We Got Spirit, Yes We Do | By : PsYcHoRoAcH Category: WWF/WWE > General Views: 945 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not know the celebrities of WWE/WWF. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Chapter 1
"Woo road trip!" Chloe Jade Dahlke exclaimed as she sat in the back of an SUV that was occupied by her four friends: Magan Rebecca Thomas, Lily Belle Lacroix, Holly Madison Blackford, and Shelby Lynn Abrams. It was the start of summer and they were going on a road trip for it. The plan was to follow the WWE Raw brand across the US for two months. They were starting in Rochester, New York and ending up in Charlottesville Virginia where they'll go back home from.
"Hell yeah baby" Magan said. "I can't wait for this shit. Seeing the Spirit Squad in person, that's a damn dream come true".
"Hot men" Lily spoke up from the back seat "very hot men".
"As if you had to say that" Shelby and Holly spoke up at the same time, laughing afterward.
"You know" Magan mused "its weird that we all like the Spirit Squad and we all have a favorite member. That's like statistically impossible".
"Memehemehemeh" Holly mimicked her behind her back, making Lily and Shelby bust out in laughter when they saw it.
"What?" Magan asked, looking back at them with a raised eyebrow. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing" Shelby said, trying to squelch her giggles.
"My feet are killing me" Lily whined loudly, as the girls waited outside the arena, hoping to meet some WWE superstars.
"Then why did you wear heels?" Shelby asked, wanting to smack Lily upside the head already.
"Because they're cute" Lily smiled "see" she held up the heels to admire.
"The stop bitchin''' Shelby warned her.
"Meanass" Lily muttered, sitting down on the curb.
"Why is it whenever we come here, we never meet the ones we like? It's always someone stupid like the officials" Magan said, leaning against the railing.
"Oh I know" Chloe exclaimed "that freak Hebner pinched my ass. And it wasn't hot ass Hebner it was old wrinkly Hebner".
"Ooo, I wonder if we can meet DX?" Holly wondered aloud.
"What is it with you and them?" Chloe laughed "you HATE HHH when he's a heel yet when he's with Shawn as DX you mark the fuck out".
"I don't know. I liked HHH when he was in Evolution, until they kicked Randy out, then the group just got on my nerves. I think HHH is one of those guys, you just love to hate" Holly said, smirking at Chloe.
"Yeah yeah" Chloe laughed "I hope we get to meet Carlito, I wanna rub his hair for good luck".
"You and that damn Chia lookin pet. God girl, time to find yourself a real winner, like Chris Masters" Shelby said, rolling her eyes at her friend.
"MR LUMPY" Lily yelled, not realizing he was getting out of a car not 5 feet away from her.
"Uh, Lil" Shelby said, trying to get her friends attention.
"What?" she asked "it’s true, I mean he's not as bad as Scott Steiner but he is pretty bad..."
"Uh, you may want to shut up girl" Magan said trying to hide her laughter, as Chris walked up right behind Lily.
"Why?" she asked "I mean I'm just telling my opinion". She gestured wildly and hit Chris in the chest. "Please tell me that's like John or something".
"It's like John or something" Shelby said, smirking at Lily widely.
"Hi!" Lily said brightly, turning to look at Chris innocently.
"Hi" Chris said, crossing his arms over his broad chest, and smirking at her face.
"You know I had no idea that you were there" Lily said, still trying to look innocent.
"So I gathered" he replied, his smirk never leaving his face.
"I sowwy" Lily said, scrunching up her nose in a way that her ex's always told her looked cute on her.
"Oh please" Shelby said, almost falling over in laughter.
"Shut it" Lily said, briefly turning toward her long enough to glare at her before turning back toward Chris.
"So I'm not as lumpy as Scott Steiner, huh?" he asked, his smirk growing bigger.
"Which is true" Lily pointed out "I didn't lie about that".
"Mr. Lumpy?" he asked, as Shelby and Chloe were trying to keep from rolling on the ground in laughter.
"My cousin calls you it?" Lily tried to say, but it came out more like a question.
"Anyways" Chris said, rolling his eyes jokingly. "Who all have you met, or want to meet?" he asked, looking at the 5 girls.
"THE SPIRIT SQUAD!" they all said at the same time.
"Oh God" he groaned, thinking that the 5 of them, could make up a female version of the Spirit Squad.
"You asked" Chloe said, always being the more brash of the group.
