The Hollywood Hypnosneak | By : Muhabba Category: Celebrities - Misc > General Views: 53297 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: I do not know any of the upcoming celebrites and recieve no money from this story. I do not know Kate Upton or have anything to do with MTV because this is just a parody that I make no money from. |
This is a work of complete fiction. It just popped into my brain so I wrote it down and share it for free and make no money off of it. No one under legal age may read this, if you know what's good for you. No one over legal age should read this for the same reason. All characters used in this story are a parody of any real or fictional person. I don’t know Camren Bicandova or Chloe Moretz, nor have anything to do with them. Comments are always welcome and appreciated and you should feel free to share.
Story Code: M/FF, Mind Control, Anal
The Hollywood Hypnosneak Ch 09 Chloe Moretz/Hit-Girl
By Muhabba
“But I’m ready to do my own,” Camren whined at me. We were in my office/apartment and we were fully dressed. Which was an oddity for us, whenever she came to visit, by now I usually had my tongue up her ass. But I had been worried about her. Not really on a personal level but rather on a professional level.
Every since Camren's show, "Gotham", had ended, her career had become somewhere lackluster. Which, I'll fully admit was mostly my fault. Camren Bicondova had been an up-and-coming star but now she was obsessed with becoming her own hypnotist. More power toward her I'd usually say but with her career in decline she was professionally about where I was now, in a shitty apartment trying to break back into "The Business".
Teaming back up with my assistant, Jennifer Love Hewitt, had let me get my foot in the door but now Jennifer's personal life was far too well-known for her to assist me full-time. Which was what Camren had been for. But Camren's tastes had evolved into less "Assistant Celebrity-Fucker" and more "Celebrity-Stalker".
“I’m completely ready,” she continued to whine.
I think the only reason I eventually agreed was because I was bored. So far I had Hayden Panettiere but she was going through some drama with her home life. Kate Upton had returned after having her baby but was off on a modeling gig so she was out of reach. And Katy Perry was currently growing her own spawn so she was out for another few months at least. Jennifer was off with her husband and kid leaving me here to entertain Camren by myself. I still had a few hours of video to edit before I could show my talents to the Hollywood elite, offering them their fantasies of choice with whichever celebrity they wanted. So finally I caved and let out a defeated sigh. “Fine, fine. Who do you want this time?”
With no hesitation, Camren excitedly said, “Chloe Moretz!”
Back in my heyday, Camren’s request would have been easy. I had my own production sets set up inside of an old apartment building that I had not officially owned, each apartment a different, private filming studio. The client would be brought in, given a key, sent up to the appropriate apartment, and then they would fuck their celebrity of choice. I had none of those things now. But to make up for it I had Camren fuck the landlord so we could use the apartment next door.
Next came getting Chloe Moretz, the A-List actress. She was a short young woman with honey-colored hair, a beautiful face, and plump lips that were made to be wrapped around my cock. She had an athletic build with broad shoulders, small breasts, and a terrific ass. Camren had good tastes.
I cobbled together my analog equipment into a camera with a special flash. This was going to take some time. Everywhere that Chloe went a crowd would form around her, filled with fans and paparazzi. And us.
Every appearance that Chloe had, we followed her. The moment she got out of her car we took a picture, and the flash reflected in her eyes. Every time she walked into or out of a studio, we were there. Every time she went out with her friends or family, we were there. Every day for three weeks.
The camera flash was actually a projector with an ultra-high-speed shutter. I pressed the button and the color and flash variant would capture her eyes' attention while the flash wrote my professional name on her brain. Instead of a quick open and shut to expose the film to light, the shutter sends out a hypnotic morose code signal straight to her brain. I kept my office calls forwarded to my cell phone and carried it everywhere with us, ready for our star to want to make an appointment as we stalked her. And finally, Chloe came.
Chloe was my first walk-in and I wondered what she thought of not only my office but the office building and the kinda sketchy neighborhood. I was behind my desk editing when she walked in. She looked hesitant and I knew it was because she didn't know if she was supposed to knock or not. I stood up and gave her my most charming smile. “Welcome, welcome,” I said as I walked around my desk, “Come in, come in.”
“I didn't know if you accepted walk-ins or not,” she said as she took my proffered hand.
“Of course, of course,” I told her and gestured towards my couch. She was dressed for business, with a crisp blouse with fluffy shoulders and a conservative skirt that she made sure to tuck under her as she sat. "I live on 'Word of Mouth' advertising," I told her as I walked back around my desk and sat.
I exited my editing software and then gave her my total attention. Camren and I knew beforehand that the stunning actress had nothing planned for that day so I had decided to work on my videos a bit before we went and stalked Chloe. And as luck would have it, she had saved us the trouble.
“Actually there isn't much ‘Word of Mouth’ about you,” she told me. I, of course, had to agree with her.
