she was doing, and the booze plus magical lust elixir weren’t hurting her chance at feeling good either. While Anna only pushed up until her first digit, when she felt the other girl's sphincter relax almost immediately the movie star continued until half her middle finger was wedged in Camila's bum.
Knowing that if she was going to continue making headway in fingering Cami’s ass, Anna used her tongue back in the younger woman's pussy to relax her further. Anna had fingered many a girl’s asses, including virgins so she knew what was up, as she slowly yet confidently moved half her digit in and out of the Riverdale star’s ass. After a few moments Anna felt the girl was ready for even more and tested that theory out by going past the second knuckle and surprised both of them when her hand hit Camila’s curvy cheeks with the entire digit disappeared inside the girl.
"Good girl Cami!" Anna excitedly cheered, slowly pulling back out.
"Mhmm...thanks," Camila moaned as Anna’s finger smoothly sawed in and out of her.
"I knew an ass like this was being criminally underused," Anna said, driving the finger into the other woman’s ass with more speed now. “Didn’t I tell you how good it would feel?”
"You did," Camila agreed while moaning. “And you were right.”
Instead of continuing to talk, the time for chatter was over and making the woman with the phat ass cum was the top objective for Anna. She was already buoyed by the fact Camila was deriving great pleasure from the anal play so far when in the past no one had made her feel anything resembling that. Thus, Anna was determined to make the curvy actress cum while her ass was being stretched.
It seemed that Camila was on the same wavelength, at least subconsciously as Anna observed her dark-haired Brazilian snake a hand down between her thighs to start rubbing her clit. The Pitch Perfect star knew a good sign when she saw one so brought about stimulation through three fronts, as she eased her finger back into Camila’s rear while her tongue buried itself deep in her pussy.
"Oh Lord...ughh...mmhmmmm...awwhhh," Camila released a torrent of moans.
The screams kept coming as Anna expertly worked her finger and tongue inside Camila to perfection while the new bi-sexual continued strumming her own slit. Despite the fact that Camila had never gotten enjoyment from ass play in her life, Camila was on the verge of actually reaching climax as her booty was cycled between being finger blasted and rimmed.
"That's it! Cum for me, Cami!" Anna encouraged before returning her mouth to the girl’s sex.
Upon hearing that, Anna went into overdrive with her tongue to lick deep into her snatch to hit all the right spots while still calmly pushing and pulling her finger in and out of Camila’s tight asshole. To her credit, the dark-haired girl’s hand was once again a blur as it moved so swiftly as it furiously stimulated her clit until Anna felt both her tongue and digit squeezed by Camila’s respective holes.
"I'M CUMMMINNG," the Riverdale actress screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Such a dirty girl," Anna smiled, giving the inside of each of Camila’s thick cheeks a soft kiss before straightening up.
"You made me cum so...hard...playing with my ass. So I’m a regular butt slut now I guess,” Camila commented with a laugh.
“Well I’m not sure your ready to get fisted or anything like us true anal lovers but I think you’re ready for a stiff one up your poop chute next,” Anna replied. “Or at least a buffet of toys.”
“Can I, um, return the favor to you,” Camila asked, hesitant but excited to dip her toe into a lesbian experience.
“Oh, you don’t have a choice on that,” Anna replied, kissing Camila deeply and allowing the beautiful Brazlian to taste her ass on Anna’s tongue once more. “But I want some phallic-shaped goodness as well. Luckily, I brought all my favorite toys.”
“Awesome. Let’s head back to the cabin,” Camila said, the girls quickly tracking down their bikinis before scampering off.
* * *
“We were worried you two were ripping each other’s heads off,” Kane said upon seeing Tommy and Lili returning from the back of the boat.
“Oh, um, well...we had a lot to work out,” Lili replied as she came to her boyfriend and offered him a kiss on the cheek.
“But I think we understand each other much better now,” Tommy stated with a wide smile, pulling in Madie for his own kiss albeit more intensely.
“Well I’m so proud you two are on good ground now,” Madelaine added once her boyfriend removed his tongue from her mouth.
“Much better understanding,” Lili couldn’t help but add with a blush. “Wanna grab a drink, baby?”
Tommy watched as Lili’s firm ass walked away with her boyfriend in search of a drink. Looking down, he took in the sight of his own girlfriend now. Though he had just ass fucked the beautiful Lili Reinhart, and only just slept with Madie a few hours ago, Tommy could feel his cock stir as he looked his stunning girlfriend’s body up and down. After all, who could blame him given how large, round and firm Madie’s tits were, not to mention her long athletic legs and that small but quite phat booty.
“Whaddya say we head back up to the cottage and you show me how appreciative you are that I made up nice with Lili?” Tommy suggested, though his arm was already around her shoulders and steering Madie towards the path back to the cabin.
“My God, Tommy! Such a naughty boy,” Madelaine giggled, walking in step with him back to their room. “Actually, I brought some comfortable clothes to slip into for such an occasion.”
“Good girl,” Tommy asked, clapping her hard on the ass before giving it a good squeeze for good effect.
The hike back up from the water to the cottage was relatively short, but by the time they opened the door to the inside, Tommy already sported a half chub. His groping of both of Madelaine’s ass cheeks had turned into kneading her big firm tits as she swung the cottage door open. As they stepped into the rustic building, both of his hands shot into the redhead’s panties with one hand driving two fingers deep into Madelaine’s snatch and the other used only a solo digit to plunder the ginger’s repeatedly used asshole.
“Oh fuck Tommy!” Madelaine screamed as she was entered from both holes simultaneously.
“I’m gonna fuck you raw, babe,” Tommy hissed into her ear, his erection pressing against her well formed ass.
“Mmm, you certainly know how to sweet talk a lady,” the red-haired actress replied while her pussy and asshole were finger fucked.
“Madie, I’ve watched as you took both my cock and a dildo up your ass at the same time. Trust me honey, you’re no lady,” Tommy told her as they walked towards their bedroom.
“Mmm...awwhhh...good point,” Madelaine cooed, feeling her twat stretched by a third finger. “Now why don’t you let me slip into something less comfortable but way hotter.”
“Come meet me in Anna’s room when ready,” he explained, nodding his head in the direction right across from their room.
Though Tommy just wanted to throw the gorgeous redhead to the bed and have his way with her, he also understood how much hotter the sex was when they added some extra elements. Therefore, the horny man withdrew both hands from finger blasting her respective holes, but rather than letting them retreat to their rooms, Tommy had another thought.
Madelaine felt empty now that her pussy and asshole were suddenly vacated. However, rather than leave her to get changed, she felt her boyfriend’s hand travel up from her hairless cunt, over her flat stomach, round her tremendous tits before placing the three fingers that had just left her pussy into her mouth. Madelaine was more than happy to accept them, closing her lips around the fingers and sucking hard to get every last trace of her pussy juices from them. Not done yet, Tommy swapped the fingers of his left hand for the solo finger of his right hand that had been plundering her backdoor. Long since being adverse by sucking something that had been in her colon, Madelaine once more closed her lips around the soiled digit and repeated the same action, bobbing her flame red-haired head, Madelaine Petsch tasted her asshole with glee until he was sucked dry.
“Good girl,” Tommy complimented before giving her a hearty spank on her thick ass. “Don’t be long.”
Madelaine continued bobbing her head for another few heartbeats though the taste of her ass was long gone at this point. Tommy eventually pulled out, moving his two slobbered on hands back to his side before heading into Anna Kendrick’s room to await the redhead. Madie didn’t want to keep her horny man waiting so she quickly found the first pair of lingerie she packed and changed into them. They were just classic black bra and thong with some added frills and design, the dark color contrasting perfectly with her flaming red hair and pale white skin.
“Someone is all ready to go,” Madelaine commented as she entered Anna’s room to find her boyfriend already sporting a fully erect cock.
Instead of standing to go greet his stunning girlfriend, Tommy reclined back on the bed. With his legs dangling over the edge and using his elbows to prop himself up, Tommy was able to look down his tattooed body and see as Madelaine got the hint. Walking on her high heels, the gorgeous redhead closed the distance between them before dropping to her knees between his legs.
“Is this for me?” Madelaine cooed, ducking her head low to suck on his nuts while her hand lightly stroked his monstrous cock.
“You and anyone else who wants it,” Tommy commented with a wry grin.
“Mmmm, you naughty boy,” Madelaine mentioned, licking his dick up and down. “I can still taste my ass on your cock.”
“Actually, that’s your best friend’s anal juices you are so fond of,” Tommy thought before actually replying. “And you love sucking it all up, don’t you?”
“Mhmm,” Madie moaned her answer as her lips were already back around his shaft, pumping her mouth in and out with his dick.
Tommy decided to stay quiet and let the talented redhead focus on the task before her. After all, with a cock his size, even a girl with as much practice with it like Madelaine still needed to concentrate. Using her talented mouth and endless energy, the redhead bobbed up and down the first half of his 10 inch cock. It was made more impressive given the fact her golden-haired best friend Lili could only manage 4 inches, and that was when he was helping her. Yet Madie hadn’t even gotten into her stride, though she soon took a break from sucking his cock so she could stroke the member instead and use her mouth once more on his balls.