"Yeah, I did" he chuckled, before heading towards the door. "Hope you girls get to meet your cheerleaders."
"Thanks" they called.
"Mr. No Lump In His Pants" Lily mumbled under her breath when he was inside.
"Lily Belle!" Holly said, slapping her arm lightly.
"What?" Lily asked, rubbing her arm "it’s true. When you take steroids your dick gets small".
"Glad I don't have that problem" a voice said from behind her.
"Holy shit!" Holly exclaimed, almost falling over in shock.
"I don't wanna look" Lily muttered "I don't wanna look".
"You keep inserting your foot into your mouth today" Shelby laughed, almost as hard as she was watching the conversation between Lily and Chris.
"Alright I'm gonna do it" Lily said, turning around. When she saw Randy's smirking face her legs gave out on her and she fell flat on her ass.
"Oh my God! This is great" Magan laughed hysterically, having to sit down on the curb, before she fell down in laughter.
"H..h...hi" Lily stuttered, looking up at Randy's tall frame.
"How are you gorgeous?" Randy asked, making Lily look behind her to see who he was talking too, when she realized it was her, she blushed profusely.
"I...I'm...fine" she stuttered, still looking up at him in shock.
"Geez if she's acting this way around Randy what's she gonna be like round Mitch?" Chloe whispered to the others.
"She'll be stupid, and forget her own name. Maybe we should have bought her one of those, 'My name is......' stickers, so she could just point to her name when she sees him, and he asks" Holly said, getting her own wits about her now.
"I heard that" Lily told them as Randy helped her up and signed an autograph for her.
"You ladies have a nice day" Randy said, flashing them his million dollar smile.
"Bye Randy" Lily said, watching him walk inside. "He's so nice" none of the girls happened to hear the sarcasm in her voice as she said this.
"She speaks!" Shelby cried out, as Lily now managed to make complete sentences AFTER Randy had gone inside.
"I oughtta" Lily said, taking her shoe off, ready to throw it at Shelby.
"Girls, would you just calm down" Magan said, being the voice of reason.
"Yeah" Chloe spoke up "we'll get thrown out if you don't".
"We're already outside dummy" Shelby said, before looking over at Lily, and gesturing for her to bring it.
"You over there" Holly said, pushing Shelby over to the other side of the girls "you" she pointed at Lily "stay there, if I have to leave without attempting to meet Kenny freakin' Doane I'm going to kick both your asses".
"She started it" Chloe and Shelby both yelled at the same time.
"DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE?!" Holly roared, shocking all the girls since Holly was usually the quiet one among them.
"Um, okay" Shelby said, still in a shock.
"So both of you just be civil to each other until I meet Doane then kill each other for all I care" Holly spat, sitting on the pavement after putting her jacket down on it.
Hearing their names mentioned quite a bit, the 5 guys came around the corner then, causing Magan and Lily's jaws to literally hit the ground. "You...you're...holy shit!" Magan managed to say in shock.
"Somebody's came up behind ME now haven't they?" Holly asked, cringing.
"Uh huh" Magan nodded numbly.
"Shit" Holly turned around and when she saw the man of her dreams behind her she let out an ear piercing scream.
"Damn girl, that WAS my ear you just screamed in" Shelby said, rubbing her ear gingerly.
"Huminahmugigheohg" Holly muttered, staring straight at Ken who had a big smile on his face.
"Lily, I apologize. Should be Holly that gets that sticker" Shelby laughed, as Holly was now completely incoherent.
"Hi" Mitch said, deciding to speak up "so uh we heard our names mentioned quite a lot the past few minutes".
"Oh my God!" Holly muttered horrified, knowing what she had been yelling.
"Delayed reaction much" Kenny laughed. "Honey its ok we get that a LOT". He wrapped his arms around her in a hug and she went white, the girls afraid she'd pass out.
"Um, yeah, how much did you guys hear?" Lily asked, as she and Magan looked at each other nervously.
"Well from 'So both of you be civil until I meet Doane then kill each other for all I care'" Kenny said "until we came up to ya".
"Oh" Magan said, not sure of what else to say.
"So I take it you girls like us" Mike said, an amused smile on his lips that made Chloe want to fall down again.
"Uh huh" Chloe stuttered, feeling herself swooning over his smile.
"So uh we gotta get inside" Nick said "but how about you girls come to Denny's after the show? We'll be there and we can talk more".