“I’m known for my discretion,” I replied, “As a professional in the Neuro-Sciences I’m under the same oath as a medical professional.”
She cocked an eyebrow at me. "So you can't talk about your patients?" she wondered and I knew what she was doing. She was checking me out. She had walked in without an appointment to see if she could catch me doing something underhanded. And she had done her research on me and probably hypnotism in general. The stunning young woman was canny. She probably had someone downstairs waiting for her.
"That is correct," I assured, "Just like visiting a psychologist or counselor." Since sitting down she had licked her lips several times before speaking. It was obvious that she had an oral fixation that I was excited to explore. "Hypnotism by itself is pointless. People are not programmable," technically true, "But when used as a tool of relaxation, both mentally and physically, it is quite effective."
And that was when Camren walked in, dressed in office professional and holding a small stack of manila envelopes. The perfect assistant. “I have those notes you wanted,” she said as she placed the small stack of empty envelopes and blank papers down on my desk.
I could see Chloe cock an eyebrow at Camren as my assistant turned around to greet her.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Camren said as she held out her dainty hand.
“You look familiar,” Chloe told her.
“Oh, I've been on TV a few times,” she said modestly, “You might have seen me there.”
“That’s right!” Chloe exclaimed, “You were the burglar. The future Catwoman.”
Camren pretended to act modestly. “Yeah, that was me.” And I knew her modest behavior was bullshit. The short star was practically vibrating with excitement. She had once told me that Chloe's character from Kick Ass had influenced Camren's take on her character Cat.
Saving my progress on my computer while the girls talked, I brought up a screen for my special program. I clicked Play and let the program run. The brightness on my screen was turned all the way up, letting warm, multicolored light play through the room. I picked up the stack of papers and came around my desk as if I was about to file them as the two diminutive starlets continued talking.
Instead of filing, I inconspicuously lowered the lights in the office, slowly working Chloe into a hypnotic state. When she was fully under I questioned her and found that there was indeed someone downstairs waiting for her. Since I didn’t have the time to program her and whoever was waiting in the car, I left her with the quick belief that she was impressed with my mission statement and would return out of curiosity. That would be when I would finally program her fully with Camren's extremely in-depth fantasy: Cat, the future Catwoman, meets Hit-Girl.
I actually had to negotiate with Camren on her outright screenplay since several scenes would have required a full Hollywood crew to pull off.
Chloe was a very in-demand star at the moment so it took several brief visits to my office to get her fully programmed. But after three weeks the small, sexy little actress was in costume and ready to go.
Technically it was a simple enough fantasy to program, it was the execution that was complicated. So, in the dark of night, Chloe Moretz drove into the back alley of my office tower, fully dressed as her movie character, Hit-Girl. Sitting astride her personal, purple, small motorcycle, she began scanning up to the rooftops, searching for her target.
The cameras I had planted for the Emma Watson fantasy were still there, mostly serving as security cameras, but were now being controlled by my laptop. I kept the cameras on Chloe's purple-clad little body, half in close-up and half in wide, establishing shots. She wore a purple wig above her black domino mask as she continued looking around. A shiny purple top covered her slender chest and her black cape covered her tight ass. Next, she wore a pleated schoolgirls skirt, tinged with purple over shiny purple pants and black combat boots. She looked positively delicious.
Suddenly she spotted something on one of the rooftops. Once I edited the film the blur above her would be Cameron dressed in her Cat outfit from "Gotham". I loved dressing Camren up like her character: Black combat boots, black tights, black leather jacket, and my favorite, her aviator goggles attempting to contain her wildly curling brown hair. The teenage girl had given me soooo many blow-jobs wearing those goggles.
Camren darted into my office from the roof at the same time that Chloe was “breaking in" the back door to the building.
“Get out of here,” Camren hissed at me.
“I'm going, I'm going,” I smirked at her. It was good to make her feel like she had control over her life once in a while. So as far as she was concerned, she was the one in charge of this little operation.
Two more cameras were in the stairway and as I opened my laptop in the nearly identical office next to mine, I saw Chloe reach my floor. While she tip-toed into the hall, I lost all visuals on her. Four cameras outside, one stationed higher than the other three so it could see the roof or give a downwards shot, and two more in the stairway. Six cameras already used and four more in the abandoned office I was going to fuck the two beautiful actresses in. And the most dangerous camera of all, the one in my office.
I of course didn't want to film in my office since that could be used as evidence against me in a trial, but I had no more resources at my disposal. So I messed my office up and kept the lights low. It could have passed for any of the offices on this floor. I hoped.
The next visual I got was from inside my office. Camren's shapely ass was pointed enticingly toward the camera as she pretended to dig through my messy office. Between the two girls, I couldn't decide who had the better ass. The instant my office door opened a crack, Cat froze as Hit-Girl peered inside. "I finally caught you, cock-sucker!" The purple-clad superhero cried defiantly as she leapt towards Cat.