Madelaine was aware that even with as big of a mouth as she possessed, there was simply no way to suck on Tommy’s massive cock. Therefore, as the redhead licked her way up his shaft after giving his nuts a hearty sucking, she latched her lips back around his head once she summited his length. Using her energetic style he was so fond of, Madelaine made constant eye contact with her man as she used her lips to bob on the first 5 inches while both hands owrked in unison to stroke the bottom half.
“Gag on it babe,” Tommy instructed as he noted her lips going further down.
Madelaine needed little help in the blowjob department. Blessed with natural talent and a mouth like a hoover, Tommy had spent the first 6 months of their relationship grooming the naive and one-time innocent actress into his ultimate fuck toy. Now, she was a woman possessed. With her hands holding his dick steady around his base, the redhead pushed her head down towards his lap, spreading her red lips wide until his tip poked the back of her throat. Despite all her training, all Madelaine could do was hold two-thirds of Tommy’s huge dick in her mouth, right on the verge of entering her throat before pulling him out after a handful of seconds.
“Gaawwwkkkk,” Madelaine gasped, spitting ropes of saliva all over his veiny tool.
“Oh fuck yes,” Tommy groaned at her expert approach as Madelaine went down for another round of taking the majority of his dick in her mouth.
“I want you to fuck me now,” Madelaine all but begged.
“Yeah? Ready for this dick?” Tommy retorted as the pair got to their feet.
“Yes please,” the redhead cooed.
On her feet, Madelaine found herself spun around so she was facing the bed with the bigger, older man behind her. Even though the black lingerie looked so hot on the curvy girl, Tommy still dispensed with it, rendering Madie completely naked except for her black high heels. Those she could keep. Reaching down between her legs revealed her cunt was still moist, in fact sucking on his cock had made her even wetter. Ready to be fucked, Tommy playfully threw his girlfriend to the bed before joining her on top.
“Please get inside me right away,” Madelaine begged, being kept flat down on her stomach as Tommy straddled her ass. “I need that dick again so badly.”
Tommy briefly thought about going back and taking Madelaine in the ass, his third somdomy of the day. However, a quick glance down at her asshole revealed it was still a bright shade of red, still recovering from the lengthy and intense back door loving she was on the receiving end earlier that morning. So instead, he gave Madie what she wanted by placing the tip of his well lubricated cock at the entrance of her pink folds then shoved his hips forward.
“Fuck!” Madelaine squealed in delight as she was entered. “That’s the good dick I wanted.”
With Madelaine laying flat on her stomach, she was at Tommy’s mercy, who was pressed up on his feet and arms. Using impressive strength, Tommy held himself up while he used only half his cock to thrust into the curvy redhead. Once he felt her tight cunt start to loosen, Tommy lengthened his strides until all 10 inches were working into her tasty pussy.
Taking it up a notch, Tommy upped his speed with a pace that could only be described as thumping. With Madie resting on her elbows to curve her back, she arched it even further so her booty was slightly more upturned. This provided Tommy with a better angle so that he was able to slam his hips down with force, his pelvis smashing into Madelaine’s ass. Not only did the hard contact cause her thick ass to ripple, but the room was instantly filled with the sound of flesh slapping flesh.
* * *
“What’s that noise,” Camila asked as she Anna made it back inside the cottage.
“Someone getting fucked really good,” Anna replied, her pussy dampening just from the sound alone.
The incubus, who had followed the girls from their outdoor lesbian session back to the cottage, zoomed ahead. Following the sounds of sex, the demon passed through the closed door and looked upon the man he had inhabited earlier absolutely pounding down into the sexy redhead. Seeing his chance to draw even more energy by using this dig-dicked man, the incubus wasted no more time in entering the man’s body and using his growing powers to anchor onto him.
Only seconds behind the incorporeal demon were Camila Mendes and Anna Kendrick, though they were slowly and clumsily making their way down the corridor. Without looking, the pair were engaged in a passionate make out session as the two actresses bumbled their way towards Anna's room. Figuring that the fucking they heard wasn’t coming from her room, Anna threw open the door to her bedroom and found a surprising scene.
“Oh shit,” Anna cried out in surprise as they stumbled upon Madelaine and Tommy. “Wrong room.”
“Oops,” Camila added, her hands still groping Anna’s pillowy tits. “Sorry Madie.”
“That’s okay, Cami,” Madelaine replied still face down on the bed with her boyfriend’s dick still soaking in her snatch.
“We should probably go...right?” Anna spoke though lacking any conviction.
“Or they could stay. Right, Madie?” Tommy countered, starting to thrust back into her pussy.
“Oh, um, sure baby,” Madelaine agreed, tentatively at first but as the thought marinated in her brain the more on board she got with sharing her boyfriend with her co-stars. “The more the merrier.”
“You did say you wanted something phallic shaped,” Camila joked with Anna before the Pitch Perfect star pulled her in for another kiss.
“That I did,” Anna beamed. “Thanks for being a team player, Madie.”
All while the girls chatted, Tommy and the incubus stayed fucking Madelaine, albeit at a lower speed to allow the redhead to multitask. It also allowed the man the benefit of watching as the two gorgeous women stripped out of their string bikinis and got naked. Their difference were obvious but neither was better than the other. Cami boasted a top tier ass that was thick and perfect, that went along with her olive toned skin, strong thighs and small but perky tits. Anna, meanwhile, had those next level pillowy tits that were so much larger than her petite frame, which made Tommy want to see them bouncing as he tore into her tiny but firm ass.
Madelaine had her head lolled back between her shoulders as Tommy continued to pound down into her waiting snatch. Even with him starting to thrust with more power again, the redhead didn’t forget about her costars getting naked 10 feet away, thus wasn’t surprised as they came onto the bed. Camila rounded the mattress and saddled up next to her boyfriend while Anna beat a path right for Madelaine, climbing onto the bed and shoving her tongue down the redhead’s throat while Tommy did likewise to Camila.
“Please let us taste Madie’s ginger snatch on your dick,” Anna begged as she flashed the man her best puppy-dog eyes after withdrawing her tongue from the redhead’s mouth.
“Yeah? You wanna suck her pussy off me?” Tommy asked, reaching up to wrap his hand in Anna’s auburn locks and giving it a little tug. “Well come suck me dry then.”
Camila and Anna were the first to leave the bed and return to their feet. This allowed for Tommy to pull out of his girlfriend’s snatch, albeit with the demon’s reluctance. Once Madelaine felt her pussy emptied much to her chagrin, she crawled out from under her tattooed man and joined her friends standing before the bed. As Cami and Anna both took a turn kissing their busty red-haired friend, Tommy did his part by swinging his body around so he was seated at the edge of the bed, his fully erect cock glistening in Madie’s spit and juices.
“Holy shit, Madie!” Camila exclaimed, feeling saliva building in her mouth from excitement. “Hung like a horse!”
“That is a monster dong,” Anna added, her own horniness levels going off the charts as well. “I’m actually a little pissed you’ve been hoarding this beauty for yourself all this time.”
“Sorry ladies,” Madie said, though the pride was evident in her voice. “At least you get some time to make up for it now.”
And the two other women planned on doing just that. Camila reacted faster than Anna, who was apparently still caught in la la land staring at the man’s big cock and fantasizing on all the things she could do with it. As a result, Camila found herself kneeling between Tommy’s legs with Anna and Madelaine joining her to her right and left side, respectively.
The teamwork was evident from the start, despite the fact the trio had never slept with the same man before. As Camila gave his cock a pump with her hand before eagerly getting him in her mouth, Madelaine sat up a little higher so she could bundle Camila’s dark hair from getting in her way, while Anna’s closer hand reached down to lightly rub his nut sack. That left Camila free to throw her head down into his lap, bobbing on the first 4 inches of his dick with a hunger Tommy, and even the incubus, rarely saw.
“Can’t believe you’re this big,” Camila cooed between mouthfuls of air before attacking his dick with her lips once more.
Camila knew that her time with the big piece of wood would come to an end soon so she took as much as advantage. The dark-haired actress was less concerned about showcasing skill and more about sucking him to the best of her ability. As she locked her brown eyes onto Tommy’s, Camila dropped her hands away so it was only the feel of her warm mouth, wet lips and talented tongue on his cock, bobbing faster than ever.
“Oh my God, Cami! So hot,” Madelaine gawked.
“Can we share now?” Anna practically begged. “Please let me have a taste.”
Camila was a little reluctant to give up the great cock, but it was only fair. As she pulled her mouth from his manhood, several ropes of spit still connected it to her mouth so she had to slurp and give his head a final wet kiss before steering Tommy to her right. Anna was ready and pounced on the beautiful dick as soon as it came within reach, lowering her head and instantly disappearing the first half between her lips.