"Sure" Magan said, somehow not forgetting how to speak.
"Alright" he said "so do you girls want some autographs or anything before we head in? We got time for that at least".
'I want something alright' Magan thought to herself, looking over Nick appreciately. "Autographs would be nice" She called out, seeing as the other girls were still shell shocked.
"Alright" the guys complied with each of the girls getting their autographs before they went inside.
"That was sooooooooooo awesome" Holly said, as the girls walked out of the arena following the show.
"Oh I know" Lily exclaimed "man when John hit the FU on Skank Girl I was flipping out man. And even though I loves my Shawnie how great was it that our Spirit Squad beat him and HHH in a match? WOO!"
"Damn WWE writers, doin that shit to me" Holly said, not at all happy with the current storyline between the Spirit Squad and DX.
"Its Randy vs Kurt all over again" Chloe joked, dodging the smack Holly sent her way.
"Girl, you're about 10 seconds away from an ass kicking" Holly warned, as they walked out to Shelby's Expedition.
"Oh my God" Lily said, once they were all in.
"What?" Magan asked, looking over at her friend worried.
"ArewegoingtomeettheguysatDenny's?" she asked in a rushed tone.
"I don't know about you, but I sure as hell am" Shelby said, starting up the car.
"Alright but don't make me sit by Mitch" Lily said "I don't want to make an ass of myself".
"How do you expect to get with him, if you don't sit with him?" Magan asked rhetorically.
"Alright" she sighed "but one of you more coherent girls sit close to me and make sure I don't make an ass of myself".
"Yeah sure okay" Magan said, as they started the drive to Denny's.
"GAH MITCH'S SO HOT!" Lily squealed loudly, making Shelby who was driving almost run off the road.
"Geez, Lil, can you control that shrieking at all?" Shelby asked, pulling the car back onto the road.
"Sorry it’s a habit" she blushed "but I have a point, he is hot".
"Hot or not, I don't want to die, because you think he is" Shelby said, trying to get rid of her shaking.
"Sorry" Lily blushed.
"I can't believe they invited us to Denny's" Chloe said, still in shock from it a bit.
"I know, but I'm glad they did" Holly said, grinning wildly.
"Me too" Lily grinned "it’s gonna be a blast".
"Alright, here we are" Shelby said, pulling the car into the parking lot.
"Oh Lord here we go" Chloe said, slowly getting out of the car. "AHH!"
"What?!" Shelby, Holly, Magan, and Lily all exclaimed.
"We're here" Chloe said cheekily, before running toward the entrance.
"She is so dead" Shelby grumbled, as the others followed Chloe inside.
"Ditto" Lily agreed "girl needs ritalin I swear".
"She needs a tranquilizer dart to her head" Shelby said, as Johnny and Mitch appeared beside them.
"Hi girls" Mitch spoke up "wait, weren't there five of you?"
"We killed off the other 3" Shelby said with a serious look on her face.
"Why?" Johnny asked, looking quite amused.
"Cramped our style" she replied, her look never wavering.
"Umm I'm scared" Mitch chuckled "you girls like me right?"
"Yeah" Lily replied, looking around for the other 3 guys.
"They went on in to get a table" Johnny explained "we saw you two standing here and decided to escort you in".
"Thanks" Lily said, blushing a bit, as she saw Mitch smiling at her.
"So shall we?" he asked, holding his arm out to her.
"We shall." she replied, linking her arm through his.
"Thought you said you offed the other girls" Johnny said, leading Shelby into Denny's where the other 6 were sitting at a table making light conversation.
"Wishful thinking" Shelby shrugged, before laughing at his expression.
"You're the gothic one aren'tcha?" he joked.
"Uh, no. Why?" she asked, chuckling lightly.
"Just wondering" he laughed, pulling out a chair for her.
"Thanks" she said, smiling softly at him.
"Sure" he smiled back, sitting in front of her at the table.
"Uh no the Spurs are not going to make it to the finals" Nick said to Magan, looking at her with a mock disgusted look.
"AH!" she cried, looking like someone had just stabbed her right through the heart.
"Aww come on you know you love me" he laughed at her expression.
"You are dissing my basketball team, and you think I love you?" Magan asked, looking a little disgusted.
"Mhmm" he said, pouting cutely at her "I sorry Mags".