I don't think Camren or I had expected Chloe to be so ferocious but there she was, flying through the air. Cat fell on her tight ass trying to jump back from the oncoming, snarling Hit-Girl. When the purple-suited superhero landed, the black-clad villain kicked out, barely touching the back of the hero's calf but Hit-girl responded as if it was a full kick. Hit-Girl went down on one knee while Cat jumped to her feet.
Cat took an empty cardboard box and hit Hit-Girl upside her head with it. The hero in purple swooned as the villain in black pushed her forward against my desk. Hit-Girl reacted as if all the breath had been knocked out of her. Her chest was on the top of the desk while her thick ass was pointed high into the air. Cat jump forward, landing on Hit-Girl's back, straddling her like she was mounting her from behind.
Hit-Girl tried to push herself up but Cat wrapped her arms around her. Cat's forearms pressed the other girl's small breasts together while Hit-Girl humped back against Cat, rubbing her ass against the villain's groin, the skirt barely covering what was happening beneath it. The purple-clad hero managed to trip up the black-clad villain, tripping her and causing her to fall on her thick. muscular ass. With Cat flat on the ground, Hit-Girl fell on top of her and Cat wrapped her dancer's legs around the other girl's hips.
I knew that Camren was very flexible, and easily rolled Hit-Girl onto her back with the power of her thighs. The moment Hit-Girl's back touch the floor, she wrapped her arms tightly around Cat. The girls began rolling back and forth, wrapped tightly together, snarling and cursing at one another. Cat ripped the front of Hit-Girl's shiny purple top causing the purple-headed girl to snarl out, "You bitch!" Cat snickered for a moment before Hit-Girl reached up and yanked Cat's black leather jacket down, trapping her arms.
The purple hero shoved Cat off of her and then jumped to her feet. The brown-haired villain was trapped on her side as she struggled to get her arms unbound. "Let's see how you like it!" Hit-Girl said before reaching down and ripping the front of her opponent's top off completely.
Cat looked down in shock at her mostly bare front and then back up at Hit-Girl. “You fucking cunt!” she hissed. The complete front of her black shirt was gone. All that remained was the elastic around her neck, her short shirt sleeves, and the hem around the bottom. And the only thing keeping her breasts hidden was the thin strip of stretchy black material of her sports bra. All the black material made it seem that Camren was completely topless with only a censor bar across her chest.
“Fuck you, bitch!” Cat yell out as she suddenly lurched forward. What remained on her shirt remained puddled on the floor behind her as she reached out and grabbed Hit-Girl beneath her pleated purple skirt. "Let's see how you like it," she sneered as she yanked down the other girl's shiny purple pants.
With a loud tear, Chloe's pants ripped down the inner seams and wrapped around her ankles. The daring superhero tried to move out of the way but was too slow, instead tripping over what was left of her pants. Cat jumped to her feet and quickly got rid of her jacket and what was left of her shirt, leaving her nearly topless except for her sports bra.
On her back, Hit-Girl rolled out of her leg's reach of Cat and quickly removed what was left of her pants, standing bare-legged except for her combat boots and purple pleated skirt. I watched Camren Bicondova, nearly topless, standing poised against Chloe Moretz, nearly bottomless, poised to fight. This may have been the hottest thing I'd seen since leaving prison. Unfortunately, it was time for the exposition part of Camren's fantasy.
“I should have expected something perverted like this from one of Penguin's goons,” Chloe said while I silently wished her to move one foot to the left. I could just barely see the swell of her own thick, muscular ass-cheek.
“And I should have… wait. What?” Camren replied, her body going loose. “You're looking for Penguin's crew?”
“I… I… I heard he's selling guns,” Chloe said almost defensively.
This rest was the majority of what I had to cut from Camren's script. Cat had been breaking and entering into random office buildings when Hit-Girl spotted her, mistaking the cat burglar for one of the crime lord's henchmen. The girls would talk out their differences and go on a crime spree across the city having lesbian sex everywhere they go. Instead, now the girls talked out their differences and then Cat would lead Hit-Girl to an informant’s run-down apartment. Also, now I was part of the script as opposed to Camren’s earlier draft of dozens of different actors.
So, after talking out their differences, Camren agreed to take Chloe to meet her informant and find out where the crime lord known as The Penguin had stashed his assortment of guns. The two girls left my offices, Camren was nearly topless and Chloe nearly bottomless. They reached the bike in the back alley and then Camren turned around, her back to Chloe, and said, "Okay, we're here." It wasn't like I was going to let them out, running around in Hollywood on the back of a dirt bike, dressed the way they were.
“It’s about time,” Chloe nearly snarled, I didn’t think we’d ever get here.”