Of course, that was only the tip of the iceberg. Like Camila, Anna knew that in an orgy, especially when girls greatly outnumbered the men, you had to take advantage of the precious little time you had with the cock. Therefore, Anna went for broke right away. Normally she started slower with sucking someone off, but as Anna pushed her head down towards his lap.
“Is she gonna…” Camila started to ponder aloud.
“Noooo...not possible,” Madelaine answered.
However, both women turned out to be wrong. Inch after fleshy inch of the girthy member disappeared past Anna’s lips and into her mouth. When the progress was halted by his cockhead tapping the back of her mouth, the two Riverdale actresses, as well as Tommy, predicted she’d reverse course. However, Anna proved them wrong by relaxing her throat using her 2 decades of vocal training and continuing forward until her lips were wrapped around the base of his manhood, her delicate nose nestled in his patch of trimmed pubes and all ten inches in her mouth and throat.
“Holy fuck,” Tommy exclaimed, completely shocked by his first ever deep throat.
“Jesus Anna! How the hell does a skinny chick like you do that,” Madelaine gawked. “That had to be halfway down to your stomach.”
“I’m so fucking turned on,” Camila cooed.
“Talent, ladies,” Anna replied, giving each girl a kiss, long spit strings now connecting all of their lips back to the monster cock before them. “Now how about we use our numerical advantage and make a special treat for this big dick man.”
The two Riverdale stars knew what Anna meant as the trio acted almost immediately. Camila and Madelaine lowered their heads on either side of his cock and used their lips to rub up and down their side of his manhood. Tommy and the incubus could only look down and observe the scene before him. At times the redhead and black-haired girl worked their mouths in unison, their tongues touching as they licked the underbelly of his dick. Other times, they operated at the same speed but while one descended, the other ascended his length, their noses and tongues giving each other a quick touch before continuing their journey.
Sensing Anna was ready to join the fray, Madie and Camila continued their twin lip rubbing but only on the lower portion of his cock. This allowed Anna to lean over top of the girls, pressing one of her impressive tits into each of their shoulders, so she could start sucking on the top 5 inches of veiny cock. At times the redhead and dark-haired girl would descend further and each suck a nut, which would allow Anna to once more show off her dazzling deep throating ability, much to the pleasure of Tommy and the incubus who was still riding shotgun.
“I want you to fuck the hell out of all of us,” Camila practically begged the demon-man combo.
“Is that what you all want,” Tommy asked with a sinister smile.
“Yes please,” they cooed in unison.
Camila couldn’t help herself. As Madelaine and Anna made their way from their knees up to the bed, Camila took the chance alone with his cock once more to suck on him fast and hard. With his red-haired girlfriend getting on all fours to one side of him and Anna Kendrick doing likewise on the other, Camila would eventually join them after another 30 seconds of sucking off the massive dick.
“I want you to fuck my friends really good, baby,” Madelaine asked.
“Never a doubt,” Tommy hissed as he saddled up behind the redhead and entered her fully in one thrust.
“Oh shit, yes!” Madelaine shrieked her happiness.
Tommy figured it was best to start the reverse gangbang fucking his own girlfriend before moving on to her sexy friends. As he knew she could, Tommy didn’t have to hold back when fucking Madelaine’s snatch, knowing from hundreds if not thousands of trysts with the horny redhead. Grabbing her hips where they formed a perfect handhold with her bent thighs, the man-demon combo simultaneously rocked her petite but curvy body backwards while thrusting his hips forward.
Having cum quite a lot already today, Tommy had no reservations about reaching maximum speed since their was no fear of spilling more seed for a good along time. The girls cooed, screamed and dirty-talked with each other as Tommy hammered away, not that he listened much. Instead, the lucky man took his hands from Madelaine’s hourglass hips and placed a hand each on Camila’s massive ass and Anna’s much smaller but adorable peach as well.
“That cock feel good inside you, Madie?” Anna asked longingly.
“So good,” Madie replied, eyes nearly rolled into the back of her skull.
“Can’t wait for my turn,” Camila hinted.
Hint received, Tommy gave his girlfriend several more hard thrusts before pulling out. This time Madie was less upset about not getting stretched out anymore, and more excited for new fast friend Anna Kendrick to experience the wondrous dick. Tommy made the move 2 feet to the center of bed so he was behind Anna’s slender booty, one hand steadying his cock while the other rested on the petite woman’s lower back.
“Oh that’s a great dick,” Anna half moaned, half screamed as 5 inches of his dick filled her cunt.
Even though Tommy was aware of Anna’s sexual reputation, he still started slow and easy with the 35 year old given how tiny she was. However, after a dozen thrusts and the woman begging for it, Tommy was using all 10 inches to plow into her pussy and was now starting to go faster and faster.
Madie and Camila watched on as the tiny movie star was absolutely hammered on by the tattooed man. With his hands gripping onto her thin waist, the sound of Anna’s moans were partially drowned out by skin-on-skin slap of Tommy’s hips routinely pounding against Anna’s slender bottom.
“That’s it! Give me that cock,” Anna begged, gripping the sheets in her little fists.
“Look at her just getting fucking wrecked,” Madelaine couldn’t help but giggle as Anna’s miniture body was pounded back and forth, her head practically a bobblehead.
“Oh, fuck,” Tommy grunted, slowing from the insanely fast speed and now doing really long, slow pulls of his dick into Anna’s cunt.
With the change in speed, Anna was expecting the man to pull out and move to the next girl. However, she was surprised when Tommy resumed his intense pounding deep into her pussy. In fact, it was shocking and intense enough that Anna felt her orgasm bare down on her with such speed. It came so hard and fast that by the time Anna was preparing to shift her weight to rub her clit, she was already cumming.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I’m cumming,” Anna screamed, tossing her head back to howl the words before dropping her head back down between her arms after she climaxed.
“Mmm...my turn,” Camila cooed, seeing as Tommy pulled out of the exhausted Anna and started his move behind her.
“Damn straight,” Tommy agreed.
With his cock’s glistening in Anna’s juices, not to mention with how wet the dark-haired girl was from watching the show, Tommy was able to slide his girthy manhood into Camila with ease. Balls deep on the first thrust, Tommy found a thumping rhythm into the big booty beauty easily.
“Oh! Oh fuck!” Camila shrieked as she was entered and fucked hard.
“So big, right?” Madelaine agreed.
“Your cock feels so fucking amazing,” Camila told the man behind her.
Tommy had heard enough about Camila’s growing sex reputation, being a girl who was proud about her sexual apetites, therefore he knew he could go balls deep from the off with her. This time he had to look down and watch the massive ripples forming in her ass cheeks with each and every sheathing of his dick fully in her pussy.
“Oh yes! Give me that cock,” Camila shrieked.
Despite taking turns hammering away on three horny women, Tommy felt fresh. Not needing to cum wasn’t so much of a stretch, giving the fact how sexually active he had been since arriving at the weekend getaway. Already he had fucked his own girlfriend twice, her best friend (in the ass, no less) and was now the only guy in a reverse gangbang with Madie’s other best friend, Camila Mendes, and Anna fucking Kendrick. That wasn’t even taking into account the blowjob by Madelaine on the drive up this morning. Of course, not feeling any fatigue or dick soreness was due to the presence of the incubus riding inside him, but Tommy didn’t need to know about that performance enhancer.
“Yeah! Cum all over that cock!”
Tommy was broken out of his reflection’s by his girlfriend’s voice encouraging her best friend to orgasm. Having been practically hypnotized by the quaking ass cheeks from his rapid fucking of the olive-skinned girl, Tommy realized that Camila was resting her upper body on one arm only so she could use her free hand to work fiercely on her clit while he continued fucking her to the hilt.
Camila screamed once again then buried her face in the sheets and silently yelled into them as the orgasm rocked her curvy body. The strumming of her clit ended at that point, flopping down to the bed as well as all the muscle tone in her wonderful body seemed to give out due to the powerful climax.
“My turn again, baby,” Madelaine cooed. “Come give me that good dicking.”
Showing her impressive flexibility earned from years of gymnastics and cheerleading, as Madelaine rolled onto her back she spread her legs wide. With the redhead practically doing the splits, Tommy knelt before her and instantly went balls deep in her hairless pussy once more. The incubus riding the man thought the redhead would now wrap those athletic legs around him, instead she stretched her arms out, using her hands to clutch her feet in order to help hold her legs as wide as physically possible despite the absolute pummeling she was taking.
Though Tommy found missionary to be a little boring and vanilla in terms of a sex position, with Madelaine it was more than adequate. Not only was she keeping her legs in the splits so he could ram into her snatch with full power, but with every thrust her firm tits which actually rivally Anna Kendrick’s in terms of size and perfection, would bounce up and down. This only spurred the demon to bare down and fuck the slender redhead with all the gusto he had.
“Oh my God, Tommy!” Madelaine screamed, still holding herself spread eagle.