"Uh huh." she replied, glaring at him briefly, before smirking at his pout.
"You're cute when you glare" he chuckled.
"Thanks" she replied, her smirk only getting bigger.
"What's up?" he asked, getting afraid of her smirk. "I'm not sure I like that look".
"Why not?" she asked innocently.
"Cause it scares me" he chuckled.
"You're supposed to be a big bad wrestler, and you're scared of an innocent little smirk?" she asked, looking at him amused, as the other 4 girls started laughing.
"Like you could take me" he joked "I was just joshin' ya".
"Ooo, them's is fightin words boy" Chloe said, knowing how gunho for a fight Magan always was.
"I'm not fighting her" Nick said, looking to Chloe "I don't want to hurt her".
"You boys may want to sit back" Lily said, seeing the evil glint in Magan's eye.
"Why?" Mitch asked, looking at her worriedly.
"You and me, outside now" Magan said, standing up from her seat.
"Um ok whatever but I am NOT fighting you" Nick said, standing up.
"We'll see" Magan said, walking out the front door, with Nick trailing behind her.
"Are you always this confrontational?" he asked lightly.
"When I see something that I want" she said, smiling at him.
"Um ok" he said, confused by her words.
"I want this" she said, right before standing up on her tip toes, and pulling him into a deep kiss. Nick's eyes widened in shock when she started kissing him but soon he got into it, closing his eyes and putting his hands on her hips.
Sighing softly into the kiss, Magan wrapped her arms around his neck, pulilng him closer to her. They were both getting into it, when a voice broke the mood. "DAYUM! You really didn't fight her, did you?" Chloe asked, laughing heartily.
"Shit" Nick said, pulling away. He pulled away so fast he backed into the sideview mirror of a car "oww damn".
"Damn you Chloe" Magan grumbled, ready to pound her into oblivion.
"Come on" Nick put his arm around Magan "let's go back inside, I'm hungry".
"I didn't just make a fool out of myself, did I?" she asked, trying to hide her blush.
"No" he shook his head "I liked it, too bad you're going home after tonight though".
"No we're not. We're kind of doing a summer long tour." Magan said, hoping they weren't coming off as stalkerish.
"Cool" he said, smiling brightly at her "that means if you want we could see more of each other".
"That'd be great" she replied, smiling brightly as well.
"Hey would you....nevermind I don't wanna come off too strong" he said, walking ahead of her toward the door.
"No, what were you going to ask?" she questioned, grabbing a hold of his arm lightly.
"If maybe you wanted to ride with me" he said "I usually ride with one or more of the other guys and you could get some of your friends to ride with us if you are uncomfortable being in a car full of guys".
"Yeah, I don't mind riding with you. I'm sure I can find a couple of the girls that will want to go too" she said, when he shocked her by taking her hand in his.
"That's great" he smiled "it'll make the long car trips funner".
"I can sit with you right?" she asked, not wanting to get accused of flirting with the other guys, by any of the girls.
"Sure" he nodded "I wanna keep ya to myself, I have sharing issues".
"Why am I guessing you were in trouble a lot as a kid, for not sharing toys?" she asked, looking at him amused.
"I spent a lot of time in the corner" he said, putting his head down jokingly.
"You bad boy" she laughed, as she looked in the window, and saw her friends, talking with each of the guys they liked.
"You like bad boys?" he asked huskily, making her laughter break off in her throat.
"Uhhhhh." she stuttered, as she was sent into a slight shock by his question.
"Waiting" he joked, pretending to look at his watch.
"Yeah, I guess so" Magan muttered quietly, unable to believe that question, and her answer.
"Cool" he said, leading her back in and over to the table where he put her by him, kicking Chloe over to sit by Mike where Magan had been sitting before.
"He um, has sharing issues" Magan said simply, as Chloe just looked at them like they had lost their minds.
"Sure do" Nick said, putting his arm around her shoulder as they shared a menu.
"That's cute" Mike laughed. "So adorable already Nicky moved in on his girl, he sure does work fast".
"Not a damn word Chloe" Magan said, not even looking up from the menu.
"I wasn't going to say anything" Chloe replied innocently.
"No say it" Mike egged Chloe on, nudging her gently as he smiled at her. "I wanna know".
"Chloe, you do you die" Magan warned, glaring at her friend over top of the menu.
"I'll keep you safe from her" Mike whispered to Chloe. "You can trust me".