The two girls slowly "snuck" inside the building that Chloe didn't recognize from only minutes ago. As they made their way up the stairs my camera angles paid off extremely well. On my laptop, I had clear views up Hit-Girl's punky skirt and Cat's small sports bra. Chloe's tight ass was amazing to see and Camren's muscular physic was always nice.
The girls stopped just outside my office door and Camren held her finger up to her lips. "Okay. My guy is next door," she whispered to Chloe, "He's just a low-level fence for Penguin's goons but he's in good with the whole gang."
Chloe nodded seriously, “We’ll take him together.”
“That’s not going to work,” Camren told her, “Since he’s good with the gang, beating him up won’t get him to turn on them.”
Suddenly, the little hero pulled out a butterfly knife, that I didn’t give her, and nodded seriously. On my counter screen, Camren looked as startled as I felt.
“Or I could just bribe him,” Camren quickly said, “If you kill him then you’re out of leads.”
“I still say we cut him up some to get him talking,” Chloe responded. This little chick was hardcore. I wondered if it was because of all the hero roles she had or if she got the roles because she was hardcore. It was something to think about if I needed a bodyguard.
I could see on the screen, the wheels quickly spinning in Camren's head. "But he's my fence too. I need him," she added quickly. She watched for Chloe's response. If she got a positive response, good for us, but if Chloe was still out for blood…. Well, if the small blonde superhero was still too deep into her fantasy I'd have to intervene. But luckily Hit-Girl nodded her consent and put away the blade. I breathed a sigh of relief and on the screen, Camren did the same.
"This is going to be simple," Camren said, continuing the script, "We've got a regular pay-for-play thing when I need information. I'll be right back." Chloe nodded in agreement and then Camren tip-toed down into the second office where I was waiting.
While Camren and I got the office space ready, Chloe waited in the hall. After a few minutes, the pants-less superhero began to get suspicious and then tip-toed down to the door. She placed her ear to the door which was mine and Camren's cue. I closed the laptop and the two of us got started.
From where I was on the ratty mattress, I could see Chloe peek in through the door. It was lighter in the hall than it was in the office so the small superhero couldn't really see Camren and me very clearly. She slowly eased herself in and quietly closed the door behind her. She moved just as silently as you would expect a burglar to move and once again I found myself wondering how well she had taken to training for all those hero movie roles. The diminutive actress moved just like a damn cat.
She moved to the entryway separating the “Office” area from the back and that was when I finally turned the light up with my remote. It also controlled the zoom on my cameras. Soooo many toys while I was locked away. Chloe gasped and froze in place, shocked by what she was sitting. I was dressed shabbily, in ripped jeans and a day-old T-shirt, and sat on the edge of the shabby mattress I had moved in. I was slightly reclined with Camren sitting topless next to me, bent over my lap with my ridged cock in her mouth. I toyed with her tiny tits as she happily slurped on my cock for another few moments before we pretended to finally notice Chloe.
“And who the fuck is that?” I mumbled as I wound my fingers through Camren’s curly hair. I yanked her up off my cock and pointed her face towards Chloe. “Is this some kinda sting? You a cop?”
"You're gonna wish I was a cop," Chloe growled as she pulled out a knife. Another, different kind than the one she had flashed earlier. Chloe Moretz took her self-defense seriously.
“No, no, no…” Camren quickly blurted out to Chloe, “This is my fence! He’s with me. He’s the one with the information”
"Are you're sucking it out of him," Chloe sneered?
"This is how it is between him and me," Camren told the purple-haired superhero, "It's just how I get my info. And if this is what it takes to get your information and get you out of my town, I’m fine with it.”
And that was the most important line in the whole script. It was the start of the good part of this little fantasy. Camren kept tugging at my prick half-heartedly while she talked to Chloe, her sports bra pulled down below her small, tasty tits. “Wait, wait, wait just a sec,” I said as I pointed my finger at Chloe, “You didn’t tell me the information was for her.”
Camren released my cock and sat up straighter, her small breasts jiggling slightly. “So? You’re getting paid,” she said, cocking an eyebrow at me suspiciously.
“If she wants the info, then she’s the one that’s gotta pay,” I said smugly.
"That's it. I'm cutting it off," Chloe said matter-of-factly as she started walking towards me, her skirt fluttering back and forth, almost exposing her panties.
“Ha! That still ain’t gonna get you the information, sweet-cheeks,” I chuckled.
“You’ll talk sooner or later,” Chloe said as she reached me and Camren, still holding her knife.
I didn't even act embarrassed by my still erect cock, throbbing in my lap. I noticed that every few moments her eyes were drawn down to it before she'd catch herself and then quickly looked away. "By the time you beat the information out of me the Penguin will be long gone," I sneered.
I watched Chloe think over her options before adding, “Is it so bad?” I asked before wiggling my prick at her. She gave me an “Oh please” look but she did lower her knife some while she thought it over. While she pondered her options, Camren went back to lightly stroking my cock. “Tick-tock, the Penguin is getting away.”