“Yeah? You fucking like taking my dick as your friends eat each other out?” Tommy hissed, continued to drive his hips down into her.
Madelaine was too lost in the pleasure of having her pussy spread and pounded to realize that Camila and Anna had stirred to life. At the other side of the large bed, Anna was laying on her back with her legs spread. On top of the thin but busty actress was Camila, who was sitting on Anna’s face until the dark-haired girl bent over so she could lick Anna’s pussy while the Pitch Perfect star was doing likewise to her.
“Yes! So hot,” Madelaine agreed after looking over at her friends.
“You like your friends knowing how big of a slut you are? Sharing your man with them just because I wanted it,” Tommy asked her, already knowing the answer by the tremors that had been radiating out from pussy.
“Your slut. I’m your slut,” Madelaine moaned, sounding like she was already right on the verge.
Feeling like a complete stud since he was about to make the third girl cum in 10 minutes, Tommy put his hands on the bed to give himself better leverage. With a higher, more sturdy position, the incubus using Tommy could really pound down into the busty redhead, all while Anna and Camila 69’ed each other beside them. As his thrusts quickened, Madelaine locked her legs around his waist and arched her back in response.
“Gonna cum,” Madelaine hissed, her eyes narrowing to slits and biting her lower lip as a moan escaped her throat.
Keeping his gaze locked on her pale complexion face, Tommy continued to give her everything he had in order to get the flexible girl off. Normally he’d have diddled her clit or stimulated her responsive asshole with a rub or a finger inside, but the missionary position made that impossible. Finally a low guttural growl rumbled out of her as the release she so desperately needed washed over her.
“Oh God! Yes! Fuck me!” Madelaine gasped, her body shaking with pleasure as her climax rocked her.
And with yet another orgasm under his built, the incubus grew stronger. As a result, Tommy felt utterly invincible. It wasn’t really the case since the demon was the one powering him, writing a cheque that the man’s body had to cash. Therefore, feeling like a stud, Tommy looked over and saw the two women pleasuring each other and realized they were primed for his taking once more.
“Ugh,” Madelaine groaned at the withdrawal.
“Who's next?”
“May I?” Camila offered right away but checked with Anna out of respect.
“Please,” Anna agreed.
Tommy thought how he wanted to have the 24 year old actress and the solution was obvious. Given how absolutely horny the girl was, and how she was a slave to her own pleasure, the incubus decided it was going to be great to have Camila ride him to her second orgasm. The dark-haired girl was on the same page, as illustrated when she went to straddle him by first turning her big firm ass to face him.
“Figured you want the show as I milked this dick with my pussy,” Camila commented as she sank her booty back towards his lap.
“God you’re a horny one,” Anna stated as she crawled around for a front row seat.
As Camila got closer to his dick, Tommy took control as he guided her towards his manhood until she felt his bulbous head run along her slit. Once he found the hole she sat back, first engulfing the initial few inches before continuing back until his entire cock was submerged in the wet inferno of her pussy, Camila’s ass cheeks pressed against his lower stomach.
Instead of merely riding him on her knees, Camila felt like getting him deep and fucking him hard. Getting her feet under her allowed her to push to the top of his manhood before slamming down into his lap. The blow of her meaty ass against his lap filled the room with a repetitive thudding as he went balls deep into her.
"Oh my God," they both moaned as the all-out start to their fucking was met with good reception to each of them.
Not only was Camila riding him super aggressively and extremely deep, but the visual was outstanding as well. With her in a continuous squat her ass, which was already large and perfectly rounded, looked even rounder and firmer. It also made her pussy tighter as she bounced on him, which was already hugging his manhood tightly in the first place.
"So fucking hot,” Anna cooed from beside them, diddling her own pussy with aggression
Over and over Camila hoisted her thick ass up to the tip of his cock, only leaving the head inside before relaxing her thighs and allowing her body to plummet to his base. They both moaned with each stroke, her wet pussy gripping onto his manhood with a velvety touch. He could just see her firm tits bouncing and swaying to the side, meanwhile her ass rippled every time it pounded against his abdominals.
"Oh baby! You make me want to cum all over your dick," Camila moaned.
"Don’t worry, Anna will help get you off. Right?" Tommy said, launching the words at the Pitch Perfect star.
“Ready, willing and able,” Anna replied, getting in position in front of the bouncing girl.
Between the stretching of her pussy and the constant way his dick was grinding in her snatch, the pleasure was getting overwhelming. It didn’t hurt that Anna had eaten her pussy so well 5 minutes ago that she was still reaping the benefits. And once Anna leaned her head in towards her sex and stuck out her tongue, allowing Camila’s clit to be licked each and every time she rode Tommy’s cock from base and tip and back. With all these zones being stimulated at once, Camila never stood a chance of lasting much longer before her second climax in short order came crashing into her.
“YES! I’m CUMMMMING!” Camila screamed as she peaked.
Tommy felt the reflexive clenching of her already tight pussy squeeze his cock that much fiercer. For the first time, the man was actually feeling the tug of his own orgasm, his fourth of the day. It didn’t help matters that even as Camila took a moment to sit with his cock completely sheathed in her wet inferno, Anna took that time to lean down further and start sucking his nut sack with glee.
“Hope there is a little more left in your tank,” Anna said, moving away from gurgling his balls as she felt them start to move above her.
“For you, of course,” Tommy replied, settling the semi-conscious Camila done next to Madelaine, who was in a similar state.
The incubus had countless eons sizing women up, so he knew exactly what Anna Kendrick was. Though she was a sex dynamo, he understood her to be a submissive in every sense of the word. Despite the fact that she was a 5’1, weighed 105 pounds at most and was was currently known as a spinner, he could smell the fact she could take a hard fuck coming off her in waves.
Getting to his feet on the floor, Anna turned to face him and came up onto her knees. As he leaned down to her, Tommy took the tiny girl into his arms, getting his hands onto her petite ass. Anna responded by wrapping her legs around him loosely and locking her hands around his neck. Once Anna felt his dick line up with her snatch, she wrapped her legs tighter around him to impale herself on his cock before relaxing them so Tommy could fuck her as he wanted.
With his arms laced under her legs and hands gripping her ass, Tommy had full reign to fuck the tiny actress as hard as he wanted...which was very hard. Using momentum and his natural strength, Tommy would let the impact of his cock slamming deep into her womb to force Anna to the tip of his cock before using his arms to pull her back down. Over and over the Pitch Perfect star was ruthlessly fucked, essentially using her petite body to milk himself of his cum.
“Fuck yes,” Anna screamed.
With each bounce, 10 inches of dick drove into Anna Kendrick’s snatch, her pillowy tits bouncing wildly. She couldn’t understand how the man could be going this hard, fucking 3 girls to four orgasms in total with her own second of the tryst coming like a freight train. It was as though the man was possessed...which was exactly the case. Not that Anna or any of the party goers had any idea.
“Yes, yes, yes. Just like that,” Anna encouraged, little more than a sex puppet in his arms. “Fuck me with that magic dick.”
Of course, Tommy and the incubus had no intention of stopping. It helped that the girl weighed practically nothing, not to mention the thought of his own orgasm coming made the need to finish that much greater. Continuing in his stride, Tommy slammed her down on his cock, giving his hips a thrust as she met his pelvis and fueling her voyage back up his cock until finally she reached her climax.
“Of fuck yessssss!” Anna shrieked at almost an ear-piercing volume.
“Shit. Cumming too,” Tommy said, mere seconds before painting Anna Kendrick’s womb in his baby batter.
“Put her down right on my mouth,” Camila instructed, getting flat on her back near the edge of the mattress.
Though Tommy wasn’t one to be given orders, having Anna push his cum into Camila’s waiting mouth was a tasty proposition. Carrying Anna the two steps forward, Tommy pulled the girl from his dick and lowered her down onto Camila’s face. His aim was true and Anna’s pussy, already starting to slowly dribble his white goo, landed right on the dark-haired girl’s eager mouth.
“Give her my man’s gooey cum,” Madelaine encouraged the older actress.
Though worn out, Anna listened to the sexy redhead and pushed. Sure enough, Camila began feeling a few drops of the salty load exit Anna’s pussy, tasting sweeter as a result of mixing with the auburn-haired girl’s own cum. After the initial trickle, Camila’s tongue was the landing spot for a small torrent of cum, which did well to fill her mouth most of the way without having any dribble over the edges of her lips.
“You should give some thanks to Madie for sharing her man,” Anna said as she rolled off Camila’s face and landed on the pillows.
Camila was on the same wavelength as her fellow actress so rather than swallow down the salty-sweet load of jizz currently filling her mouth, she would share it. Coming up off her back, the dark-haired girl reached out for Madelaine and drew the red-haired stunner in for a kiss. As soon as their lips touched, Camila pushed some of the cum into Madelaine’s mouth, letting her taste her boyfriend’s spunk. After the initial kiss, the Riverdale starlets separated for long enough to swallow down the partial load of baby batter before reuniting their lips in another passionate make out session, swapping spit and the last remaining droplets of cum.