"Chloe Jade, if you want to live to see 23, you won't say a word" Magan warned, as Holly, Shelby, and Lily were on the floor almost in hysterics.
"Icaughtthemoutsidemakingout" Chloe rushed out quickly, before going and hiding behind Mike's chair.
"THEY WERE?!" he asked loudly, looking between them in shock. "Holy woah!"
"Damn girl" Shelby said, looking over and seeing Magan glaring deathly at where Chloe was hiding.
"Uh Mags, can you come help me fix my braid? It's come loose" Lily said, knowing that Magan was either about to cry from embarrassment, or literally try and kill Chloe.
"Yeah, sure" Magan said, getting up and letting Lily drag her to the bathroom, so she couldn't kill Chloe.
"Is she angry?" Nick asked worriedly.
"Or embarrassed." Holly said softly.
"Damn" he said, kicking Mike under the table.
"Sorry" Mike muttered "I was just joking around".
"ANYWAYS!" Shelby called out, wanting to get the mood lighter again. "Did she mention what she wanted to eat?" She asked, looking over at Nick.
"Ummm nope" he said "but one of you knows what she likes right?"
"She'll probably just want a cheeseburger and fries." Holly said, as they got the waitresses attention to take Nick and Magan's order.
"BLT light mayo and a diet coke" Nick placed his order, giving the waitress the menu.
"Is the other person on a separate bill as well?" The waitress asked, looking over at Holly.
"All on one bill" Mike spoke up. "Please".
"Um, she'll have a cheeseburger with just mustard and ketchup, with french fries and a side of ranch dressing, and a root beer" Holly said, placing Magan's order for her.
"Okay, we're back" Lily said, as the two made their way back to the table.
"Hi babe" Nick said, pulling Magan to his side in a half hug as she sat down.
"Hi" she said, leaning a bit more into the hug.
"You ok?" he whispered, kissing her forehead.
"Mmhmm" she mumbled, resting her head on his shoulder.
"Alright" he smiled "Holly gotcha a cheeseburger and a rootbeer".
"Thanks Holls" Magan said, smiling at the older of the girls.
"No problem girl" Holly replied with a smile as well.
"You gonna ride with me tonight?" Nick asked Magan "It’s gonna be me and Mitch in one car and the other three in another".
"Yeah, I'll ask Lil's if she wants to ride too" Magan answered softly.
"Okie doke" he said "am I comfy? Haha. You like laying on me, not that I mind, it’s nice".
"I can sit up if you want" she said, raising up a bit.
"Don't you dare" he said lightly, gently pulling her back down "you can lay on me until our food gets here".
"Okay" she laughed a bit, as everyone started talking at once.
"That is so not the best rock band ever" Johnny said to Shelby, a big smile on his face "everyone knows Skynyrd is".
"I know you did not just tell me that Skynyrd is better than Pink Floyd" she said, getting slightly peeved.
"Sure did" he smirked "it’s the truth".
"Oh hell no he didn't" Shelby said, looking at the others at the table.
"Uh oh" Mike said "I smell another Nick Magan incident".
"Only this one IS getting his ass kicked" Shelby said, glaring at him.
"Yeah right" Johnny rolled his eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes at me boy" Shelby said, right before throwing a chip from her plate at him.
"Thanks" he chuckled, popping the chip in his mouth.
"You're lucky I like you so much" Shelby said, smirking at him.
"Yes I am" he agreed, biting into his own food.
"I'm bored" Holly said, stealing some onion rings off of Ken's plate.
"Hey" he said, seeing her do it "what's stealing my food got to do with your boredom?"
"Somethin' to do" she said, shrugging her shoulders, as she popped the onion ring in her mouth.
"Well two can play at that game" he said, stealing a pickle from her plate.
"Go ahead, I don't like pickles anyways" she smirked, having beat him at his own game.
"Damn" he laughed "I don't either". He spit the pickle in his napkin and took a long drag of his coke.
"Victory!" she cheered, raising her hands in the air.
"Holly" Ken smirked at her.
"What?" she asked, looking over at him.
"Ha! Victory is mine!" he said, having stuffed a clove of basil in her mouth when it was open.
"Pfhbt" she spit out the basil, before looking at him. "Da hell was that for?" she asked.
"Making me eat a pickle" he shrugged.
"You're the goof that took it off my plate. I didn't make you eat it" she said, shrugging her shoulders with a smirk.