Chloe sighed in frustration. As far as she was concerned she was out of options. With a flick of her wrist, the knife was sheathed and then disappeared. She really knew how to use that blade. "You try anything funny and I'll cut your balls off," she warned me before stomping towards us, her skirt flaring out dramatically with every swing of her hips. She looked back and forth between me and Camren and then my cock and Camren's tits before sighing dramatically again. "I swear that when I'm finished with Penguin that I'm coming back to kick both of your asses," she warned again.
“Then we’d better make it worth it,” Camren teased before bending down to continue her blow-job. I slipped my arm around Chloe and pulled her close while guiding her up to me. Her full, pouty lips were soft and warm, slick with her fruity lip gloss. I licked her bottom lip before slipping my tongue inside her moist mouth. She groaned back into my mouth, obviously annoyed but I kept at it. I held her body tighter against me, rubbing my arm against her, pressing her against my chest as I kissed her more forcefully.
Chloe finally began to kiss me back and didn't sound quite so annoyed as she moaned louder. I slid my hand low on her back, not quite touching her ass. It didn't feel like the right time yet considering she had brought two knives all on her own. My other hand was on the back of Camren's head as she bobbed up and down on my prick, sucking noisily and eagerly.
Camren popped up out of my lap and smacked her lips. She took off her sports bra completely and then leaned across me to untie Chloe’s purple cape. Call me selfish but I let the petite actress take the risk of undressing the bladed young woman. When Chloe didn't stab either one of us, I began sliding my hand up and down the Hit-Girl actress's back and across the top of her unbelievably tight ass. As a dancer, Camren had one of the tightest asses I'd ever fondled but Chloe's was a surprising second. The former Gotham star released my prick to grab the Kick Ass star's wrist and bring it over to my cock. I felt the purple-haired girl hesitate before finally giving in and stroking my dick along with Camren.
Both young girls tugged my cock at the same time. Camren's hand worked my base, her dainty hand twisting at the wrist with every down stroke before moving back up to meet the other girl's fist. Chloe's hand worked the top half of my shaft, her palm sliding across my sensitive bell tip, smearing around the pre-cum before sliding down to meet Camren's fist. It was good to see superheroes and supervillains getting along.
With Chloe on one side of me and Camren on the other, I took the opportunity to fondle both young girls' tight asses as they fisted my cock. The skin of Chloe's ass was warm and silky smooth as I toyed my fingers just inside of her thong, teasing her sensitive flesh. Meanwhile, I had two fingers sliding between Camren's tight cheeks, over the material of her tight panties. The Gotham star interrupted my kiss with Chloe and I watched the two young actresses slip and slide their tongues into one another’s mouths.
By now, everyone was relaxed and fully participating in the evening's events and I no longer thought that Chloe might stab me while she was in character. Our hands wander across each other's bodies, Camren and I stroking Chloe's ass beneath her skirt, Chloe and I caressing Camren's small tits, and each girl stroking my throbbing prick. I joined their kiss, our tongues slipping and sliding into one another's gasping mouths.
Camren was the first to bend over my lap, once again sucking my straining prick into her warm, wet mouth. Chloe and I kissed for a moment more before she sat down beside me on my other side and then bent down next to Camren. I leaned back and relaxed some more as one petite young actress passed my cock to the other petite actress, her lips swallowing my knob the moment Camren had released it. Chloe’s head bobbed up and down, easily taking my length into the back of her mouth while Camren juggled my balls. I groaned in pleasure as her full, pouty lips slid up my shaft and over my tip before releasing me back to Camren again.
As Camren licked and sucked my pole, Chloe bent down lower and moved the other actress’s hand out of her way. The purple-haired young woman licked one of my testicles, lashing it with her tongue before switching to the other ball. She then sucked my entire sack into her mouth with a loud slurp, sucking on my balls while massaging them with her tongue. Meanwhile, Camren kept sucking my cock with equal enthusiasm, her lips stretched tight around me while her tongue slid up and down my shaft.
I groaned out again as the two girls switched, Camren sucking my balls and Chloe sucking my dick. My hands were exploring the girl's asses as they were bent over my lap. I couldn't get my hands underneath them but I could burrow my middle fingers under the cracks of their taunt asses. I felt the moisture build-up under them, soaking into Chloe's thong and Camren's tights.
The girls switched again and I sat back and enjoyed their oral talents before wrapping my arms around them and pulling them both up.
“What the fuck?” Chloe growled in character, “I want to get this over with. I’ve got shit to do and asses to kick.”
“I was about to cum,” I told her.
“Isn’t that kinda the point,” she said matter of factly.
"That's not the whole price for information," I told her with a smirk. She glared at me and I was afraid that she was going to pull another blade out. I was equal parts intrigued, frightened, and aroused by this young woman. I was going to have to get to know this girl better.