“Fucking fuck,” was all Tommy could say.
Of course, the man was in for quite the physical exhaustion once the incubus, who had been fueling him up to this point, left his body. Which was happening now since the demon could sense another tryst brewing within his sphere of influence, back down by the lake…
* * *
It sounded odd given the fact that there were 4 completely gorgeous and very sexually willing women around, but Chuck and Jason were enjoying their time together, just the two of them. As far as the men knew, their dates were off hanging out, though Jason had a good guess that Anna was likely seducing Chuck’s girlfriend Camila Mendes.
As the two men drank their beers and shot the shit about the latest in the football season, Lili and her man Kane were enjoying their time thrashing about in the water. Of course, Lili had just cheated on her boyfriend the hour previous in the back of a boat with her friend’s boyfriend, but what Kane didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
“You two drink all the beers or you got some for us,” Kane asked as he watched Lili’s barely covered ass climb up the ladder.
“One each with your names on it,” Chuck told his friend as he fished them out from the cooler.
“Good boys,” Lili answered, giving each of the seated men a playful slap on the cheek before accepting the bottles.
Lili went to hand off one of the brews, but Kane was still climbing up onto the dock then went to hunt down their towels. Noting that the two men were sitting in the only wooden Muskoka chairs on the dock and not wanting to sit on the stone steps of the path, Lili got an idea. Walking towards Chuck, who she knew much better considering he’d been dating Camila for just under a year, Lili sat her fine backside down on his lap.
“Make yourself comfortable, Lils,” Kane commented as he toweled himself off.
“Always do,” Lili replied before grinding her ass seductively into Chuck’s lap. Feeling a little extra poking against her shapely ass, Lili looked over her shoulder and flashed Chuck a wink as she sucked back a sip of her beer.
“One of those for me,” Kane asked his girlfriend, taking the bottle when she offered before retreating 10 feet back to the trail mouth and sitting on the stone step.
“You two seem comfortable with each other,” Jason commented after another few seconds.
“What can I say? Chuckie boy has a comfy lap,” Lili replied, using the opportunity to grind her nice peach of an ass against his semi-hard erection.
“It doesn’t bother you?” Jason asked Kane, knowing his own jealous streak wouldn’t do with his girl sitting in some other guy’s lap.
“Meh. It’s not like he’s putting it in her,” Kane retorted with a shrug of his shoulders, seeming very much like indeed it wasn’t bothering him.
“One can hope…” Lili said loud enough for all three men to hear.
“Here we go,” Kane said with a playful roll of his eyes.
“What are you talking about?” Jason inquired at the couple’s reponse.
“Go ahead. Share your little kink, babe,” Kane said, encouraging his girl.
“Not necessarily a kink, per se, but I’ve always been super intrigued by the idea of group sex.” Lili explained to the astonishment of the men present. “And always with much more of a preference to be shared by men as opposed to being the other way around.”
“More into the devil’s threesome,” Jason commented, referring to the act of a threeway with 2 guys and one girl.
“Or foursome,” Lili replied as she made an exaggerated motion of using her finger to count out all four of them.
It was at this moment that the incubus, who had been using Tommy for the past long while to fuck 3 gorgeous women back up at the cottage, came down to the dock. Having sensed the increasing sexual tension eminating at the waterfront, especially now that the sex energy from the bedroom had run dry, it was time to get down there.
Leaving Tommy left the mortal man feeling not only run down and drained, by sore. After all, he’d only been awake for 7 hours and he’d been erect and fucking for half that time. The incubus, however, was feeling stronger and more powerful with each successful encounter, able to use his powers on the mere mortals with greater ease and better results. Thus, when he arrived at the lakeshore, he was able to gather that one or two of the men present needed a little helping hand to get this small gangbang up and running.
“Well...potentially we could do a little trade here,” Kane mentioned, his hormones level being fueled by the ever strengthening sex demon. “Like I grant you this request and you pay it back with a little reverse action.”
“Like maybe me and my sexiest red-haired and Brazilian friends lavishing you in as much pussy as you could handle,” Lili asked her boyfriend.
“See, we understand each other so well.” Kane grinned wickedly.
“And maybe cut Chuckie in on the action for that too,” Chuck commented. “Since it is my girl you two are talking about fucking.”
“Pretty acceptable terms, eh King Kane?” Lili proposed to her boyfriend.
“I can get on board with that. As long as no swords crossing,” Kane countered.
“Obviously,” Chuck agreed, suddenly finding his hand was now stroking Lili’s inner thigh now that things were all but finalized.
“What about you, Champ? Two dicks sounds fun but 3 make a party,” the blonde suggested, her pussy getting wetter by the second. “If you think Anna won’t mind you stepping off on her.”
“Pretty sure she’s banging the sexy Latino right now,” Jason said. “And she and I have an open relationship.”
“Mmm...good answer, sailor,” Lili cooed as she rubbed Chuck’s chest with her hand while stretching her legs out to rest on Jason as well.
Chuck couldn’t believe that they were actually going to do this. However, his mind was helped convinced that a foursome with Lili as the star was going to happen when she shifted more on his lap so she could face him. Staring at him with her sparkling green eyes with just a hint of blue, Lili leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. Within moments, the stunned Chuck recovered enough that he was parting his lips and pushing his tongue into the blonde’s waiting mouth.
“So do we do one at a time?” Chuck asked after Lili moved her lips down to aggressively kiss his neck and chest.
“Run a train on me?” Lili commented with a note of disapproval in her voice. “No, I want the full group sex experience. All at once.”
“You’re okay with that,” Jason asked, almost in disbelief. He had the blonde pegged as a prude right from the start.
“It’s a tall order, but three men all at once sounds so hot,” the Riverdale star replied. “Now less jaw wagging and more dicks swinging.”
Lili had stood from Chuck’s laps, allowing the horny man to get to his feet. The other two men reacted quickly to the blonde’s words as well, descended on the standing horny girl. Due to their seated arrangement, Chuck was to her first, reaching around her back to undo the top of her bikini and throwing it away behind him somewhere. As he went to remove the 21 year old girl’s bottoms as well, his moving behind Lili allowed the two other men to each start sucking on her pillowy tits.
“God, these are great tits,” Jason said in between licking her tit from underside to the top.
“So perfect,” Kane agreed before sucking on her adorable little nipple.
Seeing that she was pretty occupied by his friends, Chuck finished removing the rest of her clothes, which was just pulling her bikini bottoms down her long legs. Meanwhile, above him, Jason and Lili’s boyfriend Kane sucking her above average-sized tits must have sensed her nudity as they pulled back in order to drink in the sight. They were greeted by an unobstructed view of her nice ass, which had a great shape, firmness and overall thickness. Her pussy was the way that they all liked as well, shaven bare so that her bright pink lips could be seen between her thigh gap.
“Oh dear, it appears I lost my clothes,” Lili said with mock embarrassment.
Once again there hands were all over her, and Lili didn’t mind at all. One of them brought her in for a sloppy and aggressive kiss, which she was more than happy to match. Chuck took his chance to reach from behind her and knead her awesome rack, the soft flesh squishing around his hands. Meanwhile, her own boyfriend used his right hand to grope her tight backside and his left hand to rub her snatch, which was already gushing wet.
“Nice tight ass too,” Anna’s man Jason commented.
“Have we mentioned the flawless rack as well,” Camila’s boyfriend Chuck commented, knowing Lili had a great body not realizing how good until seeing it in the buff.
“You guys are so sweet,” Lili gushed, breaking away from the lip lock. “But what did I say about getting your dicks out?”
With all eyes on the naked 21-year old actress, Lili slowly and seductively lowered herself to the wooden boards beneath her, coming to rest on her knees. No stranger to being on her knees before a man, today was her lucky day in terms of the amount of cock was tripled. Though a threesome had been on her bucket list for awhile now, the lust elixir Anna had brewed the ladies now gave Lili the impetus to make it happen. She didn’t know if Kane would be willing to share her with 2 other men, but the incubus currently inhabiting the older man had helped settle that issue. By the time she was down, the three men had all kicked away their shorts, cocks out and ready.
Lili was already intimately familiar with Kane’s cock, which much like his own body type, was long and thin. After staring for a few seconds she looked next to her right, seeing the olive-skinned Chuck, who had a broader frame than Kane. His cock reflected this in terms of being shorter than her boyfriend’s, measuring a more than respectable 6 inches, but was rather thick. Lastly, Lili looked at Jason’s manhood who had what she would describe as a pornstar cock - being both long and thick, though nowhere in the realm of Tommy’s freak show dick from earlier in the day.
“See something…or somethings you like,” Kane asked his dick-drunk girlfriend.
Lili eagerly nodded her pretty head while her beautiful eyes remained fixed on their impressive packages. The Riverdale actress didn’t want to keep the excited boys waiting any longer. With a final lick of her lips she opened her mouth wide, leaned forward and engulfed the tip of the closest cock in her mouth. She bobbed her head a few times, choosing her own boyfriend’s lengthy dick, working just about half his good-sized tool into her oral cavity then pulled off him altogether.