"You like me and you know it" he said, just a few inches from her face.
"Can't prove it" she retorted, noticing their closeness.
"Wanna bet?" he asked cockily, looking at her lips.
"Uh huh" she replied, licking her lips unconsciously.
"Mmm alright what are the stipulations?" he asked, moving his head a fraction of an inch closer.
"Just shut up and kiss her already" Lily said, rolling her eyes.
"Fine by me" Ken shrugged, before kissing Holly, shocking her immensely.
"Wow!" Holly gasped breathlessly, as she pulled away from the kiss a few minutes later.
"Uh huh" Ken agreed "was NOT intending that kiss to be that..."
"Um, me either" Holly replied, biting her lip to keep from grinning widely.
"It was nice" he smiled, gazing into her eyes.
"Yeah, it was" she said, feeling a bit warm under his gaze.
"Hey I have a question" he said quietly "would you want to ride with me, Johnny and Mike? You can get the other two girls too also, I think Megan and Lily are riding with Nick and Mitch".
"Um, well we've got Shelby's car. I'm not sure how crazy she'd be about leaving it here" Holly said, though she really wanted to go with him.
"Oh" he said, looking down at his plate.
"Well, what if you rode with us?" she suggested, looking over at him.
"Alright" he nodded "that'd be great".
"Great, now I have someone to fight over the blanket with" she laughed, before getting shocked as he grabbed her hand in his lightly underneath the table.
"We could always share it" he said quietly.
"Yeah." she replied just as quiet, when Mitch stood up and said they were ready to leave.
"This has been fun" Nick mused, smiling over at Magan softly.
"Yeah, it has" Magan replied, as they followed Mitch and Lily out to the car.
"So who's riding with who?" Mike asked, as several people had played car jumping that night.
"Magan and Lily are riding with Nick and Mitch, and Ken is riding with us" Shelby said.
"Gotcha" Mike said, walking over to his car as Magan, Lily, and Ken got their bags.
"Bye Shelby, you be careful driving" Lily said, giving her best friend a hug.
"I will, sheesh. One little fender bender, and ya'll get bent out of shape" she said, rolling her eyes.
"Did I hear fender bender?" Johnny asked, smirking at Shelby.
"Oh stuff it Jeter" Shelby said good naturedly.
"Stuff what where?" he asked, hiding behind Mitch who was standing beside him.
"Your foot up your ass, till it tickles the back of your throat" she said, smirking at him.
"Kinky" he smirked back at her.
"Come on guys" Magan yelled from over at the car.
"Alright alright" Nick said, jogging over to the car "you're a little feisty one ain't ya?"
"Can you put my bag in the trunk please?" she asked, smirking at him.
"Uh huh" he said, pecking her lips, before opening the trunk to put her bag in.
"You act like the bag wasn't that heavy" she said, looking at him somewhat shocked.
"It wasn't" he said, looking at her weirdly.
"Then you carry it" she said, returning the look.
"Fine by me" he shrugged.
"I'm tired" she yawned, leaning against the car.
"Well here" he unlocked the car and opened the back door "I'll sit with you and Lily can sit passenger".
"Yay!" she cheered tiredly.
"Go on get in" he chuckled "I'll be in as soon as I wrangle the other two".
"Mk" Magan said, getting in, and laying her head against the side of the car and going to sleep.
"That was quick" Nick said, getting in beside her when he saw Lily and Mitch coming toward the car.
"Told ya I was tired" she said, not moving from her spot.
"Faker" he chuckled.
"Am not" Magan said, slapping his leg.
"Well you sure ain't asleep" he laughed.
"Cause someone, who shall remain nameless, keeps calling me a faker" she grumbled, looking at him with one eye open.
"I'll shut up now" he said, taking out his book to read quietly.
"I'm just playing" she said, taking the book away from him.
"Hey I was reading that" he said lightly, not caring much.
"Too bad" she said, not giving it back.
"Oh well it sucked anyway" he shrugged.
"Can I lay my head on your shoulder again?" Magan asked quietly.
"Sure" he said, matching her tone. He put his arm up on the seat behind her so she could scoot against him.
"Thanks" she replied, closing her eyes almost instantly.
"No problem" he said quietly, not wanting to disturb her.
"Night Nick" she said softly.
"Night Mags" he said, kissing her forehead softly.
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