Her hands balling into fists, Chloe stood up and practically growled at me. “You mean we have to fuck you?” she asked before turning her attention towards Camren. “Really?”
Camren had gone back to stroking my cock and shrugged her shoulders. "If it makes you feel better, his information is usually spot on," she said in defense. The former "Gotham" star stood up and began stripping the last of her clothes off and then slipped some items back on, namely her boots, fingerless gloves, and goggles. “If it makes you feel better, he’s pretty good. Plus, I’ll go first,” she offered.
I watched Chloe’s eyes crawl over Camren’s mostly naked body deliciously displayed. The former Hit-Girl star shook her head slightly to unstick her eyes from the former Cat actress’s delightfully toned body. While Chloe was taken by Camren’s nearly naked body, I tugged my pants down to my ankles and lost the shirt as I waited for the girls to get through their script and fuck me. Waiting on other people for sex was just nerve-wracking, I preferred to be in control.
Chloe’s obvious oral fixation caused her to lick her lips nervously. Watching interviews while researching my target I couldn’t help but notice every time her pink tongue slipped out between her lips. And I had of course ramped it up for this little encounter. A kiss or my dick or Camren’s cunt, Chloe longed to get her lips around or in anything. The petite actress tried to act nonchalant at Camren’s suggestion. “Phfft. Yeah, whatever.”
Camren smiled and nodded at the other girl before throwing one of her legs over my lap as if she were mounting a horse. With her ass thrust back at Chloe, she grabbed the base of my cock and rubbed it against her little clit. She used me to stimulate herself until she released a low moan of pleasure and then held my shaft still. She easily slipped the tip of my cock into her wet cunt letting out another small moan of pleasure. She then looked over her shoulder at Chloe and locked eyes. "It really is pretty good."
With a self-satisfied smirk, the former Gotham actress began lowering herself down my cock, never breaking eye contact with Chloe. I held Camren's tight ass-cheeks apart giving the former Kick Ass star a perfect view of Camren's cunt stretched tightly around my pole and her wrinkled little asshole. From over my assistant's shoulders, I could see the other girl's eyes dart between Camren's eyes and Camren's ass. Chloe nervously licked her lips again and shuddered.
Keeping Camren's tight cheeks parted, I bent down and captured one of her ripe nipples between my lips as she continued to slide down my pole and keep eye contact with Chloe. The young star groaned out as my throbbing cock parted her tight, hot walls and I massaged her nipple with my tongue. I switched to her other small, firm tit as she finally took in all I had, balls deep inside of her. I could feel her warm, slick juices dribbling down over my balls as she kept a firm lock on the other girl's eyes.
I massaged the former Gotham star’s tight ass, kneading it like dough for the former Kick Ass star. Camren had a specific request for Chloe and I agreed to add it in. It took some doing, apparently the blonde-haired actress had no fantasies of her own about eating ass but I had finally been able to tack it into her commands. Chloe licked her lips as she watched Camren slide up and down my pole, her eyes darting between Camren's exposed ass and Camren's own eyes.
Chloe chewed her plump, bottom lip as she rubbed her palms against her naked thighs, unwittingly hiking her skirt up her short but well-formed legs. I could hear her softly growl over the noise of Camren panting and the wet squelching noises as she rode my cock. I continued gripping my assistant's ass, flashing her puckered asshole at the other horny young woman. With the curly young actress eye-fucking the purple wig-wearing young actress I was doing most of the work. I lifted her up and down on my prick, fucking myself with her tight little body. I could feel the heat between the two girls as they stared back and forth at one another and wondered how long Chloe could stop herself from giving in to her ever-growing lust.
It only took two more thrusts before her resistance crumbled.
She licked her luscious lips again before taking a shuffling step forward. Camren continued sliding up and down my rigid staff, staring deep into the other girl's eyes. Then the curly-haired actress whispered seductively, "It feels soooo good, I promise," and that was the trigger that tripped Chloe and sent her over the edge, drowning in lust.
Angry at herself for giving in, Chloe grumbled and threw her arms up in the air in frustration and surrender She took one more step forward and then got on her knees between my knees. Her hands gripped Camren’s hips and waist, bending her forward, her tongue already extended.
Camren squirmed and giggled in joy with Chloe's hands on her waist and tongue in her ass. The curly-haired actress leaned forward as far as she could, pressing her small breasts against my face as she rolled her hips back. I held her still with my hands on her ass, spreading her cheeks, letting her enjoy the tongue-fucking that the other girl was giving her. I could feel Chloe's hands moving so I moved my hands out of the way to grasp Camren’s waist, letting the girls have their fun.