“What a lucky girl I am,” Lili cooed, surrounded by cocks. “Skip my first threesome and go straight to a mini gangbang.”
“Nothing mini about us, blondie,” Jason replied, swaying his 7 plus inches of dick in her face.
“Got that straight,” Chuck agreed, her hand gliding smoothly along his shaft.
Lili pivoted slightly so that she was now facing the muscular Chuck and repeated the same trick on him. After sucking on his lengthy pole for a minute she pulled away from him and turned nearly 180 degrees to face the remaining man, Jason. Again she opened her mouth and pushed her lips around her third cock in as many minutes, getting half his length wet with her spit.
“Oh man that’s good,” Jason groaned.
“Just the tip of the iceberg pal,” the golden-haired beauty told him.
With the boys paying attention to her every sexy move, the girl with the curvy body did a long lick over her thumb and forefinger on each hand. With their cocks now lubricated as well as her hands, Lili gripped the two dicks on the outside and began stroking them at a solid pace. This left her face to focus on the meat right in front of her, belonging to her own boyfriend, which she gladly gobbled up with her mouth.
The men, to their credit showed intelligence and the ability to share which wasn’t always easy when a girl who looked as hot as Lili, and showed such enthusiasm to suck dick, was blowing you as well as she was. Every minute or two, Lili would pull her plump lips from one dick, only to pivot to her left and swallow the next one. The men were now shifting along with her so that she was continuously stimulating the trio.
“Yes Lili! Suck my dick,” Jason encouraged the girl he’d met only 2 hours ago.
Kane let his friend and the other guy who had only met today have a little bit more fun getting sucked off by his eager girlfriend, but after another minute he sprang to action. Putting his hands under Lili’s arms, Kane lifted the blonde up from her kneeling position on the wooden dock and walked15 feet further where there was a sturdy looking picnic table, choosing to settle her down on her back.
“Whoa! Thanks for the ride, honey,” Lili giggled, flashing her mesmerizing smile.
Acting quickly before anyone else got any ideas, Kane and the incubus towing along inside him, were between her spread legs and looking down over her youthful, curvy body. Without bothering with a condom, the horny man grabbed his hard cock, dragged his tip through her pink slit and spread his pre-cum before lining up with her wet hole.
Without further delay, Kane had placed his tip against her wet hole and pushed his hips forward. They had fucked only earlier that morning, so even though her pussy was tight as only a 21 year old could be, his meat still slid into her,aided by how sopping wet she was. Stopping and pulling out most of the way, he pushed in this time with more success. After a few pumps, his entire 7-inches of cock was gliding in and out of her slick folds.
“Oh yes,” Lili squealed in pleasure as he eased his whole length into her.
“God, I love how tight you are,” Kane groaned as his dick slammed into the leggy actress.
With his hands clutching tightly onto her hourglass hips while the other two men got onto either side of her, Kane continuously reared his hips back before shoving them forward. The result forced Lili to be rocked about on the well built table, her heavy tits heaving forward and back to everyone’s delight.
“Feel like multitasking,” Chuck said from beside the gorgeous girl.
Lili laughed and nodded her head before instantly opened her mouth wide to allow him back into her talented mouth. The adorable yet sexy actress gave him a few strokes of lengthy tool and noted how smooth he was. She took a moment to time the rhythm of Kane’s thrusting with her own hand massaging Chuck’s cock before starting to blow him. She parted her plush red lips and brushed her long golden hair behind her ears then took him into her mouth and started sucking him off while her fit body was heaved back and forth.
Despite the energetic ride that Kane was inflicting on her, Lili began building momentum as she bobbed her sideways head on her best friend’s boyfriend’s thick pole, taking more of him inside her each time. With every one of Kane’s thrusts inside her, rubbing her sensitive G-spot, the young Riverdale actress would moan around Chuck’s cock to add extra pleasure to the horny man.
“Remember to share,” Lili said to her boyfriend as she rotated her head to the other side where the third man was waiting for her.
“Move your hands out of the way,” Phil told the younger beauty.
Lili did as Jason, Anna Kendrick’s latest boy toy, asked by moving her hands away to give Chuck a handjob, still wet in her spit, as well as rub her own clit. Without her hands obstructing his way now, Jason was able to really slam into her mouth with the speed and depth that he dictated. Normally Lili didn’t like giving up control but with the lust elixir, the presence of a sex demon and the fact she was getting to check group sex off her bucket list, she was much more agreeable than ever.
This time Lili was forced to take him inside her oral cavity once again and had him butt up against the back of her mouth, not that she minded at all. With her boyfriend’s cock still plowing into her dripping wet pussy, not to mention her mindset in allowing them to make her their perfect slut, Lili was down for anything, even if it meant spitting a bunch of saliva all over the cock trying to cut off her air supply.
“Oh shit Lils…you have skills,” Chuck proclaimed, his handjob all but stopping as Lili choked on the dick in her mouth.
The 21 year old actress had no room to move her head back and was utterly at this stranger’s mercy. Jason held his cock in her mouth for a few seconds, at which point he could see her face flush red. However, despite that, Lili was still going out of her way to stick her tongue out past her lips so she could lick as much of the underbelly of his cock as possible, with the very tip of her tongue brushing his ball sack. At the point her face started going an even deeper shade of red, Jason withdrew all the way and watched as the talented blonde coughed and spat large amounts of spit onto his cock, her own gorgeous face and onto the wooden dock beneath them.
However, rather than being upset at him for choking her with his mighty cock, Lili opened her mouth to take him once more into her mouth after sucking down a few lungfuls of breathe. Of course, Jason didn’t delay for a millisecond as he pushed his hips forward until his cock slammed back against the back of her throat. He watched as her eyes nearly bulged out of her face as her gag reflex was narrowly avoided being tripped, small tears forming and rolling over her model-esque cheekbones out of reflex.
“Gllugghh…uugghhh…awwkkk,” Lili muttered and gagged as the older man repeated pushed in and out of her throat.
With three guys in the room and only one girl, Kane understood that even though the girl in question was his own girlfriend, his time with her would be limited. It may have also been his first mini-gangbang but he knew they needed to share, but the incubus driving him on was determined to extract as many orgasms from them as possible. Knowing he had to get the most bang for his buck then he’d have a period of rest, Kane held nothing back. Over and over he pumped the willing blonde with his tool, looking down and watching as her fairly large boobs continued quaking under the contact with his pelvis.
However, all good things must come to an end eventually, and that time was now after Kane heard one of the other men ask to switch with him. Even though they were taking turns getting sucked off by his orally talented girlfriend, they had been waiting patiently and wanted their turn now too. Using the man’s knowledge of the girl, the incubus took one of his hands and used it to tap Lili’s clit like a boxer would do with a speed bag in the gym. Knowing she liked a more aggressive clitoris stimulation, that combined with Kane’s last few deep thrusts into Lili’s pinkness was enough to get the blonde past her climax.
“MMMM! Shit! I’m cummmmming!” Lili roared, spitting the cock out of her mouth to bellow those words.
“Wanna sample how well you taste,” Kane asked his girl.
“Always,” she said with a wink.
As she stretched her arms out to him, Kane clutched her skinny forearms and hauled her towards him. Lili stayed slumped down, wrapping her arms around his legs to hold herself in position and get her lips around his dick. She wasn’t able to give him a deep sucking like she did to Jason in this limited position, but she was able to suck her juices off the first half of his cock and confirm yet again that she was as sweet-flavored as ever.
“Yum,” Lili answered, giving her lips an extra lick to savor the flavor of her own pussy.
Chuck had been extremely patient, but between watching as one of the men fucked Lili senseless while the other got to face-fuck her, it was ebbing away. Seeing as Kane had just finished between her legs,Camila’s boyfriend reacted quickly. Taking up the vacant position in the instant it became available, the darker-skinned man wasted no time in slamming his lengthy tool into her inviting twat.
“Shit Lili! You feel as good as Cami,” Chuck groaned, giving the busty girl a few hard thrusts.
Not overly comfortable in the position on the picnic table given its awkward height for him, Chuck waited for Lili to be switching between dicks in her mouth to act. Wrapping his arms around her back, Camila’s boyfriend hoisted the busty blonde actress easily off the table and turned towards the stairs. His initial idea was to walk her all the way up into the cottage, but he didn’t get that far before the urge to fuck her took over. Instead, he stopped at the first sturdy tree he found, planted her back against it then repeatedly jackhammered up into her wet cunt.
“Oh yes…hitting…all the right…spots,” Lili panted.
The young actress had no problem being used essentially as a fuck doll for the three men, in fact, the group sex was everything she was hoping it would be. Already having experienced one orgasm, Lili was surprised to find that she was already well on the path to a second, despite the feel of rough bark against the bare skin of her back.