With my cock buried inside of Camren’s tight, clutching cunt, I could feel Chloe’s tongue wiggling around inside of Camren’s ass. Chloe’s fingers began moving around by my balls so I leaned back and pulled Camren with me, giving the Kick Ass star more access between the other actress’s spread thighs. As she lustfully tongue-fucked my assistant, I felt her nimble fingers moving around my hard prick, stroking Camren’s stretched lips and her hard little clit.
Camren was squirming around on top of me and Chloe was tugging my balls this way and that, trying to work around my cock buried inside of Camren, trying to get to the other girl's pussy. I had become completely superfluous. The only thing these two young women carried about was each other. I slowly lifted Camren off of my prick, almost as if she were a barbell, and slid out from under her. Chloe immediately jumped in between Camren's spread thighs, both girls moaning lustfully.
I sat on the edge of the bed to watch the show. Camren was flat on her stomach, rolling her hips to raise her dancer's ass up high. Chloe was flat on her stomach as well between the other girl's spread legs. The purple-haired girl's fingers worked between the lightly brown hair girl's ass causing Camren to squeal in glee as she was fucked by her favorite superhero. And from where I was sitting I could see up Chloe's skirt.
"Jesus," I gasped to myself, "That is one tight ass." I didn't want to screw up the fantasy by involving myself too soon but this was worth the risk. The risk of course would be waking Chloe up out of her trance and trying to explain what was going on. I'm sure she'd want to involve the police eventually, not to mention more possible knives hidden somewhere, but her ass was worth the risk. With my fingertips, I slowly lifted the girl's skirt to marvel at her ass. It was a perfect inverted valentine, shaped by God and sculpted by some Italian master sculptor from centuries ago. My hands shook slightly with the need to touch that heavenly rear-end.
Her ass clenched and released as she squirmed around between Camren’s spread thighs. I could barely resist the urge to take those buns in my hands and motorboat them. But I had to wait the fantasy out first. Life could be so unfair like that sometimes.
Resigning myself to being a lonely spectator, I released Chloe's skirt and sat back against the wall, my cock still hard and sticking out of my lap. Camren was now on her back and had her hands behind her knees, holding her legs up with her ass slightly raised, her knees nearly touching her ears. Chloe reached between the other girl’s legs, her hand on Camren’s tits, gripping them tightly as she shoved her pink tongue up her ass.
"Oh, oh, oh…!" Camren began chanting, louder and louder. Her orgasm rolled through her like the tide and I watched as her stomach twitched when she came. She keened through gritted teeth as Chloe kept her tongue buried deep in her ass. Suddenly the former Gotham star dropped her legs, losing muscle control as her orgasm slowly receded.
Chloe released her hold on Camren and then sat up on her knees to glare at me. "Now what, you fucking perv?" she asked through her clenched jaw.
I chuckled and then simply said, “Move.” It took a moment but she complied so I bent down and gave Camren’s drooling cunt a quick lick. Then I flipped her over on her stomach again and shoved an old, dirty pillow under her hips, raising her ass. I held her possessively by her hips and pierced her now lubricated asshole with my tip and started sliding in. It was amazing how far up Camren's ass Chloe was able to get her tongue. I got nearly a third of my cock inside before the tight passage turned dry.
I slowly started fucking the fake burglar”s ass, using her slick juices and what was left of Chloe’s saliva as lube. Chloe was standing next to the bed watching. She was wearing only the purple wig, the mask, and her boots. I may have a fetish. I sat still on my knees, yanking Camren on and off my cock, her moans growing louder and louder as I used her passive, limp body to fuck myself. I aimed myself down, stretching her tight anal ring and pressing the tip of my prick down to stimulate her hot cunt through the slight membrane separating her two channels.
With one last stroke, I sent Camren over the edge, her tight passage rippling around my shaft as I held her possessively to me, enjoying the feel of her young body. When she finally relaxed I let her fall completely to the mattress, my cock popping out of her spent ass. I turned towards Chloe with a dark smirk on my face. I could tell by the look on her face how she was trying not to be turned on by my ass fucking Camren. "Well, she paid for the introductions, I guess that leaves you paying for the info," I chuckled.
The look on Chloe’s beautiful face could have frozen fire and I was a little afraid that she might have another knife on her. But luckily she just gave a sigh of resignation before jumping up on the mattress. She laid down on her back and spread her legs slightly. She looked off to the side so she wouldn’t have to see me and said, “Fine. Whatever. Just get it over with, cock-smear,” Sailors couldn’t cuss as well as Chloe Moretz in character, “But don’t think I’m not hunting you down and making you pay when I’m done with the Penguin.”
I took in Chloe’s mostly naked body. Her small tits rocked up and down as she breathed and her stomach was surprisingly flat. Not really on par with Camren but still impressive. Her thighs were firm and her waist was flared enough to give a hint of her tight ass. Her lips glistened with leftover saliva from her blow-job and her pink tongue continued to slip out of her mouth. I just had to get my cock back in her mouth.
"Ima go first," Camren said as she lifted herself off her stomach.
"What?" the mind-wiped actress said angrily, "I fuck him, I get my info. What do you think you're offering?"
“Finder’s fee,” Camren said smugly with a shrug.
"Fine," the purple-haired girl growled, "Just get it over with, you pack of perverts."
Camren smiled wide and then crawled over the other girl, straddling her waist. It was a fanboy's wet dream. Hit-Girl on her back, her purple hair flared around her, her domino mask glued to her beautiful face as she waited patiently for someone to fuck her. And above the superhero was the supervillain, the future Catwoman. She had her tight, muscular, dancer's ass high in the air as she lowered herself down on Hit-Girl, her cheeks parting to give a wonderful showing of the entrance to her well fucked ass and wet, pink slit.
The girls kissed, their slight chests pressed together, their tongues dancing in and out of their mouths. Camren began nibbling and kissing down Chloe's body as Chloe raised her hands, placing them on Camren's shoulders, and gently pushing the other girl downwards. Taking the hint, the former Gotham star made herself comfortable between the former Kick Ass star's spread legs, wrapping her arms around the other girl's thighs.
While Camren was plunging her tongue deep inside Chloe's cunt, I moved around to the side of the mattress and Chloe's gasping mouth. The moment the head of my cock touched her plump bottom lip she immediately latched on to me, sucking me into her mouth. Her tongue danced across my shaft as I slipped deeper into her mouth. I slid out and then back in, fucking her moist mouth, slowly fucking her beautiful face as she looked up at me from behind her mask.
Even with me doing most of the work, Chloe gave a great blow-job. She bobbed her head up and down, her soft lips sliding along my heated skin. That restless, pink tongue of hers felt like it was wrapping completely around my shaft and jerking me off. It was an unbelievable sensation. She gurgled around my prick as Camren feasted on her boiling cunt. The former Hit-Girl actress had her legs wrapped around the former Cat actress's head, grinding herself against the other girl's mouth.
Chloe’s eyes became wide as saucers when she came. She lost control of what she was doing and I accidentally slipped the head of my prick into her throat. I pulled out and wiped my spit-slick cock across her mouth and lips before moving back to the mattress. I shoved Camren out of the way and flipped Chloe onto her stomach, shoving the pillow under her hips to lift her ass. I don't know if she had even been ass-fucked so I had waited for Camren to get her off and let her relax for a moment. But just a moment.
I gripped Chloe's ass and split her cheeks apart. I placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her ass, holding her tightly as I pushed in. The hot juncture between her thighs was smeared with her slick juices and Camren's saliva and gave me plenty of natural lube to get the first inch of my cock inside of her. She gripped the dirty mattress and bit down on it as she mewed loudly. I could feel her pushing back against me, stubbornly trying to take my cock completely into her tight ass. Her body was working against it but Chloe and I had it outnumbered between me pushing forward and her pushing back. We were quite the team.
I began rocking my hips, slowly fucking my way into Chloe’s nearly naked body. I held her hips firmly, lifting her partially off the bed as I worked myself in and she worked herself back. Next to us, Camren was furiously masturbating as she watched me fuck her celebrity crush. Sweat rolled down our bodies as we all grunted, panted, and moaned with the smell of sex rolling through the room.
I stopped trying to keep track of how long it was taking me to get all the way inside of Chole and instead just enjoyed the sensation of it. Life isn't about the destination, it's about the journey after all. I happily fucked Chloe's ass, gaining a few tight centimeters at a time while Chloe fucked herself back against me. I was enjoying the journey so much that I barely realized when I had bottomed out but I should have noticed when Çhloe came with my success. Her entire young, firm body shook and shivered as she rode out her orgasm, cursing worse than a Marine. It seemed that Miss Moretz had some kind of repressed issues I could play with next time.
"Fuuuuck," I moaned, unable to hold back anymore. "Flip her over," I ordered Camren as I pulled my pulsing cock out of Chloe's ass with a wet "pop". The brown-haired actress immediately flipped the blonde-haired actress's prone, limp body, the strength of her orgasm knocking her out. Camren laid down next to Chloe and pulled her goggles down over her eyes as she got comfortable next to Chloe in her Hit-Girl mask and wig.
I tugged my cock, aiming down at the two girls’ upturned faces. I covered Camren’s goggles with my seed, pumping the last of my load over Chloe’s mask. And, of course, over her plump lips. Her tongue immediately slipped out and cleaned my cum off. She moaned out happily in her sleep as Camren stretched out on the filthy, dirty, and sweat-soaked mattress with a Cheshire smile on her face. Then the naked girl's smile turned into a small frown.
“What’s the matter,” I asked while trying to get my breath back.
“I forgot to get her autograph,” she pouted.
End of 1st series.
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