Despite he’d only been hammering away in her snatch for a few minutes, Chuck was starting to tire slightly. It helped that Lili didn’t weigh that much and that the tree was supporting some weight as well, but the constant squatting so that his cock was as low as he could get it before plunging upwards was tiring. Lili held tightly onto the back of his neck with her perfect tits bouncing against his chest as Chuck clutched her meaty ass, which he found so unbelievably sexy.
“Let’s take this up the path a little bit,” Jason suggested. “Anna and I saw a day bed halfway up behind the cottage.”
“Make me cum first,” Lili moaned into his ear but loud enough for all to hear.
“Second orgasm already Lils? Wow!” her boyfriend said in amazement.
Chuck had gotten lost in his own pleasure that he forgot that the other two men were essentially just standing around, stroking themselves as he fucked Lili solo. With sweat covering his face, Camila’s boyfriend bore down and tried delivering the horny girl another climax. Seeing as how she was moaning with greater frequency and volume, Chuck continued to slam up into her cunt with the same speed and force, but he added a little hip tilt at the end while his dick was fully sheathed inside her.
“Fuck! That’s it! Just like that! I’m so close,” Lili screamed.
Realizing that the addition of the hip tilting at the end was causing her clit to be grinded against, Chuck kept it up. The ache in his arms and legs was becoming more pronounced, but when you were seconds away from a gorgeous girl cumming all over your cock, not to mention moaning encouraging words into your ear the whole time, was a powerful motivator. In fact, Chuck became so absorbed in granting Lili another orgasm that he forgot about his own muscle aches, much like Lili was ignoring the bark rubbing her back raw.
“Yes! I’m cumming!” Lili shrieked, announcing her second orgasm of the afternoon.
Chuck slowed his thrusting but didn’t stop it altogether, allowing the blonde to ride out her climax for as long as possible. Once her corded muscles began to relax, the sweaty man got a better hold of her ass and started up the stone stairs of the path, now feeling the tiredness in his legs. It didn’t help that there were a good 30 steps, so he decided on a new plan.
As he neared the halfway landing, Chuck turned back around then sat down on the top step, his cock still buried in Lili’s cunt. It didn’t last long as Jason, the only guy yet to fuck the actress, acted swiftly. Pulling back on her shapely hips, Chuck’s cock spilled out from her pussy as Jason gently settled her on her knees two steps down from the sitting Chuck.
“Couldn’t wait, on the stairs will be good enough,” Jason commented.
Lili, still drunk from another powerful orgasm, was unfazed by the positional changes, as she was already taking advantage of the new position. Being on her knees two steps down from the seated Chuck allowed the gorgeous blonde to cram his cock back into her mouth. She had bobbed several times on his length, getting to taste her delicious cum and pussy juices on his rod before the third man was ready for her.
Crouching behind her, Jason grabbed his 8-inch member and thick as a wrist to stroke it a few times, still slick in Lili’s spit from down at the water. He didn’t bother with a condom like the other two men hadn’t, he placed his bulbous tip against the opening to her snatch and pushed forward. Given how wet she was, his dick slid into her until half his shaft was drenched in her juices, a smile spreading over his face despite the dick halfway down her throat.
“Mhmm…feels so good,” Lili cooed as she was fucked by a third man in 15 minutes.
Luckily for Kane, the only guy not in on the action of getting pleasure from his girlfriend, the brush on either side of the path was only grass. Sidestepping the trio as they spit-roasted his sexy girlfriend, Kane walked right beside the action, waiting his turn on the step between where his friends occupied. Lili had enough wits about her still to notice him there, so after pulling back so her nose and chin were no longer buried in Chuck’s lap, she twisted towards him.
“Was hoping you didn’t forget about me,” Kane commented.
“Of course not, baby,” Lili smiled up at him.
To show that she didn’t, Lili gripped him around the base then quickly twisted her head back and forth as her mouth closed around the side of his cock. Having his girlfriend rub her lips all over his shaft made him shudder in pleasure, but she had more in store for him. All while taking a thick cock repeatedly into her cunt from behind, she tilted her boyfriend’s cock higher up so that his balls actually rested in the middle of her face on top of her nose, which made the younger girl giggle. In a second she had her mouth open, head repositioned and was sucking with delight on the slightly sweaty sack.
“Mmmmm…awwhhhhh…mmhhmmmm,” Lili moaned around his balls as the man behind her thumped into her with renewed vigor.
Being able to fuck her doggystyle allowed Jason to go both fast and deep, something he took full advantage of. Even as Lili teabagged her boyfriend to his left, Jason routinely completely sheathed his thick cock all the way into her pink hole. Wrapped up in the occasion, the horny man brought his hand to about shoulder height then let it come whipping down, smacking her bare milk-colored cheek. The slap resonated loudly around the tree-enclosed path, even drawing a murmur of surprise from the unexpected girl.
For the sake of evenness, Anna’s recent fuck boy did the same thing with his left hand to her other cheek, giving her a match set of red handprints on her pleasantly plump ass. Satisfied with his handiwork, no pun intended, Jason slapped both cheeks at the same time and held them there, squeezing her tight backside while he fucked her pussy raw.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” Lili squealed with encouraged, her mouth free for the first time in a number of minutes.
“You heard her man, give her what she wants,” Chuck encouraged as Lili’s lips closed back around his hard cock.
Jason continued doing just that. As if finding another gear to shift into, Anna Kendrick’s boy toy really started to stroke into Lili’s tight twat. Even with how thick he was and the tightness of her pussy, Lili was loosened up by three rounds of different sized cocks and still so very wet that he could hold nothing back as he plowed into her. The blonde’s velvety walls hugged him so constricting that he needed a break immediately from pounding her into oblivion or else his afternoon was going to come to a sudden end.
“Need a break,” he said while pulling out. “She’s so fit.”
“Help me get her to that gazebo, would you,” Kane asked his friend.
With each of her arms looping around their necks, Kane and Chuck had no trouble hoisting the curvy actress from her knees and cradling her. Another 10 steps got them to a fork off of the path that led around back of the cottage. Much like how Anna Kendrick and Camila Mendes had taken advantage of the covered daybed an hour previous, it was now Lili and the pack of three men’s turn to enjoy the outdoor comfort.
“Ready for a little back door loving,” Kane asked his girlfriend as he used his tongue on her asshole..
When Lili moaned her consent, Kane redoubled his efforts while the two others flanked Lili on either side of her head. While the 21 year old took turns sucking on their lengths, Kane used his long fingers to pull apart her cheeks while using his tongue to spear against her spread sphincter. Lili moaned around the cock currently in her mouth as her boyfriend licked as deep as his tongue could possibly reach inside her ass, knowing how much she appreciated a good tongue warm-up before anal sex.
“Do we have a little anal queen on our hands here,” Jason inquired with a wide grin.
“I’m a good ole Ohio butt slut,” Lili beamed with pride, a tongue 2 inches deep in her booty.
With that said, Kane watched as his girlfriend flashed him one more of her seductive smiles before rolling over onto her back. Lili gave him a little show by wiggling her bubble butt as she held her legs up by her chest invitingly. Feeling his bulbous tip touch her asshole and maintain contact, Lili did her best to relax her orifice, something she’d done countless times since letting Kane pillage her booty on the regular. She momentarily stopped sucking the two cocks by her face and hoped that the ample amount of spit and her pussy juices she coated Kane’s tool with earlier would be enough lubrication for her. Normally she never would have done anal without copious amounts of the best lubricant, but for some reason, today she was just desparate to get it inside her.
“Ugh,” Lili groaned, the feeling similar to a bee sting. “Give me a second, babe.”
“Love all these girls being open to anal now,” Jason commented, knowing that Anna was also known for allowing journeys up her dirt road as well.
“I know. Seeing a cock in All American girl Lili Reinhart’s asshole is the hottest thing,” Chuck agreed.
Lili succeeded in relaxing herself then stayed like that as her boyfriend, who knew her routine, made slow but smooth strokes into her bowels. Slowly she enveloped another few inches of his manhood as he repeated this course of action. Kane continued to fuck her with his tool in her ass a few more times, now with over half his length before looking down her curvy body. When she looked up with her piercing green eyes and gave him a confident nod, the horny man took the hint that it was fine for him to start really fucking her. Kane wondered how today without any lube she was able to adapt so much faster, without realizing that Tommy and his girthy cock had already sodomized his girlfriend an hour ago.
Realizing that Lili was allowing him to take the training wheels off, Kane really started to stroke into the actress. Gripping tightly onto her hips, Lili’s boyfriend (and by extension, the incubus) slowly moved the length of dick in and out of her asshole, being certain to not be too jerky or stab too wildly. Meanwhile, the two up by her head were happy once as Lili was now able to start stroking and bobbing on their cocks again.
“Oh…yes…mmm…awwwhhh,” Lili moaned in a tone that wasn’t tainted in pain despite the lack of lube and the harder thrusts.
“You like that? My cock in your ass again,” Kane asked, picking up the pace slightly.
“Yeah…ahhhh…feeling good,” Lili told him, stroking the two cocks in her face. “Keep going.”
The man fucking her ass was making a mistake though. Kane was getting faster and faster as he worked his whole cock in and out of her vice-like ass. Though the couple were no strangers to anal sex, Kane was never able to go so hard or fast while slamming into Lili’s booty previously. Having Tommy completely obligerate her asshole an hour previous had loosened her backdoor up nicely, while also allowing enough time to have passed so that her anal ring still hugged him from all angles and seemed to be getting tighter around him then the opposite. However, his error was looking down and watching as he speared inside her bowels, seeing her pillowy tits bounce with each thud, listening as his balls tapped the underside of her cheeks.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Lili screamed, which only spurred her man on to go even harder.
Kane knew he should pull out and allow the other men to have a turn, who were both waiting on the outdoor bed and simply watching the insane fucking. Kane didn’t really care about sharing her, it was more so that he could delay his orgasm further. However, having Lili pour on the encouragement, demanding that he continue to fuck her good and hard, dissolved that plan. Plus it wasn’t only Lili not wanting him to pull out as the incubus, growing in strength with each and every orgasm, was steadfast in adding yet another climax to his collection.
“Don’t you dare pull out,” Lili demanded, seeing the thought on his face. “So fucking close. Keep going.”
“If I...ugh...keep this up...ahhh...gonna cum too,” Kane explained without slowing the thumping pace.
“Don’t cum in her, man,” Jason piped up. “I wanna chance with that ass once your done.”
“Ditto, bro,” Chuck agreed.
“Tell you what,” Lili said, her voice cracking with each slam of her boyfriend’s dick into her once tight ass. “Make me cum and I’ll let you cum in my mouth.”
Kane’s eyes shot wide, knowing what the 21 year old was offering to do. Though he had cum in her mouth more times than he could remember over their 3 years of dating, including moments after arriving at the cottage earlier that day, what she was offering now was different. While they were no strangers to anal or having her swallow his load, they had never combined those two actions. But now, desperate for another orgasm in her highly fantasized gangbang, Lili Reinhart was willing to suck him off straight from her own asshole.
With that goal firmly fixed in his mind, Kane continued giving her that hard, fast and smooth thrusts into her ass that she so craved. He could feel the familiar bubbling in his balls, knowing that an orgasm was eminent, but he silenced that part of his brain. As Lili’s impressive tits bounced with each and every thrust into her ass, the moment Chuck reached an arm out and his fingers came into contact with Lili’s clit, the Riverdale star reached her climax again.
“Ohhhh...fuck! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” Lili screamed.
Slamming his length back into her one final time, Kane pulled himself out of her tight hole. Normally Kane would have paused to watch as her gaping hole slowly sealed back tight, but his orgasm was at hand and there wasn’t a moment to waste. With Lili lying on her back with her ass right at the edge of the bed, Kane stepped back onto the ground and pulled her arm so she was seated and face level with his cock. Lili remembered their deal so knew exactly what he wanted, opening her mouth in preparation with any hesitation. Sure enough, she felt his cock, which was pasted in her anal juices, slap onto her tongue.
“Suck, suck, suck!” Kane exclaimed, eyes screwed shut as he rocketed towards his orgasm.
Even though only 21 years old, Lili needed no advice on how to make a guy cum. Still a little cum drunk herself, the blonde still had the presence of mind to bob her head with speed along the first half of his dick while using plenty of suction. Instantly the strong taste of ass exploded on her tongue and Lili was shocked that she wasn’t disgusted. The dick was unmistakably straight from her bowels, but it felt so naughty that she really enjoyed it.
“Fuck! Me!” Kane bellowed as he completed running his race for the afternoon.
Just as Lili was getting only the hint of ass taste left off his dick, she was rewarded with a completely different taste altogether. Unlikely sucking her ass juices, which was a new taste, having cum drench her taste buds was something the 21 year old was very used to. Allowing his sizable load of jizz to fill her mouth completely, Lili continued to bob her head over his bulbous head until the cum stopped leaking from him and allowed the blonde Riverdale star to swallow all the baby batter down her throat.
“God that was so fucking sexy,” Chuck exclaimed in astonishment, watching his girlfriend’s best friend blow the dick that was fresh from her own asshole.
“Can I have my double penetration now?” Lili asked.
“You want a double dicking?” Chuck replied, astonished that someone who was only 21 years old and looked like the quintessential girl next door wanted two dicks at once.
“Both of us at the same time?” Jason added with a wolfish grin.
“Of course! In porn it looks so hot and I want the full group sex experince. I’ve been spit-roasted, given two blowjobs and now I want to have all my holes stuffed,” Lili explained. “They call that being airtight when you have a cock filling your pussy, ass and mouth at the same time.”
“Then what are we waiting for,” Chuck replied, barely containing his excitement.
Lili quickly sorted them out so that Jason was laying flat on his back so she could straddle him. Seeing as he was the thickest of the men, she took him into her pussy and began to ride the entirety of his manhood. After half a minute, the All American girl instructed Chuck to take up the spot behind her. Bending lower at the hips, Lili had to stop riding Anna Kendrick’s boyfriend so that Camila Mendes’ boyfriend could plant his cock a good 4 inches deep in her asshole.
“Oh my God! I have a dick in my pussy and ass!” Lili shrieked in utter glee.
Not just being a passive bystander, despite being her first time getting double penetrated, Lili began to rock her hips back to meet Chuck’s slow thrusts. Not forgetting about Jason beneath her, Lili bounced up and down with her knees, simultaneously fucking both men. Jason was the first of the two to start fucking her with earnst, his hands gripping tightly onto her wide hips and thrusting up with increasing power. It took Chuck another minute but he too began opening the throttle and making smooth strokes into Lili’s ass with the majority of his dick.
“Can’t believe you are taking two dicks at once,” Chuck grunted from behind Lili, working up a sweat as he ass fucked the horny blonde.
With Jason laying on the bed fucking up into her twat and Chuck kneeling behind her with his strokes lengthening into her asshole, Lili was somehow blissful. She felt so unbelievably tight that words couldn’t express it. The whole encounter of being wanted so badly by two men really turned her on, and the friction their two cocks were causing on the thin membrane between her pussy and anal walls was an unexpected sensation that was driving her mad with pleasure.
“Oh God! It’s so good,” she screamed again. “Just like that!”
“My girl is a total freak,” Kane offered his commentary from somewhere behind them as the other men wildly thrusted into his girlfriend’s respective holes.
“Of God! Yes…shit,” Lili exclaimed at the top of her lungs when her clit grinded against Jason’s hard abs, the incubus helping to shift the man’s hips to allow for the stimulation.
Lili relaxed down onto the bulky man she had only met that day, and let them pummel her body with their hard tools. She figured she may as well since they were doing great, only managing to squirm into a position that gave them better access to what they were doing. She lost track of time as she basked in the glory of two men taking turns going balls deep in her anus and twat, bringing her rapidly towards a fourth and equally strong orgasm.
“OH YYEESSS,” she swore as an orgasm ripped through her curvy body.
Lili’s cumming started a chain reaction for the two other men. The long session of double stuffing the blonde had finally caught up with Jason and Chuck as well. As the Riverdale star came for a final time, her pussy reflexively clamped down even harder around Jason’s throbbing cock, trying desperately to milk him of his jizz. He gave in and groaned in delight as his jizz rocketed from the tip of his penis deep into her twat, realizing that he never made sure Lili was on birth control before basting her womb in his baby batter.
Being the last man standing, that fact was about to change for Chuck. When Lili came, it wasn’t only her pussy that reflexively clenched, but her asshole as well. Trying to fuck through her climax proved to much for his dissolving sexual resolve and he too was brought to the verge of his climax. Decinding to milk himself dry in her tightest of holes, Chuck gave his girlfriend’s best friend one final hard anal thrust before holding himself balls deep in her rectum and plastering her bowel’s walls in his hot jizz.
“Ohhhh! So much cum in all my holes,” Lili shuddered in pleasure, loving the feel of their warm semen inside her. “So amazing.”
This time, Lili was too cum drunk to do anything but flop over onto her back after Chuck pulled out of her well-fucked ass. Empty of cock for the first time in nearly an hour, Lili was one satisfied girl.
“I’m gonna quickly jump in the lake before heading in,” Lili announced after a minute of rest.
“And I think its high time to eat something,” Kane added.
* * *
He had been summoned only 5 hours ago, but already the incubus was half strength, maybe a little more. Normally it took a cult of 20 members to get him to this level so fast, but the four horny girls and their willing male partners were proving to be excellent recruits. To get him to full strength, one or more of the men would likely be bled dry of their essence, an acceptable loss. The first was likely to be Tommy, the man with the most sinister of thoughts and the largest of cocks. How many of the girls would be fucked to nothing was debatable at this point given their insatiable hunger...
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